Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15720299#post15720299 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jason2459
I was wondering. That's what I thought but then was thinking well, maybe you're actually mounting it up somewhere. I was hoping to mount on an inside wall of the cabinet as I don't have that much space anywhere and most all space I have is filled up with something.

Its a good idea having them inside the canopy. Its not an issue yet but when the baby is crawling it could become one.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15725204#post15725204 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jason2459
Pods love seaweed sheets. Who knew? I definitely have a pod explosion going on right now. I went to clean my glass with the mag float and I lifted the felt side to make sure no gravel was stuck on the scrubber side. There were several pods living there. As I was cleaning I decided to look around and there were a bunch of pods all over the softening seaweed. At least someone was eating it. The angel doesn't seem to want anything to do with it. I still wouldn't feel comfortable putting a mandarin in yet besides the fact I really need to let the tank settle in. I'd imagine with this pod explosion there will be a massive die off at some point as well as the tank settles down?

that's a neat trick--using an algae sheet in there to attract pods. I'm going to try that.
Its hard to tell with pods---they just come and go especially different species. I doubt you will notice a die off.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15720516#post15720516 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jason2459
I'm bored and had this up from posting in another thread so decided to post the 2008 anual water report quality levels.

My fish and inverts were not impressed when they read this report.
They thanked me again for only using ro/di water.:lol:

Have you ever used a TDS meter on that tap water. Ours is about 175 which I understand is low compared to some water.
Yep, we need to start baby proofing the house for when he starts crawling. We kind of have the tank blocked off by the couch, then a end table, and 90 degrees to that a recliner. Will make it difficult for the baby to get to the tank while supervised which he should be all the time but still you never know. Will have to baby proof the stand and canopy top. Latches and cleaning up the wiring will be a must.

The seaweed on a poll is a great idea except for the Angel seems to have no desire for that special treat for her. I put it in there in the morning and was hoping that she would get used to it and start pecking at it by the evening. Nope. Some snails found it and so did the pods. Not sure if they were always there but on close inspection last night they were definitely there. The seaweed was very soggy and was falling apart when I pulled it out. Don't know if they liked it because it was mushy and they could eat it or if they liked it when it was nice a crunchy too?

As for the TDS of the tap I'm not sure. I only have the inline TDS meter that was already setup on the input and output of the DI stage by BRS. I have been thinking about getting a cheap hand help from them though. I think I remember seeing they have one for $19. Next time I order something from them I'll probably get it. I'll assume it's not terrible. I think we have fairly decent tap water here and would guess is close to what you have. At least it doesn't taste that bad. I know the TDS coming out of the RO unit after being flushed for 15s is at around 7-9 and 0 after the DI stage.
The TDS of my tap water is 126. Out of my RO/DI today reads 1.
But it's a good thing I tested my salinity. My bubble coral was shrinking so I figured I would test the salinity, which I hardly ever do unless I am changing water. I think I could have kept kissing gouramies in there. It was practically fresh water.
I had to ad a lot of salt. Now I don't have enough fake salt left to change the water so I will suppliment it with some real water. I need to go to the boat today anyway. :rolleyes:
Yep, I need to go to the boat today too. Now if only I had a boat and an ocean.

Put a little pressed garlic juice in with a mixture of spirulina brine and mysis. EVERYONE went nutso!! Including the wife. She is not happy with the smell. Will be doing a water change tomorrow so did some basic tests tonight. Will test the calc/alk/mag after the change tomorrow and see where it is after a change now that I've got readings from a fresh mix, a week after a water change, and now will have a reading for just after a water change.

9pm Tests
Temp: 82.6
SG: 35
pH: 7.92
ORP: 150
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Phosphate: .25

Actually thought I would have some nitrates and more phosphates that I do since I've been feeding now and have several fishing popping. Must be the RUGF in action.
the cheap hand helds are what I use and they are okay. However not when used in a LFS. I was not convinced of the ro water in a local one and was asked to leave when I tested one of their buckets they were selling. :)

pH is still low---do you have the surface area of the tank covered or not churning

Need a rest from last week--installed my 8th tank--business is starting to move towards full time---out of retirement for the 4th time---I don't have a boat anymore nor an ocean either so its just as well I work to support my addiction.
The very first thing I would do is buy a boat and a house near an ocean, any ocean.

I live 15 minutes from the ocean and I feel I am land locked.
I can't afford to live much closer but you got to have priorities :D
I had a nice river front for about a week in my old house. For some reason people that are buying houses don't see that as a big plus. Either that or it's the lack of a front and side foundation that scares them off for some reason.

Cap'n. Yep I have lots of surface turbulence. I have the two 530's facing slightly up but the majority of it is from the mj1200 dedicated to move the surface water. The surface is nice and clear now with that. Don't have a glass top at all but the light fixture has to rest right on the rim of the tank and I think that limits air flow on top. Hopefully the retrofit mod I'll be doing will fix that.
Got the water change in and did some tests after the water change.

4pm Tests
Temp: 83.1
SG: 35
pH: 8.0
ORP: 198
Calc: 480
kH: 11
Mag: 1410
Got the water change in and did some tests after the water change.

4pm Tests
Temp: 83.1
SG: 35
pH: 8.0
ORP: 198
Calc: 480
kH: 11
Mag: 1410
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15733660#post15733660 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jason2459
Got the water change in and did some tests after the water change.

4pm Tests
Temp: 83.1
SG: 35
pH: 8.0
ORP: 198
Calc: 480
kH: 11
Mag: 1410

decent results for cal, mag and alk. What salt mix did you say you were using.
temp is getting up there. If it starts to lean towards 84 degrees I would look at install inga fan and or throwing a couple of ice water jugs(I use plastic water containers) in there at night.
Capn I've been using IO Reef Crystals since starting this tank up. Used to use Coralife but found RC to mix a lot easier. Yeah, tank hit 84 last week I believe. I shortened the time the lights were on and that helped a lot. I'll have at least two fans blowing into the canopy once I get the retro fit done and that should help both the tank temp and pH. I'll try and get to doing the retro fit this next weekend if I can find the time.
Just finished reading this. Nice informative post. Looking forward to your being able to post pics again. Out of curiosity, why do you think your ORP fluctuates so much?
Thanks for checking the thread out muttley. Glad you got something out of it. I pretty much started this thread to keep track of what I'm doing and what I'm thinking about doing. Also, it's been great to get some of the more experienced and successful reefers come in here and make some comments and suggestions. I've learned a lot on this site. I try and research the best I can and make informed decisions that work for me and my tank.

Yeah, gotta take that camera apart at some point as well. I really wish I had it recently as I'd love to get a video of my cleaner shrimp climbing on the flame angel and giving her a massage.

As for the ORP? I don't exactly know 100%. I do think that it may have to do with several factors that are working against achieving a higher and stable ORP. One is my tank is fairly new and is stocked to early and hasn't really got stabilized yet. I'm still getting cyano blooms here and there along with diatom. I really didn't want this tank stocked so quickly with fish, but it is what it is.

Second, the ORP seems higher in the evening then it does in the morning and also is higher now that I have the surface really churning and cleaned up. So, to me that seems to indicate that it has something to do with air/oxygen exchange and/or PH as well.

Also, after I pulled that Algae out that had gone all mushyand the pods were munching on my ORP had plummeted down to 114 but several hours later it was back up to around 160 and climbing from there. So, I have to also believe because my tank is still maturing that any kind of detritus or dead organics is causing the ORP to drop rapidly then climb back up as it is filtered out biologically or mechanically.
Just got my endcaps and stand offs from along with some blueplus bulbs as recommended by the Grim. Love how they include some jolly ranchers. :lol:

Will attempt to get this retro fitted into the canopy this weekend. Wish I went with a retro kit in the first place. Only thing so far I would definitely do differently from the beginning.
Also want to make note before I forget because I've been wanting to log this is that right now I'm filling up the 5g bucket under the tank up to just over 4g easily twice a week right now. I never had that much evaporation in my old setup with a 2 54w t5ho w/ 2 65w pc fixtures being used. I used to top off no more then 5g a week. This sundial seems to create a lot of heat.

Differences are that I'm not opening the top canopy anymore as there isn't room usable for me to do so. The fixture has an acrylic shield where the old glow t5 fixture was fully exposed. The coralife PC fixture did have an acrylic shield. Also, the old glow fixture had just a single lens behind both bulbs where the sundial has a contoured lens around each bulb. (not a single lens reflex.# The sundial fixture does have two fans built in the back that are pretty small and loud. Neither of the old fixtures had fans but together didn't have as big of a foot print over the tank.

All fixtures I've had have needed to be rested right on the rim and never used those stand off legs because of the height restrictions of the canopy.

The new retro will probably have the lights higher up by about an inch or maybe two. Will be open to the water right now. Will have two sets of fans blowing into the canopy and not out like the sundial does now. I'll also be able to open up the canopy doors now and have access to the tank #< big reason I'm doing this).

It'll be interesting to see how this affects my temperature, pH, and ORP.
Notice the Angel being a bit more aggressive towards the clowns recently. I'll keep a close eye on that. I've been able to identify at least one type of pod. I know I've got a least a bunch of Munnid Isopods. They've been climbing all over the glass of the main tank lately. Also, seems like the cardinals have grown a liking to them as when they swim by and see them they suck them right up. Not sure what other little bugs I have but definitely have a couple other types of really tiny pods.

Quick probe tests tonight:
Temp: 82.5
pH: 8.05
Also want to make note before I forget because I've been wanting to log this is that right now I'm filling up the 5g bucket under the tank up to just over 4g easily twice a week right now. I never had that much evaporation in my old setup with a 2 54w t5ho w/ 2 65w pc fixtures being used. I used to top off no more then 5g a week. This sundial seems to create a lot of heat.


its probably because your tank is running around 84 degrees---when you get it back down to 78 there will be alot less evaporation
Been thinking about what all is different with this setup. The biggest thing is the light fixture. I do have more powerful powerheads as well taking up more watts and putting that into the tank as well. Otherwise I think we're keeping the house colder then before because of the baby and that should at least negate the temp from the powerheads.

Looks like I lost my last post from two days ago in the upgrade. Basically I made note about the Angel becoming more aggressive with the clowns and needing to keep an eye on that. Also, noticed the cardinals seem a lot more frisky and could possibly be ready for some breeding.

On top of that I noticed a rather amusing and rather sad event. The bicolor blenny that has the identity crisis has had his rear tail color the same shade of orange as the clowns. Now the poor confused guy has been changing his colors and acting toward the clowns as though he's ready to breed with them as well.