Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

I have been slowly releasing the clamp. It is still needed but as it breaks in I hope to be able to remove it completely. Micro-bubbles are still very much there. Will pull up the collection cup tomorrow morning. Looks like some light green tea in the bottom of it right now. I do have the collection cup all the way up right now and will probably keep it there for the duration of the breaking in.
Its looking good. Sorry to hear about the mishaps. Sounds like your taking it in strides though.

Thanks. It really sucks but I guess it gives me the opportunity to try out a different batch of fish again. I really liked those mandarins though. They were really fat and happy in there with all the pods I have.

I'll find out soon what fish I'm getting and will go from there. At least I still have the clowns. They are definitely very hardy fish. I'm still shocked the YWG survived. He is such a small sliver of a fish I was sure he would be a goner.
Here's the first mornings worth of skimmate.



I'll take some more when I get home tonight. The micro-bubbles have calmed down a lot it look like. I'll have to see what it looks like when the lights go on later. I have been able to remove the clamp now which is very good news.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I replaced the bright blue spong. I have a mag 1800 and it came with a pretty big intake filter spong that is black. I cut it right where the hole for the intake stops and it's just happened to be the same size and fit to replace the blue spong.
Jason, thanks for the video of skimmer. The pump is making some serious bubbles. I may seriously consider the LX1000 for my JBJ NanoCube. I'm just not sure if it will fit on the back chamber though.
Jason, thanks for the video of skimmer. The pump is making some serious bubbles. I may seriously consider the LX1000 for my JBJ NanoCube. I'm just not sure if it will fit on the back chamber though.

the hy-2000 bubble blaster is one serious skimmer pump. Looking at cranks lx-1000 log it looks like the hy-1000 pump is a really nice balance out of the box with the skimmer's body/neck. This is needing some breaking in. At least I have been able to remove the clamp now and the microbubbles have reduced. But they are still there. Will probably have at least a week or more to break this one in.
the hy-2000 bubble blaster is one serious skimmer pump. Looking at cranks lx-1000 log it looks like the hy-1000 pump is a really nice balance out of the box with the skimmer's body/neck. This is needing some breaking in. At least I have been able to remove the clamp now and the microbubbles have reduced. But they are still there. Will probably have at least a week or more to break this one in.

Well, keep the pictures and video coming. I'm curious how this skimmer preforms over time. I will have to try and find cranks log. Is it posted here at RC?
Yep, he did a really good job in posting pictures with the dimensions.

Thanks for that Jason, the skimmer looks great in your tank, I can't even notice it really. It does look to be going crazy, I'm sure that it will settle down soon, though. I believe mine has just "broken in". Maybe another week, but I can say the pump does get significantly quieter as it wears in and slimes up. Hardly noticeable unless your standing right next to it. Nice job with everything though! I'll probably upload a quick vid and results shot later tonight for a comparison. I'm definitely impressed with how's yours is lookin so far. That riser tube and collection cup is insane! I'm surprised you've got so many microbubbles coming out/under that bubble plate chamber. The hy-2000 is certainly a beast.:cool:
I'm really happy with the Krylon fusion. I went with a flat black. The skimmer is slightly quieter with the clamp removed. We'll see how loud it is once broken in.
Here's a shot of tonight's skimmate, filled about half way up the cup now. Will clean it out now and see if it gets any darker the next day or so.

Just got done cleaning out he collection cup. YIKES!!! That was the smelliest skimmate I've ever smelled. Wife's not to happy. Says it smells like rotten eggs though out the house now!
Got in my new fish!! Took some pictures and will have to upload them when I get off of work. Had just enough time over lunch to acclimate them and get them in my QT tank. Will probably leave them in there for at least 7 weeks. Will be treating with copramine and prazipro. Give one week to get adjusted and make sure they are eating well then 6 weeks of treatment. If I do end up seeing something I'll leave them in longer.
Opps, I guess I should list what fish I got. :smokin:

2 neon gobies about 1-2" each (looks like shark nose gobies)
1 long fin fairy wrasse about 2"(doesn't look like the pictures I've seen so maybe it's a female)
1 mystery wrasse !!! about 3-4"

I'm going to have to fit some screen around the back of my canopy so they don't jump ship.

Oh, also wanted to mention I hooked up the skimmer to my UPS last night. It can show how many WATTS are being used. It is pulling about 42w. The eshopps use to pull about 25w. So, for the amount of water/air flow the super reef octopus is more efficient.
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Here's some pics of the new additions.

I guess I can start off with a full tank shot of the QT setup

The shark nose gobies. Hard to get a good pic of these little guys.

The long fin fairy wrasse??? (must be a female? but looks like some type of lined wrasse?) Better shot of her later on with a group pic.

The Mystery Wrasse. Still can't believe I have one of these now.