Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Oh yeah, btw here's a quick picture of the extended top.

Looks really good Jason, not sure about the wifey but looks good to me :thumbsup: But I'm sure she'll like it as well.
I'm looking forward to seeing which route you take for blacking out the skimmer. Looking back, it probably would have worked out well by painting the outside parts since they'll be the easiest, and just cutting a few pieces of acrylic for the in-tank inside bits. I originally wanted to paint the whole thing but I don't think I could have done a nice enough job in the small in-tank portion of the skimmer around the clear acrylic. Keep us updated, I'm really looking forward to seeing your review on it's performance. Earlier today I was contemplating on how hard and how beneficial might be to retro fit the hy-2000 pump that came with your skimmer in mine just for fun, but I haven't come up with anything yet. Still workin on it :spin2:
Looks really good Jason, not sure about the wifey but looks good to me :thumbsup: But I'm sure she'll like it as well.
I'm looking forward to seeing which route you take for blacking out the skimmer. Looking back, it probably would have worked out well by painting the outside parts since they'll be the easiest, and just cutting a few pieces of acrylic for the in-tank inside bits. I originally wanted to paint the whole thing but I don't think I could have done a nice enough job in the small in-tank portion of the skimmer around the clear acrylic. Keep us updated, I'm really looking forward to seeing your review on it's performance. Earlier today I was contemplating on how hard and how beneficial might be to retro fit the hy-2000 pump that came with your skimmer in mine just for fun, but I haven't come up with anything yet. Still workin on it :spin2:

I'm still going back and forth on paint or acrylic. Did you pick up your acrylic locally or did you order online?

Fitting the hy-2000 pump could cause a few issues. First issue I'd see is that the little chamber under the bubble plate would kill some of the microbubbles. Second issue is if it didn't kill enough of them the neck line in the collection cup may be to narrow for the air production the hy2000 is suppose to produce.

From the pictures I've seen so far the hy1000 is just right in that the microbubbles don't get forced into the sides of that chamber and the neck line seems just right for the air production.
I picked up a sheet of acrylic at a local plastic shop near my work. 12"x48" for $18. And I'm absolutely sure you're right about the 2000 being too much pump for my skimmer. Pretty unrealistic idea honestly for more than one reason, was just thinking about how I "could" do it rather than should :)
I ... Pretty unrealistic idea honestly for more than one reason, was just thinking about how I "could" do it rather than should :)


Yeah, got the engineer side coming out. I wonder if the hy2000 pump could even fit in the chamber. That thing is huge.
Hey Jason,
Just got done reading your entire thread. Its been a great read and packed with great info, along with the rest of this site. Hows the little one doing and that monster skimmer?

Hey Ali where u at and hows the fishys?
Hey Jason,
Just got done reading your entire thread. Its been a great read and packed with great info, along with the rest of this site. Hows the little one doing and that monster skimmer?

Hey Ali where u at and hows the fishys?

Thanks for the comments. The little guy is doing great. He'll be 6 months old in three days. He's in swim classes and loving it. He's already trying to kick his legs and paddle with his arms, a natural. Can't wait to go diving on the reefs with him some day.

The skimmers sitting around right now. I think I'm going to wait until I get back from Florida to hook it up. I'll be gone for a week and don't really want it breaking in while I'm away. I'm leaning toward painting it black too which I'll probably do before I leave. I have the in-laws coming in tomorrow for the weekend so we'll see how much time I have for that.

Have't heard from Ali in a while. Looking at her profile it shows she hasn't logged in since the beginning of December.
BTW, the wife said she likes the new look of the canopy. At least she says she likes it. :love2: Really itching to get the new skimmer up and running but I'm really scared about leaving it to break in and not being there so I'll have to force myself to wait until I get back in a week. I think I finally decided I'm just going to paint the dang thing. I already have the paint so may as well go forward with that. Once I get that done I'll take pictures of it.

I'll get it going soon enough. I got done painting it black today and will let it cure which the paint says after 7 days it is suppose to be chip and everything else resistant. Which is perfect as it'll be a week till I get back and can get it going. That krylon fusion seems to bond to everything.


Black would have been a much sleeker look.
Nothing like starting over. :hmm5:

Guess the electricity went out. I got a call yesterday afternoon about the UPS beeping loudly. I explained how to turn the alarm off and that seemed to work.

Got another call tonight. I guess before calling me last night she started unplug one thing after another and turning every on switch to off. The proceeded to unplug straight from the wall. Which the UPS is on the other side of the cabinet from all the other electrical stuff and it doesn't care if it's plugged in or not. So, nothing was on (including my 20hour battery backup airpumps.) Don't know if the alarm was actually turned off or if the UPS was turned off but either way it wouldn't have lasted near long enough to last into the next day. Guess nothing got plugged back in until tonight.

Sounds like the clowns are still alive but not sure what else if anything. Luckily I pretty much always have salt mixing and had about 25g ready to go and had her pull out anything gone and use all the mixed water for the change.

Will have to find out what other damage control there will be when I get back. :uzi:
Ugh, sorry to hear about the power outage. Hope everything bounces back. I'm a bit worried about the power going out here as well as we're looking at another 20" of sleet/snow in the next day or two. Unlike you though, I don't have a backup should it happen :sad2:

Btw, the skimmer looks great! I really like it completely painted. Might have to go about this myself at some point after seeing your results. Nicely done!
Thanks crank. Can't wait to get the skimmer going. It just looks like a beast. Possibly to much for a 55g.

Well, while the cat's away the mice will play. I don't get into naming fish but the wife decided that the survivors deserve to be named. Which would be splish and splash, the two clownfish. Sounds like some snails and crabs are alive as well.

Also, sounds like she feels really bad about the whole thing and is having our LFG pick up some fish. It'll be a surprise to see what all is still alive and what new additions will be arriving.

Stock list used to be
2 Clowns
2 Banggai cardinals
2 mandarins
1 bi-color blenny
1 YWG/pistol shrimp

1 cleaner shrimp
1 blood red shrimp
4 peppermints
bunch of blue crabs
1 red leg crab
1 zombie blue leg
bunch of ceriths both florida and dwarfs
bunch of nerites
5 nassarius
23498739842792734982374927394732948329487239479328749238749238749823742938479328472398749237492837 of various pods

I think that's it.
Sounds like I got a start on some replacement fish. Don't know what kind yet, which can be kind of scary, but says she got me 4 fish. :confused::fish2::fish2::fish2::fish2:
Jason, will you post some video of the SRO skimmer in action? I'm in the market for a skimmer and am looking at the LX1000 for my nanocube. I can't decide between it and or one of the Deltec HOBs.
Jason, will you post some video of the SRO skimmer in action? I'm in the market for a skimmer and am looking at the LX1000 for my nanocube. I can't decide between it and or one of the Deltec HOBs.

absolutely. I can't wait to see the pump in action and see it start up with that clear volute.
Well, here we go. Have the sro lx-2000s setup. WOW, this thing is a beast and the pump is way overwhelming this thing so far. TONS of microbubbles and foaming up and out. The bubble blaster is AWESOME.


You can see the micro bubbles going under the intake area and back out the return.


The bubble plate

I've put a clamp (visegrip) on the airline for now to cut down on the air-draw for right now until it breaks in to stop it from foaming over the top.


Here's the foam head going up the collection cup neck with in a few seconds of starting up. With out the clamp it just over flows. You can see the water dripping inside the collection cup from previous turning on the skimmer with out the clamp.


Could be the paint or just initial break in that's causing the massive amounts of bubbles and foam. It's about as loud as the coralife SS65 was with the rio1100 put and it is louder then the Eshopps psk-100h. Of course it's a much bigger skimmer pump then the psk100h drawing in a lot more air.

In fact it's pulling a massive amount of air. Getting between 46-48 scfh consistently and will hit 44 and 50 every so often. So, lets say 46scfh / 21.717 lpm / 1303 lph of air!!!!!!1!!!!111oneoneoneone!!

<embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""><br><font size="1"><a href="">Original Video</a> - More videos at <a href="">TinyPic</a></font>

Here's a vid of the pump and skimmer starting up.

<embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""><br><font size="1"><a href="">Original Video</a> - More videos at <a href="">TinyPic</a></font>

Black is so much easier on the eyes then the red.


Blends in really well with the black background.


FTS, now I need to paint the ATO pvc covers for the float switches.


So far I'm extremely impressed with the bubble blaster but concerned it may be to much for the skimmer's body. We'll see over the next few days. I'll slowly slack off the clamp and watch the water level.

I'll get a pick of the skimmate in the morning.
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several snails and crabs
At least two pepermint shrimps (that's all I've seen so far)
Fire (blood red) shrimp
Pistol shrimp

everything else gone.

Lots of cyano in the tank right now. Will find out in the next couple days what new fish are coming in.