Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

AAhhhh sweet fairy man. Hope the Qt goes good.

Thanks. QT should go fine. I have had the tank running continuously and feeding it to keep the bacteria going. Checked the parameters and had 0 ammonia /0 nitrites /20 nitrates which isn't bad for nitrates since there is nothing but water changes to export the nitrates.

I did finally find another person online that had a female long fin fairy with a picture and they do long a like. So, now I'm wondering if I get a male if they could pair up at all?

One concern I have is if there will be any aggression especially with the mystery wrasse and the long fin fairy. From what I've read so far is that they should get along and the mystery might be aggressive towards other lined wrasses if anything.
Just a recap...

Before going in the tank.

The bubble plate

I had to put a clamp (visegrip) on the air intake when I first set it up. Was creating way to much foam and over flowing. I've since been able to remove the clamp and have not had any problems with that since. Good thing I added the overflow drain on the collection cup.

The bubble blaster hy-2000 skimmer pump is a BEAST!!! It pulls massive ammounts of air. Getting between 46-48 scfh consistently and will hit 44 and 50 every so often. So, lets say 46scfh / 21.717 lpm / 1303 lph of air!!!!!!1!!!!111oneoneoneone!! It pulls about 45w according to my UPS report.

<embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""><br><font size="1"><a href="">Original Video</a> - More videos at <a href="">TinyPic</a></font>

Here's a vid of the pump and skimmer starting up.

<embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""><br><font size="1"><a href="">Original Video</a> - More videos at <a href="">TinyPic</a></font>

Black is so much easier on the eyes then the red.


Blends in really well with the black background.


FTS, now I need to paint the ATO pvc covers for the float switches.


First day and a half of wet skimmate. Filled up the collection cup half way. Still breaking in.


So far I'm extremely impressed with the bubble blaster. The skimmate is absolutely horrid! Wife wasn't happy and said it made the entire house smell like rotten eggs. The pump is getting a little quiter but still very noticable in our living room. The micro bubbles have calmed down a lot but still there as well. Only been about 4 days though since starting it up so I'd say there's still another good week for this to break in.

Next I'm going to setup a float switch in the lid and have it shut off the skimmer if it goes completely crazy one day and the overflow drain can't keep up or somehow gets clogged.
Just a recap...

Before going in the tank.

The bubble plate

I had to put a clamp (visegrip) on the air intake when I first set it up. Was creating way to much foam and over flowing. I've since been able to remove the clamp and have not had any problems with that since. Good thing I added the overflow drain on the collection cup.

The bubble blaster hy-2000 skimmer pump is a BEAST!!! It pulls massive ammounts of air. Getting between 46-48 scfh consistently and will hit 44 and 50 every so often. So, lets say 46scfh / 21.717 lpm / 1303 lph of air!!!!!!1!!!!111oneoneoneone!! It pulls about 45w according to my UPS report.

<embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""><br><font size="1"><a href="">Original Video</a> - More videos at <a href="">TinyPic</a></font>

Here's a vid of the pump and skimmer starting up.

<embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""><br><font size="1"><a href="">Original Video</a> - More videos at <a href="">TinyPic</a></font>

Black is so much easier on the eyes then the red.


Blends in really well with the black background.


FTS, now I need to paint the ATO pvc covers for the float switches.


First day and a half of wet skimmate. Filled up the collection cup half way. Still breaking in.


So far I'm extremely impressed with the bubble blaster. The skimmate is absolutely horrid! Wife wasn't happy and said it made the entire house smell like rotten eggs. The pump is getting a little quiter but still very noticable in our living room. The micro bubbles have calmed down a lot but still there as well. Only been about 4 days though since starting it up so I'd say there's still another good week for this to break in.

Next I'm going to setup a float switch in the lid and have it shut off the skimmer if it goes completely crazy one day and the overflow drain can't keep up or somehow gets clogged.
Skimmate is still looking about the same consistency.

My clownfish however are totally out of touch with reality now since they lost their best bud, the bicolor blenny. They are trying to host a speck. Yes, a speck. There is a tiny orange speck on the glass and for over a day now they have been hosting it. :crazy1: I have been running my magfloat around it.

<embed width="440" height="420" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=""><br><font size="1"><a href="">Original Video</a> - More videos at <a href="">TinyPic</a></font>
Added the float switch in the collection cup lid. Fits perfectly with the holes already there. Tonight I'll have to program the RKL to shut it down when it fills up and the drain can't keep up or gets clogged for some reason. Nice to have some fail safes in place. Though nothing is ever 100% fool proof.


Strange. Shows someone has posted in here but I don't see it?

Well, thanks for posting I guess what ever you said... :hammer:
Looking good J
really like the mystery wrasse

Wow, crazy now I see your post. Thanks! The mystery wrasse has been really shy so far. The fairy and two sharks have been all over the tank. But every time I walk into the room the mystery wrasse jumps into one of the pvc pipes. I have to peak my head around the bathroom door to try not to be seen to see him.
Posted this in the intended fish purchase thread but though I might as well post it here for any input.

Thought I might get some input here. I'm getting restocked and have one or two more fish I might like to add.

Currently my 55g w/ hob refugium and 75lbs of live rock will be housing:

2 false percs
1 ywg
2 sharknose gobies
1 long fin fairy wrasse (female)
1 mystery wrasse

several shrimp, snails, and small hermits.

I'd love to eventually get back a mandarin but wasn't sure how much the wrasses will be eating pods and if they will out compete the mandarins. I know a six line wrasse would if I understand it correctly.

I was also thinking of finding a slightly larger male long fin fairy to try and pair up with the female.

If no on the mandarin I was thinking of trying a royal gramma again but not sure how agressive he may be.

Any other suggestions?
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I guess I can add I'd be interested in anything that is around 3" or under, reef safe, vibrant in color(s), and not going to pick on my other fishes to death.
Jason, how is the new skimmer performing for you so far? Pulling out far funkier stuff than the Eshopps?
Jason, how is the new skimmer performing for you so far? Pulling out far funkier stuff than the Eshopps?

It's been a wetter skim but much much stinkier. It's still breaking in. There are some microbubbles still making it to the main tank. The noise is slowly getting quieter. Still not near as quiet as the eshopps 100h was. I doubt it will ever be as quiet as it is a much bigger pump pulling a ton more air. The two really aren't in the same ball park.

I'd say for a tank up to light to moderately stocked 75g the psk-100h is good. I wouldn't put this sro hob on anything less then a heavily stocked and fed 55g and I think I'm pushing the lower ends as it is with this thing. I do plan on stocking on the heavy side and bump my feeding up to at least twice a day if not three times. I'll have an auto feeder dump some pellet/flake mix in the middle of the day and I'll feed some frozen food when I get home at night.

If I still have some microbubbles after a month of running then I'll look into modifying it. There is just so much water volume and air right now that it just pushes the microbubbles under the bubble chamber and back up and out of the skimmer right now.

Edit: I think I can confidently say that the lx-2000 is probably the most powerful HOB skimmer out there right now with the bubble blaster 2000 pump on it. Even the ATB mutli-use and Deltec MCE 600 only pull about 350-450 lph of air. This skimmer is getting well over 1000lph of air pull!!!
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Hey Jason, and everyone else! Good to know I was I was just crazy busy with the Holidays, and I am back in school, which takes up a lot of my time as well as planning my sons 4th Bday! I haven't had any issues with the tank and haven't had any dire need to get on for advice. :) I just spent some time catching up...Jason, it looks like you have been busy! Nice Job!
Nothing really exciting going on with my tank...I havent been able to afford any new coral, and I had my first fish die. I only had it for about 24 hours so I wasn't too attached it was a Labout Fairy was an expensive death but oh well. It managed to find the 1/4 inch gap that isnt covered...jumped and baked to death under the lights.
An updated stock list if anyone is interested is a Yellow Tang, Flame Angel, Pair of Clowns, YWG, Six Line Wrasse, Midas Blenny, Firefish, and bicolor psuedochromis. As far as coral, a good size colony of some mint zoas, 2 rose tip anemones, frogspawn and a big green mushroom I cant remember the name of. My Linkia star fish isnt looking so good at the moment, but other than that things have been going well. Oh and my husband bought a serpeant sea star, and the thing just freaks me out.

The husband is also trying to convince me to down size to a cube...even though we have had the success of a healthy tank thus far, the maintenance is driving him crazy. It is a family tank and hobby, so all opinions are being considered.
Ok well thats it for now, hope everyone is doing well :)
Hey Ali! Good to hear everythings going good with the tank besides the jumper. I really don't think going to a smaller tank will resolve maintanence tasks and could even make them more difficult to maintain. More water volume the easier it tends to be to make things more stable. Sure, water changes might be bigger but you may end up having to do more of them with a smaller tank. You'll still need to do everything on the smaller tank you do on the bigger one. 75g is a great sized tank BTW. Not to big and not to small. I would like to have a little more front to back room in my 55 which a 75 has. I don't think I'd want anything bigger as then the cost of running it really starts going up. I also know I wouldn't want anything smaller then a 55.

I have a couple wrasses now too and will be fitting some screen around the inside and back of my canopy. So, if one does jump they'll just slide back into the water hopefully.
Hi Jason
I have been trying to catch up on reading your thread. In Canada we seem to have relied on the Remora and Remora Pro for hob skimmers. However the pro maxs out at a 125 gal.
How much is your skimmer rated for and what is the app cost of it?
Hi Jason
I have been trying to catch up on reading your thread. In Canada we seem to have relied on the Remora and Remora Pro for hob skimmers. However the pro maxs out at a 125 gal.
How much is your skimmer rated for and what is the app cost of it?

The lx-2000s is rated for up to 150g and I totally believe it. The air draw for this is very similar to many in sump skimmers rated up to 200g. I really think I'm pushing the lower end limits for this thing.

I'm still waiting for the microbubbles to subside. I'm going to give it a full month to break in before I do any modifications to the skimmer to remove them.

The cost for this skimmer seems to be going at $389 US. I got it pre-order from Premium aquatics for something like $330
The lx-2000s is rated for up to 150g and I totally believe it. The air draw for this is very similar to many in sump skimmers rated up to 200g. I really think I'm pushing the lower end limits for this thing.

I'm still waiting for the microbubbles to subside. I'm going to give it a full month to break in before I do any modifications to the skimmer to remove them.

The cost for this skimmer seems to be going at $389 US. I got it pre-order from Premium aquatics for something like $330

thanks for the info---that's not a bad price with the Remora Pro coming in just around 300--and that is without the internal skimmer. It is another 60 bucks.
Don't think I've mentioned this yet in here but I have repositioned my K4's yet again and think I've found a permanent place for them. I kind of have them behind my rock work and pushing water through two openings I have built up around the pumps. One on the left and one on the right and deflecting right off the front glass. Makes some good water flow and movement in the tank. Plus it kind of hides the K4s.


Along with putting up the screen around so fish can't jump out I also need to paint those ATO pvc covers for the float valves. They really stick out like a sore thumb right now.
Looks like my inverts have been having a "party" :celeb1:

Nerite eggs everywhere and one of the peppermint shrimps has a tail full of eggs. I got a hold of the shrimp and put her back in the refugium. I might get some free shrimps out of this. I'll have to watch for them to be released and pull her back out to the main DT after that happens.

I'll try and get a pic. of the peppermint with the eggs.