Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Here's another pic showing a little better representation of its less then 2" size.

I love looking at that clam. It turned itself 90 degrees from how it's sitting in that picture above. My starry blenny loves it a little to much as I've seen it nip at the mantle from time to time but does likes to curl itself around the clam too which is cute.

The bubble-magus NAC5e is still breaking in. Been just over a week now I think but it's is still overflowing into the collection cup. As a temp fix I've raised the skimmer about an inch and the foam canon has stopped and producing some watery skimmate. Going to wait for it to get dryer and then lower the skimmer back down. Using 3/4" schd-40 PVC to raise it up. It has become almost silent and I'd say slightly quieter then the psk-100h.
NAC5e is starting to produce a consistant foam head and I've dialed it back a little. Will run it like this for a little while and then try lowering the skimmer back down.
NAC5e is starting to produce a consistant foam head and I've dialed it back a little. Will run it like this for a little while and then try lowering the skimmer back down.

I always love dropping in on this thread. It's so detailed with pics etc.

That's an interesting skimmer Jason---keep posting on how it works out which I am sure you will do
. My starry blenny loves it a little to much as I've seen it nip at the mantle from time to time but does likes to curl itself around the clam too which is cute.

Sounds like he may be getting ticked off with your clam sometimes lol He can't decide if the clam is friend or foe!!!
I always love dropping in on this thread. It's so detailed with pics etc.

That's an interesting skimmer Jason---keep posting on how it works out which I am sure you will do

Thanks cap'n, you're always welcome to drop by. I'll get some pics of he NAC5e tonight. I tried lowering it and it was doing fine until it was turned off for a water change and turned back on. It started over flowing again. I raise it back up. It may just need to stay raised up to stay consistent on my tank. I'm fine with that as long as it produces. The nice foam head is back and is staying consistent as long as its raised up an inch. It's also the quietest skimmer I've use yet.

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Sounds like he may be getting ticked off with your clam sometimes lol He can't decide if the clam is friend or foe!!!

The starry blennie seems to really like curling around it. He must not like the clam opening and closing. The clam is definitely trying to attach itself to the rock. Everyday its turned another direction.

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Hopefully that link works. Took some video with my phone and uploaded it straight to youtube. It's of the nac5e starting up. I'm becoming very happy with this skimmer. The foam head is almost instant and is becoming consistant. In the video as I pan down you can also see the 3/4in pvc pipe I used to raise the skimmer up with. You can aslo hear, or not hear, how quite the skimmer is. With the top on you barely hear anything. What you hear in the video is basically the foam fizzing and the fan for the lights which you can hear before he skimmer starts up.

I'm also very happy it has a pinwheel on the pump and not a meshwheel that needs extra maintenance. I do still have some reservations on the longevity of the pump itself. So far as long as it keeps up I plan on running it long term. Also, there are 0 micro bubbles coming from it.

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Finally got the embedded code for the video link. This will make it easier.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

On youtube you really don't hear anything. There is a humm that can be heard from the light's fan. That skimmer is just silent! :thumbsup:
I posted more info on this little guy in my mantis tank thread but I've been talking about wanting to get a rock flower anemone in this thread so figure I'd post a picture of my latest addition to the mantis tank.

He's still bleached but looks like he'll recover. He's eating some mysis.
I picked up a piece of coral today, litterally a piece. I was told it was a part of a branching hammer coral but I don't think it is. I think it might be frogspawn but we'll have to see. It's in really really bad shape and I got it for a $1! I placed the broken off branch between soe rocks and hope for the best.

My sharknose decided to give a once over cleaning.

BTW, that BM NAC5e that I got which is a super cheap skimmer and you're suppose to get what you pay for especially for skimmers....



It's been about 4-5 days since I emptied and cleaned out the collection cup. I need to remember to empty it out sooner though as I don't want it to do that to much but I do have a bucket under it so it can foam right into that if need be but it didn't foam through enough to drip down. I also plan to rig up a float valve in the lid to shut it off if it ever does decide to overflow on me which it hasn't yet since raising it up an inch.
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Oh and btw the clam has attached itself. I accidentally knocked the rock it was onto it's side and the clam didn't fall off. So, I'll take that as a good sign it likes where it's at.

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Went to hook up the canister with pellets tonight and it has a leak. I'll either fix it some how or I'm thinking of getting a TLF phosphate reactor to try out with them. I haven't taken any parameters yet but I do have some GHA but the cyano is staying to a minimum. I'll get some numbers when I finally get the pellets started and the refugium going again.

Corals are doing great. I have a total of 17 heads on the duncan now and 4 on the torch. The blasto sill doesn't look like it did before but there are two new heads starting so that's great. Here's some pics.









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I decided to go ahead tonight and get a bunch of numbers. I've been on straight IO instead of Reef Crystals for quite a a while now and the numbers show. I did like the Cal./Alk/Mag numbers from RC but didn't like all the organics that were included in there. This made my skimmer go nuts right after a water change and always had an increase in cyano right after a water change. Plus, I don't know if sitting in a storage container for a month by the time I got to making more water helped any of that at all.

So, here's the numbers of the tank taken right before and after lights out.

Salt mix: Instant Ocean
Salinity: 34ppt (just calibrated refractometer)
Temp: 80.1F (Hanna handheld probe)
pH: 7.94 (Hanna handheld probe)
ORP: 160 (ditto)
Nitrate: a light 5 (API)
p04: 0.20 (Hanna Checker) I was expecting much higher here but I guess this is why I don't have so much cyano right now.
Calcium: 380 (API)
Alk: 11dKH (API)
Mag: 1170 (Salifert)

Numbers are pretty much right inline with IO. I plan on getting a galaxia pretty soon and with the past couple new additions I think I'm ready to start doing some dosing! This will be a first which I've been strangely looking forward to since the beginning. I've been reading up on it all and with the numbers I have and the inhabitants I've got and getting I believe it's time.

I've got a 7gallon bucket under the stand I use for ATO with an aqualifter controlled by three float switches. The Lowest shuts it off when the water level dropped suddenly for things like a water change or for some reason the tank is drained by some other (hopefully never) reason. The middle float is the main float that controls it and the top float is a failsafe to the middle float. The aqualifter inside the bucket is connected to a spare skimmer's silencer thing-a-ma-jig with a little sponge filter inside of that. It is suspended and never hits the bottom.

I plan on a very simple procedure. Dump in the lime (a bag of Mrs. Wages from the store) and mix it up with a maxijet 1200 and then let it set all day to settle down. I fill up the ATO bucket once a week with about 5g of fresh ro/di water. I'll start making sure to get that done in the morning so I can stir it up again and let it sit all day. From my very precise calculations of gestimation I should be good for at least a month before needing to add any more lime and need to dump in another bag. I'm not to worried about being precise and will want fully saturated lime to bring the calcium levels up a little and then maintain.

I think I'd like to be around 420. This should also help bring up my pH which also always been low just below 8. I'd like to see that get to and maintain above 8. My mag is pretty good but I could probably get away with dosing just a little magnesium once a week during the weekly kalk stirring. I'd like to get that back up to around 1200-1300 and stay there.

I'll try that out for a month or so and get some more readings.
Found another new growth tonight. Not sure what it is but looks like some type of filter feeder. I'll have look it up at some point or just wait and watch it grow and turn into something.


I know its not a new head as I'm already seeing those and they look just like miniature blastos. I'm guessing sponge.

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I went ahead and started dosing kalk this morning as it settled overnight. I didn't want to wait. I was to excited to start. I took a PH reading tonight and got 8.24!!! That was about 30m after lights out which shouldn't make that big of a difference. That's perfect! Now to see what it does to the calcium levels. I did add some magnesium last night about a quarter cup. I bought a big thing of Tech-m a little while ago in preparation for this. Using their directions on the container to get the mag levels up to about 1300 and raising by 83ppt per day I think it was. I'll check the mag levels next weekend.

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Wow, what a difference kalk makes and what I'm seeing already in my corals. pH was 8.29 tonight right before lights out. My blasto is finally starting to look like it's old self again, torch was just swollen and the duncan was huge. The what I think is frogspawn still looks really pathetic but actualy looked a little better tonight.

You can see it's much fuller then in the picture of it above.




I need to get around to either fixing or buying a new reactor for those pellets and get them going again.
I just have to share another picture of this guy in this thread too. I'm so glad I got a tuxedo urchin for the mantis tank. It's always fun to find him and see what he's wearing for the day.

I'm thinking of trying out the sro-lx2000s again but raising it up a couple inches kind of like I've done with the NAC5e. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. I'll be curious if it'll allow me more playing room with the collection cup height.

The NAC5e is so far one of the best HOB skimmers I've used along with the SRO-lx2000s. Just wish the SRO-lx2000s had more playing room. Not sure what would help in it's design besides my attempt to raise it up higher. Possibly the body of the skimmer could be slightly larger which it's already pretty darn big. I don't think the neck needs to be bigger as it was creating a really great foam head and pulling out the nastiest gunk I've ever seen.

The NAC5e is the quietest skimmer I've ever heard. It's also been really consistent. Doesn't pull out as much as the sro-lx2000s but that's to be expected just based on the size of the skimmer's pump and body size.

I guess I can break down some stuff with the HOB skimmers I've used:

Bubble Magus (BM) NAC5e (one of my favorites):
I'd say good for a 40 - 90g tank depending on bioload
Quietest skimmer I've used
Consistent so far
Besides the SRO-lx2000s has pulled out more skimmate per day then any other
CHEAP and a major bargin!! wow, can't go wrong for $114-$130 brand new
Zero microbubbles after breakin into the tank
comes with a drain built into the collection cup (not over flow drain though)
Pinwheel pump (I'm not a fan of the mesh wheels)

took about 2+ full weeks to break in
Wish the drain was up high not underneath the collection cup
Had to raise it an 1" so it didn't flood over
still worried about the longevity of the pump
Had to take the pump apart when I first got it and move the ceramic washer from on top of the propeller to below it for some reason. Otherwise it made a TON of clacking noise
Need to be very careful when putting the pump onto the skimmer. Do NOT tighten it down and will be loose (o-ring creates a seal)
No bubble plate but not really sure this a con with the basic design and size of the body and neck seem to be in good proportions with the pump.

Super Reef Octopus (SRO) lx2000s (another favorite)
I'd say good for a 50-120g depending on bioload
Most powerful HOB skimmer out there today with the hy2000 bubble blaster pump pulling an amazing ~45scfh of air
Nice sized neck matched up well with the airflow to pulled out some of the NASTIEST and most amount of skimmate
I like the intake and return design
Bubble plate
amazing skimmer pump did I mention that yet

Very touchy about anything being added to the water and has very little room to adjust (this might change as I try raising it up a couple inches)
Pump seems bigger then the body can handle (again might change) (the lx-1000 seems like it's really well balanced as is)
Expensive compared to other skimmers I've tried but you do get a nice quality pump
Doesn't have an overflow drain in the collection cup(I installed my own along with a flow switch as an emergency shut off which is easy to do in a square collection cup)
RED very very RED. (I spray painted mine black with Krylon Fusion flat black making it much better)
Took well over a month to break in before finally reducing to eliminating microbubbles)
Second loudest skimmer behind the coralife superskimmer which was the loudest

Eshopps PSK-100h (Just behind the above as a favorite)
Great for 20-75g and an entry skimmer
Very quite but not as quite as the NAC5e but very close
Very consistent (until the mesh wheel craps out on you)
Over flow Drain built into the collection cup
Very quick break in. Took a day
Zero micro bubbles very quickly
Bubble plate
Cheap. Another big bargain skimmer

Doesn't seem to have the most reliable pump
Make sure to test it out in a bucket and check for leaks first and proper pump operation.
Mesh wheel (I'm just not a fan of these)

Coralife Super skimmer 65:
Just can't recommend this one
Not very expensive.

Not consistent at all with out a lot of modifications which I've done just about every modification you can possibly think of on this thing and actually got some really good results out of this skimmer. But stock this skimmer is awful
Very loud. Even louder then the SRO-lx2000s with it's beast of a pump.
Pump goes inside the aquarium taking up to much room.
Microbubbles up the yingyang with out the foam filter on the outtake
Just not a very good design all around
No overflow drain on the smaller model (I added one)

Seaclone 150
Another one I can't recommend
Not very expensive. Exemplifies the stereotype of you get what you pay for in a skimmer.
Another skimmer that needs many modifications to get mediocre results.