Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Well, the excitement turned into a big disappointment with the mantis. :(

On a positive note since using kalk in my ATO my pH has never been more stable and right at around 8.2-8.3 and since dosing Mag. along with it coraline algae is taking off like crazy... well that last part may not be a great thing after a while. I'll take some parameters next weekend most likely.

I'm going to bring online the sro-lx2000s next week then about a month after that I'm going to bring back in the pellets but might try something completely different with them and place them right in the dolomite RUGF and making my entire tank the reactor.
Couldn't wait. I went ahead and put on the sro-lx2000s skimmer last night. Wow, I forgot how loud it was especially after barely hearing anything from the NAC5e. Also, after putting it on the back of the tank I realized why I didn't raise it up before. It would not do any good because of the design of the body raising up the skimmer would not lower the level of the water any. Only way to do that would be to cut out a bigger hole where it leaves the back skimmer body to the front baffle return area. I'm thinking about doing something about that.

I was going to switch back but decided to leave it on. Mainly because I plan on adding the PCL pellets again which the massive air draw on the lx2000s will help with reducing any chance of oxygen depletion from an increase of bacteria. Plus, it will give me more of an apples to apples comparison to before when I used the pellets in the canister filter compared to how I'll try them out this time.
It's been about two weeks since I started using fully saturated kalk in my ATO and I've been very impressed and very happy with the results so far. With in the first two weeks I've already achieved my goals of where I want my Calcium, Alk, and pH. pH has been consistantly between 8.2 and 8.3.

Two weeks ago these were my numbers.
Salt mix: Instant Ocean
Salinity: 34ppt (just calibrated refractometer)
Temp: 80.1F (Hanna handheld probe)
pH: 7.94 (Hanna handheld probe)
ORP: 160 (ditto)
Nitrate: a light 5 (API)
p04: 0.20 (Hanna Checker) I was expecting much higher here but I guess this is why I don't have so much cyano right now.
Calcium: 380 (API)
Alk: 11dKH (API)
Mag: 1170 (Salifert)

My current numbers are Now.
Salt: Instant Ocean
Salinity: 34ppt
Temp: 81.2
pH: 8.21
ORP: 190 (lx-2000s had an impact on my ORP last time I ran it too)
Nitrate: 0
pO4: .11 (I'm sure it hasn't gone down but see some more cyano which is probably consuming it)

Calcium: 480
Alk: 11dkH (afraid this would go up but it didn't which is good)
Mg: 1260 (right on track. I've done two doses of 1/4 cup after water changes)

In about a week I'm going to add the shapelock pellets again so I guess it's time to go find that shapelock nuking my tank thread and get it going again.
Not 100% sure but I might put it back on some time later. Just the short time I ran it I was very happy with it. Putting the bio pellets back in the tank I just want to make sure I have a lot of oxygenation which nothing beats the lx-2000s for that. That may be a long while down the road though.
I finally got the two broken lights replaced that broke in the move. I've been running on two T5's the past 4-5 months. Which is crazy that I've had any growth at all in the corals. After going this long with the two T5's which are close to a year old now I probably could get away with only two T5s on this tank.

Either way to late now because I absolutely love the all blue 48" ReefBrite LED strip that I put up. It gives great coloration with all lights on and its surreal with just the LEDs. I have the LEDs on for an hour before and an hour after the T5s go on and off.

It's almost like there's a black light on. Here's some pictures that does look like a black like is on but in real life there's that black light look with some brilliant colors that pop out.
Here they are



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quick note for today. All the windows and doors in the house were open all day and most of the night. I wondered what that would do to the pH. Well, temp climbed up to 85 and pH hit 8.4. Temp was a little concerning but the pH was good. I was scared it may go above 8.5.
Just had to post in this thread about the Epicystis crucifer I just got today. I love these guys.

This is from my mantis tank build thread in the mantis forum:

I also stopped by a LFS today just to look around and found the most beautiful Rock Flower and never thought I'd find one. I saw in another thread on here a picture of a white stripped Epicystis crucifer and instantly wanted one but never thought I'd get one. Well, the LFS had one in.

I LED makes it look like it's glowing.

I still want a red one.
Took some pictures of my flood proofed sro lx2000s. I have no worries what so ever now of my skimmer overflowing and flooding the floor behind the tank. I don't even need the float switch anymore so it can keep running and flow back into the tank. Main reason I did this is because I've thrown the shapelock pellets back in and I'm sure the skimmer is going to overflow at some point. Which it actually did last night at some time. I also want to let it overflow and not shut off right now because of the pellets creating a lot of bacterial growth which is going to use up oxygen and if the skimmer stops I don't want to worry about loosing to much oxygen.

So, here's what I did. I got some thin sheets of acrylic and siliconed them to the outsides of the skimmer body around the collection cup area. Then did a line of silicon along all the edges to water proof it all.


Made sure it goes higher the the cup so the cup lid can foam all it want it will just run down the sides.


I also added this strip to the side so if flows out the front there some how it will direct it right to the tank.


Like I mentioned above it has already saved my butt last night and the skimmer never had to stop running. :thumbsup:
I guess I should update this thread with the latest readings from my shapelock experiment.

Took some parameters tonight. No kalk/ato today as I filled up the reservoir and remixed this morning and have been letting it settle all day. It shows in the readings. pH was down, calcium was lower, and so was alk. Windows were open all day so I would have to guess the pH would be slightly lower if it wasn't for that too.

Temp. 82.2
Salinity: 35
pH: 8.12
ORP: 207
Cal.: 460
Alk: 9
Mg: 1380

Now for the important two for this thread:
Nitrate: 0

Duncan and Torch still look really angry at me. Pods look super happy and are ALL OVER THE PLACE. I just have to imagine they are eating up the bacteria.

The skimmer went nuts at some point last night and today. Thanks goodness I don't have to worry about that anymore.
Hey. Been very busy with the new job. Tank has basically been on auto and just doing weekly water changes. The biopellets have been great and has kept the algae down. Not completely gone but I haven't pulled any out since when ever this thread was last outdated. I like the look of the patches that I do have so very happy so far. I do have some plans to change a few things up in the future but will wait to post about those then.

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Got a few quick shots.


Blasto has grown three new heads:

Lost count on how many heads Duncan has grown:

I don't remember if I mentioned in this thread but the torch coral disappeared while I was out of state for work. Before I left my clowns were trying to host in it and it must have fallen in between the rocks somewhere and I even moved quite a few rocks around and never fount it.

All the fish are doing great and actually I haven't been running the skimmer for at least two months now since the pump on it failed and I haven't gotten around to getting an RMA in on it or put on one of my other skimmers. I haven't tested the water at all lately but everything looks good to me so I haven't worried about it. I have a nice comfy chair I like to lounge in next to it when I can and just watch.
Jason, good work. I love the green because I know they are keeping the tank healthy.

I hear more stories now of people spending their time enjoying their tanks than spending what little time they have testing and adjusting !
Thanks. I do like getting the numbers just because of curiosity rather then necessity. But when I'm limited in time like I am now I'd rather just sit, relax, and watch. Fallen asleep beside it many a nights now after a late work night. Nice way to unwind.
Haven't updated in a long while. The 55g tank is doing great. I meantioned before I was planning some changes. Basically with our new home and where I have the fish tank it looks kinda small and out of place. So, I started thinking of upgrading to a bigger tank sometime next year. Something like a 120 or 150.

So, what I decided to do was start to build out a sump and plumbing into the basement where I have my ro/di and mixing station.

I built a table and created a sump from a 40g breaded I got from a petco $1/gallon sale. Got some glass cut from Lowes for some baffles. I'll have to get some better pics but this is what I have so far.

I have the stand all painted now and the surounding walls.

For now I modified the NAC5e from being a hang on back to work in the sump. I had to raise it as it seems to work best is about 5" of water. I just turned a bucket over the set the skimmer on top. I cut the holes to allow water flow through it. The Skimmer section is also where I the drains coming in. The baffle is cut to 12" for this section so it's always the same water height even when the return pump is turned off. Allows the skimmer to turn on right away or even stay on with out it going crazy. You can see it but I got a CPR 7" filter sock hold with holes for two drain inputs. I really like it. Also in picture is a pH probe connected to my reef keeper light and a 200w heater. I'll have to get another one once I get the bigger tank setup. I have that going to a Ranco temp controller.

After the skimmer section is going to be a cryptic zone area as I don't plan on having a lot of flow going through the sump. Once I upgrade I'm going to the the RUGF I have setup in the 55g and place it down in the sump in the cryptic zone area with the dolomite. I guess you can say I will have a R-RUGF then. I just love the RUGF just for the amount of pods its able to establish.

Then I setup three baffles 1.5" apart and I have absolutely no bubbles making it through up to the main tank even with a complete overflow skimmer test. Also have some float swtichs here hooked up to the reef keeper to turn on the ATO. Which is now in the basement as well.

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Like I said above I wasn't planning on getting a bigger tank anytime soon but was getting the sump and plumbing all ready. I have a HOB overflow on the 55g now and running the MAG18 and with all plumbing and going up to the first floor it's pushing around 700-800gph. I have a float switch up in the main tank in case it fails and water level starts to rise it will shutoff the return pump. I have the plumbing setup to allow a bean animal style overflow with one full siphon, one open channel, and one emergency.