Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

The yellow Fiji looking good. One of many looks. Also can see some of the electric blue highlights on the coral beauty.

It's kinda like weighing yourself every least, at first :)

I've seen screen stall out for a week or longer then in the next week, they take off. I'm not saying to stop posting pics, continue to do that - a time lapse progression is great to see. It can also reveal a pattern of progression and then it's really easy to recommend adjustments if needed.
Thanks for checking in. Yep, just posting the first week or so daily and will probably cut back to weekly for a while until its established. I'll be interested in how long that takes.
No I would keep it up as long as you want. Maybe drop back to every other day or every 3rd day after a while.
Sounds good. I do a spot check everyday anyway in my sump room and the way you have the lights/heatsinks mounted it is extremely easy and quick to undo the thumb screw and take a pic.
I found one issue with using the spectrapure pumps for the automatic water changes. I was used to hearing the Stenner and thinking cool I'm doing a water change. Even at its quietest I could hear it when in the basement. Now I can't hear a thing anywhere.

That doesn't seem to be an issue to me. Please clarify.
ATS screen looks darker today in person. The pic shows some darker spots.

Day 6

If anything this is helping me keep track of how many days its been. Waiting till day 10 until I rinse it off.
Looks like a hint of green coloration but that could be a camera effect.

The first cleaning is less of a cleaning and more of a fingertip rub (or just a single palm-swipe) and a rinse in really slow running room temp tap water.
No, I have never worried about it in the past. At least, it doesn't affect a matured screen, and anything that clings to the screen is pretty negligible.

If you wanted to have peace of mind about both not killing off algae and not introducing any chlorinated water (more important if your muni uses chloramines instead) you can draw a shallow pan of water out of the tank into a flat bottom container like a sterilite storage box and then place the screen in that and just give it a swish and after the palm swipe and you're good.

I read somewhere that marine algae exposed to FW can kill it (something similar to osmotic shock) so cleaning and rinsing in SW is what I recommend for screens that don't want to mature. But the vast majority of the time tap water is fine
Day 7

Not much change today but can see the right side is not getting much if any flow and is still white or at least much lighter

That's typical initially - the water inlet side usually runs a little thin on water coverage because there is no "resistance" yet. As algae fills in the entire screen, you will get a bit more growth at the far end of the pipe where the better flow is, and this will cause a little more backpressure at that end of the screen and force water to flow faster on the inlet side.

After your screen is mature you will still see a bit of this right after cleaning, but the growth will fill in throughout the growth cycle and even out the flow a lot quicker. You won't even notice this in a few months.
I figured as that's right where the water is entering the screen. Not to worried. I just like to make note of things because I will forget them later. Especially the little details.