Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Day 2

Looking a bit darker now
AND. OMG. Where has the Tunze Care Magnet been all my reefing life !!!!!!!

So, I've had a few areas of green coraline on my glass. Mag Float never kept up at all and got worse. Then I got a really big magnavore and it at least put a stop to it and started getting rid of some of it after many many many many passes but certainly not going anywhere quick. Then I tried a magic eraser and that was still a lot of elbow grease but was able to get a very small area completely free of the coraline but it was so not worth the effort to me to continue. I resolved to just going over all the glass with the magnavore nightly when I could and hoped to have the glass cleared of that green coraline by 2045 just in time for me to take the tank down because I'll be to old and weak to move the hefty magnavore across the glass.

I finally decided to try the Tunze Care Magnet as I've seen many good reviews for it. I've been hesitant because for one I already spent a good amount of money on the magnavore and two I did not like that the inside component didn't Float.

Well, I got the Strong in for my 5/8" glass 180 today. Wasn't what I was expecting coming from large Magnet Float cleaners. I felt kind of ripped off. It's very slim and not much to it. It did come with a couple extra (1 large and 1 small) spare plastic blades. But only a single metal blade you can attach to the large plastic one. Again felt ripped off thinking there should be two metal ones if anything as that's what will be used on glass tanks.

I decided to not put the metal blade and test it out in the tank getting used to it to make sure I wouldn't scratch it up worse then it already is. I was also still very nervous to drop the inside part into the sand.

ALL hesitations, fears, doubts, feelings if being ripped off, nerves, etc etc were VERY QUICKLY eliminated. Glad my kids are in bed because I said, quite loudly, a word I can't type on this forum but it started with HOLY @$&$*. It quickly scraped of a LOT of the coraline one 2 passes. A few more and a good amount of it was cleared from one area. 5 or 6 more swipes and the area was completely cleared.

This was with just the plastic big and small blades. Now I don't see why they even included a metal blade. I did take care to not cross swipe it and turned going back and forth the long ways. I was nervous turning a corner at first and found it very easy. I positioned it vertical and slid the outside around the corner and the inside moved right along with it. Never once dropping it. I did dare to go into the sand. And did not have any issues. I still would not recommend it.

I didn't expect to be so excited about this but its amazing. Pictures to show why

One area Before

And After

Another area before


So freaking easy and quick compared to what I was doing before. And yeah I could have dove in there with a razor and elbow grease but again so not worth it to me right now. I just want to sit back and enjoy my tank as much as I can.
Posted in another thread but thought I'd save it here too on the LIEs that Tunze is publishing about their care magnet.

I would like to call out some false advertising on the part of Tunze and I have proof. They mentioned that their care magnet would scrape off the algae in a way that would make it available to be consumed by the tank inhabitants.

Here's the proof that it does NOT all get consumed!!!!!!


but as you can see it does make it easily skimmable [emoji1]

The skimmer is turned off in that picture. It's a foaming machine as you can see the algae flakes way up the sides.
I got that huge float switch in and was insanely easy. Literally drop in and go. I will have to play with the level in the water the weight should go but I have it in a good high spot and will wait for it to reach the turn off point and then slowly lower it to get to the level I want.

Here's a pic if this very complex setup....


I just clipped on that weight and dropped it in. I have it higher then the picture as that was right after I did the hardest part of the install of clipping on that weight and dropping it in the water. The second hardest part was plugging it in and the stenner pump piggyback off that.

After I get it to the right level I'll mark off the point on the wire where it needs to be on the edge of the extremely expensive and lab grade mixing vessel.
That weight is not clamped all the way on - tighten that clamp on the weight!
That weight is not clamped all the way on - tighten that clamp on the weight!

Thanks for checking in. Since that picture I've swapped that 32g round brute with a 50g square brute to hold some more water and still fit in the space I have for it.

I currently don't have the weight on it at all and just clamped to the side like this:


I've let it drain down twice to make sure it shuts off and it has but do you suggest I still use the weight?
Concerning the Tunze Care Magnets Do you think that they will work good on the coralaine algae on the sides of the tank? ie the straight corners. that is the place where I have difficulty getting the coraline out. I have a flipper and the magnet is not strong enough for my 120 gallon tank Should work good on my 40 breeder.
Concerning the Tunze Care Magnets Do you think that they will work good on the coralaine algae on the sides of the tank? ie the straight corners. that is the place where I have difficulty getting the coraline out. I have a flipper and the magnet is not strong enough for my 120 gallon tank Should work good on my 40 breeder.
I had no issues hitting the corners and what's normally impossible to hit with most mag float types is above the upper brace trim line around the entire tank(most tanks have these). The magnavore er gets a bit above that line but not as far as the tunze care gets.

I did have some purple coraline on the back right corner of my tank and I did have to put on the metal blade to scrape it off. But it did scrape it off very easily.
Day 7

There's definitely very small patches of green. The funny thing is the most noticeable green tiny patch is in the bottom right corner that has been showing the least amount of change previously. Unfortunately you can't see it in the picture due to glare.

Some pictures I took this morning that for me came out great. For anyone with any kind of photography skills are still terrible.





I guess one last thing to note for today that I noticed in the sump while doing my nightly spot check. (I usually also do one in the morning too before work) It looks like I'm getting a good aiptasia farm going again. They all died off, at least visually, in the cleaning chemicals and massive invert death last year.

I like having them in the sump. It's crawling with many various pods, worms, sponges, etc. Many detritus and filter feeding inverts. I didn't think of this until just now but none of my sponges were effected at all in that invert genocide. The pods and asterina stars were the first to bounce back. Then I had to restock the snails, crabs, and shrimp. It looks though like the aiptasia are finally bouncing in full force as well. My bristle worms have been back too. The one thing that I probably had most of down there (besides various pods) were small feather dusters. They were covering everything down there. All of them gone. I have started to spot a very small few. Maybe 2 or 3. That's it. But at least they are there now and should see them grow out from there.

I should try and take some pictures of the aiptasia, I promise you nothing short of blured images and glare, because if you've never seen one that's never given any light you'll see why they are also called glass anemones as they are translucent white. I don't have any lights in my sump except for now what's glowing from the Turbo ATS at night.

Here's a picture from wet web that will be better then I can ever take a picture of

I have a good couple dozen of them now in the sump. They are great at filtering the water of particles that will break down to unwanted nutrients. If you don't mind a couple hiding out in your main display tank they are good. I saw a couple in the main tank this morning hiding in a small crevice which prompted me to look tonight to see how they were doing in the sump.

I always keep my display tank stocked with a good hand full or more of peppermint shrimp. At least 1-3 of the half dozen of them will eat the stuff. I do have an "aiptasia" eating file fish but he doesn't seem to know he's supposed to eat it. I feed the main tank to well (or to much) for him to bother with anything like that. I haven't had any kind of major outbreak of aiptasia since I first had my 55g before the flood of '08 that I can remember.
My aiptasia farm on top of a grave site of those mini feather dusters. It's in my drain and skimmer section that was bare bottom. I was going to pick up the billion or so empty worm shells but found the bristle worms love them. I also found that the aiptasia love the egg crate I have my skimmer raised up on.

Here's what they look like with no light exposure other then the 1 minute or less I turn the light on to spot check everything.
Thanks for checking in. Since that picture I've swapped that 32g round brute with a 50g square brute to hold some more water and still fit in the space I have for it.

I currently don't have the weight on it at all and just clamped to the side like this:


I've let it drain down twice to make sure it shuts off and it has but do you suggest I still use the weight?

You have to have a pivot point for the float - you can zip tie it to a vertical pipe, or use the weight - but yes - you need that pivot point.
