Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

The new rbta triplet is finally showing itself. It was under the rocks in the big cave for a while. Its the top one just showing a couple tentacles so far.

I totally forgot about this guy. He's been in the back of the tank forever and finally moving back towards the front. I had to zoom in quite a bit.

Haven't done a full tank shot in a while. Not much has changed and tank has been fully recovered for quite some time now from the mass chemical invert death done to my tank last year. Edit: full tank shot gives some perspective to the size of the anemones. The individual shots makes them look smaller. They've grown well since I got them.


And the two things that I was always most nervous to get but have wanted since starting the hobby in 2007. They've been doing good it seems but still makes me nervous.

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I think I would give it a swipe now. Just palm of hand, one or two passes per side, then either a light rinse in slow running room temp tap water, or a bit of tank water (you can pour over screen while on a melamine cutting board, etc).

Usually you want to remove the false bottom and clean it also every cleaning but the first few, not so critical.
And this is why my green BTA always stresses me out but have learned to not worry and just let it be.

He's always going through these phases.

Early this morning looking like death

Someone wanting to day Hi

Couple hours later

Noonish time

Couple hours after that

Just now

And in a few more hours he'll be fully open again
I think I would give it a swipe now. Just palm of hand, one or two passes per side, then either a light rinse in slow running room temp tap water, or a bit of tank water (you can pour over screen while on a melamine cutting board, etc).

Usually you want to remove the false bottom and clean it also every cleaning but the first few, not so critical.
Thanks. I'll do that later tonight. I have to clean out the skimmer cup too.
The trubo hf L series ATS is Very very very easy to do maintenance on. I didn't scrub it at all but just the process of getting the screen out and back in is super easy and can just set it back in, plug the pump back in, and forget it. Love that kind of setup that's easy to maintain.

Just pulled out for the first time

Flipped around to see the other side

Went ahead and pulled the false bottom as it only took me exactly .00367 seconds longer to do that at the same time

Both sides after a quick palm wipe and rinse (it was not slimy feeling at all. Just felt the rough screen)


Day 0

Also to note, I went ahead and did a quick wipe of the inside with a paper towel too.

I was also wondering if I should flip the screen the other way?

BTW, the entire thing is dead silent now. Never did hook up the drain valve.
Want to give some skimmer loving too. I clean it out every 4 days and like clock work it is filled with the same nasty thick 4 cups of skimmate. Always 4 cups and always 1 cup every day. It's been so consistent I could not be happier with it. I've done pictures of the nasty previously but here it is just after start up as I was cleaning out the ATS just doing what it does best. A nice thick foam head right away.
