Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

The innovative marine's minimax pump has dulled quite a bit. Still not quite but much more tolerable. The GFO was not churning much at all so I adjusted the flow slightly which being as touchy as it is caused chaos which I quickly was able to adjust back and forth until it was at the slow churning I wanted. But I didn't have to take it out, turn it upside down, bang it around, etc like I had to do with the BRS reactor to unclump it.

Caught the skimmer while it was off tonight. The collection cup area is foamy and nasty as usual just drained but the inside of the neck is squeaky clean now thanks to the swabbie.

Wish I had BTA's and porcelain crabs a long time ago. I think I could watch this all day. Really cool how it wraps it's legs around the base of the anemone.

Today is the first time that I hit a top ORP number two mornings in a row. I hit 417 yesterday and today. Maybe it's hit it's top number? Maybe this could be a way to know when to pull out the ATS and clean off the screen? That would be cool.

On another front I couldn't pass up a deal on an Aquamaxx EM300. I came across one in the used selling section of this forum but there was some delays in communications and I came across an even better deal for the same skimmer from someone else. lol I feel bad for the original seller to move on to a second one so if anyone is interested there's a listing I bumped earlier for the em300.

I've been eyeing a few skimmers and looking out in the used market for them like the life reefs, mtc, and the aquamaxx line. Possible try out a different reef octopus or if a really good deal on an ATB showed up. There is a nice reef octopus up for sale in the sale section too for a decent price.

I like the EM300 as it's similar to the SRO 3000 with a little smaller height but with what I think are some improved differences and I hope turn into better consistency which I didn't have with the SRO.

The outlet pipe on the SRO had to be modified so it didn't have a jet of water streaming out it's pipe and that was an easy fix with a pvc T and vent pipe up the top. The EM300 (btw looks like the Seasside ES2 is made by the same people which would be JNS possibly) has a low at the base outlet with a tall vent pipe and water level adjustment. It works really well with my current Seaside ES2. This improved outlet design also allows for a much improved smaller footprint in the EM300 over the SRO with the same body diameter which is 8" in both.

The SRO is slightly taller in the overall height which is desperately needed as the air draw with the hy3000 is about 100 lph higher then on the shark 3 at the recommended setup. Which is why I was thinking of trying the SRO out again with a neck extension. But I got the EM300 for cheaper then I would purchasing the neck extension and new hy3000 pump. With the shark 3 producing slightly less air I'm hoping to make for a better balanced skimmer. Also, the recommended water height is lower with the EM300 at 8-9" compared to the 6-7" with the SRO which I did not like. I hope this also helps create more stability.

The other thing I just hated with the SRO is the press fitted bottom that easily fell off. The EM300 much like my current seaside skimmer and looks like exactly the same kind of base uses thumbscrew attachment.

I'm glad I got a hold of one the EM300's. I don't know if I exactly like the new cones Q series that looks to possibly replace the EM series which replaced the AM series. Big thing I don't like is the neck tapering in the Q's which ATB did in their Elegance line but I think the ATB design of that tapering is much better by being tapered along the entire neck. The Q series "hybrid" cone starts lower in the body then the EM series reducing total volume in the body, steps straight up which the ATB design tapers right away in the neck(more compatible for neck cleaners btw), and then half way up the neck steps to a taper again.

I just feel the EM series is better balanced with body volume and neck sizing with the same pump. I could be totally wrong and time will tell. But I've already seen some mixed reviews on the Q series though which I've seen much MUCH more positive then negative on the EM series. I wouldn't mind seeing if I can get the bubble plate used in the Q3 and trying it out on the EM300 since they are the same exact pump and main body diameter.

I am very very very happy with the Seaside Aquatics ES2 and will keep it around in case I don't see the same kind of performance and consistency with the EM300. They are actually very similar in looks besides the ES2 being a full cone. The EM300 will provide about 300 lph of more air draw and a bigger body to hopefully be at least slightly more productive. I should have the EM300 next week and will look forward to side by side shots with the SRO 3000 and ES2.
ORP topped off at 413 this morning. Will see what it does tomorrow and I'll pull the screen out tomorrow night to scrape off and clean. Then it will be interesting what the ORP does after that.
First full 2 weeks between cleanings are up and the results are most impressive. I have to admit that any results would have impressed me. I didn't expect much from the ATS but its really blown away all expectations.

AND Bud has a new revision coming out of the Turbo ATS and I'm going to go with "Go big or Go home" and got on the L8 waiting list. Same length as the L4 but a bit taller. I think around 4" taller. Won't be till some time next year though.

And for tonights cleaning. Very full and thick. Green through out. It does seem like one side is tending to be a bit thicker then the other. Not sure it's an issue though.



Side shot

Thick bottom (baby got back came to mind...)

And the pile of

I bumped the flow up a tiny bit and its almost wide open. See if that evens out the sides a bit. Lights are still 12 on and 12 off. 11:30pm to 11:30am. The reds at high intensity and blues still at the original jumpers and diffused with scotch tape.
So, this was cool and unexpected. I found something new in my tank that I never knew I had in there before. Around 4am I noticed something very different on the glass of my tank.

I found three of these stomatella. Pretty good size too. I never new I had any in my tank before. So, I assume I've got many more.
BTW ORP's been acting much more normal now wavering up and down and ending around 418-420's the past few mornings. Seem's it finally settled but as soon as I say this it's going to spike up again. Either way this new level of ORP I can only explain by implementing the ATS. Ozone hasn't been running in about a week since it hit 400 because it wont turn on again until it drops below 325 or something like that. I'm sure my pods will appreciate that. I've also noticed a large amount of diversity really starting to grow out in my sump. I think I'm finally about fully recovered from last years invert nuking. It's almost completely dark at all times in the sump minus the red glow from the ATS at night and the blue glow from the controller displays when ever I do turn on the light I'm seeing a lot more scattering. Also, it looks like have a seamonkey family living in the new GFO reactor. Some kind of shrimp larvae and I don't think it's amphipod at all.
Did another "mod" tonight. I absolutely LOVE my Tunze Care magnet. But the inside part doesn't float. I haven't had it fall off but twice. First time I was able to get it to come back to the outside magnet with out getting my hands in the water. Second time happened tonight and I had to get my hands wet. I hate putting my hands in the tank. So, that was two to many times for my liking and know I'll someday do it again.

Here's my super hard super expensive fix and works like a charm.

I got the aquamaxx em300 today and unboxed. Everything was already together for the most part. Just had to take the base off and put on the bubble plate. I like it just slides right on. I also noticed the collection cup along with the twist lock has a rubber seal as well. I'll have to get a pic of it later along with a side by side with the SSA ES2 after I take it out and clean it.

But for now here's a side by side with the SRO3000sss.

I have it setup and running now. It pulls a lot more air then I thought it would. I'm quite impressed. It's rated for 1020 LPH air draw which converts to 36scfh. On my dwyer it was hovering between 38 and 40! That converts back to 1076 LPH to 1133 LPH of air flow!!!! The SRO3000SSS is rated at 39 SCFH or 1104 LPH. If I remember right I think I clocked it in at 42 scfh or 1189 LPH. I'd have to look back in this thread. So the SRO still pulled more but holy buckets I truly didn't think the EM300 was going to even pull the rated 1020 LPH of air let alone exceed it. I don't know why I didn't think to get the airflow from the SSA ES2. I guess I didn't expect much from that skimmer BUT boy did it exceed all expectations. I hope I get the same stability and consistency from the EM300 with a little more production. I also have to mention the EM300 is just as quiet as the ES2 which is darn near silent. The SR03000sss was quite noisy.

I have it in a hair over 8.5" of water

The air flow (snapped off several pics to show it wasnt a one shot fluke and because I was so excited lol )





The volute on the shark 3 is impressively large which probably helps attribute to that air draw.

Now back to before I got it in production and some side by sides.

EM300, ES2, and SRO3000SSS

ES2, EM300, and SRO3000SSS
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And some measurements...

The neck diameters surprised me with the EM300 having the smallest neck even compared to the ES2. The SRO3000SSS of course had the widest neck

SRO3000SSS 4.75" neck

The EM300 4" neck

The ES2 a hair over 4 3/8"

Then there was quite the contrast between widths of the neck to body junction.

The SRO has a huge opening causing quite the step down to the neck

Has to step this down to the 4.75" neck

The ES2 and EM300 where both the same width as the neck measurements


The bubble plate measurements and they scaled as expect and pretty obvious

ES2 just under 4.75"

EM300 ~5.75"

SRO3000SSS 6 3/8"
Now for the issues...not many

First was the pump is not a super tight fit. That's not normally a problem but when its shipped all together like it was it could have caused the volute to crack the acrylic which it didn't the back plate did fall off. Easy fix but shows it should have been packaged separately and better.


The only other issue I see so far is the o-ring comes out of its groove way to easily. I didn't even realize the ES2 had one as it's black and sits in its groove a little deeper and hasn't fallen out at all. The EM300 you look at it funny and it comes out of its groove. You also have to make sure it doesn't get pinched and loop into the inside of the skimmer when putting on the collection cup.


I do like that the outlet pipe comes out and can be repositioned just like the ES2 and allows for very fine adjustments.

Now to see how well it breaks in and performs. In the future I would be interested in fitting the shark 3 pump into the SRO3000SSS. The bb hy3000 seemed to be a bit to much for the body. The shark drawing in a very good amount of air but slightly less then the hy3000 might make for a great skimmer. I'll still hate that press on plate on the bottom though. Or I would also like to get a hold of one of those aquamaxx Q3 plates and put it into the EM300. After seeing the EM300 in person I'm disappointed in the reduction in size of the Q series. Time will tell for everything though.
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OK. Yeah. Color me impressed.

This sucker is already producing and its dialed down. This is exactly how the ES2 started out as well.

AND it just shot up my pH. A lot.

Nice foam over

I turned on the swabbie and let it go around once and it picked up some nasty around the neck already.

Some dark skimmate on the edge of the blade there.

And the oh the pH!!!

The fusion graph showing the spike