The notes above are for another round of tests I did tonight. Probably one of the last times I'll do this for a while. I'm getting out of that experimental phase I think. I'm feeling pretty good about everything I've got going and the stability is there.
Since it will probably be one of the last time I'm going to do a full round of testing in a while I figured I'll take the opportunity to compare my hobby tests and Triton ICP testing.
So, this is sealed and ready to go
To see what comes back this is what I was able to test tonight.
Temp: 78.1 (Apex probe)
pH: 8.22 at display 8.29 at sump (Apex)
ORP: 420 (Apex)
34ppt (Veegee refractometer)
34.6 (Apex)
35 (Milwaukee digital)
Calcium: 420 (API)
Alk: 11dkh (API)
Mg: 1440 (Salifert)
Nitrate: 0 (API)
Phosphorus: 16ppb (Hanna ULR Checker)
Phosphates: .05ppt (converted)
What I would consider undetectable. I know its not 0. It will be interesting what Triton comes back with.
In range of what I want (.04-.08) and stable now maintaining under .09
Calcium is hanging above my 400+ target I'm looking for and where it normally is. 420-440
Mg is still elevated and Alk are both the same values as last testing. I'll reduce the amount of Mg added each new salt mix batch I make. I'll keep reducing the Alk on the new saltmix as well with the muriatic acid till I hit 8-10. OR I just need to keep buying more stony corals.