Rebuild and recovery of a dead tank

Justed making notes.

Aquamaxx says the EM300 draws 27watts.

Killowatt says 32.91 average over 24 hour period.

2 gallons of Reef Crystals tested out to
Alk 11.8dKH
Calcium 550
Mg 1560

Had a ton of fun capturing images and video with the new microscope tonight. Will try uploading them later if any came out.
Some more stats

Over a week period my mag1800 with around 12' head height against it as a basement return pumping around 750gph has averaged around 71.18 watts. At 0 head its rated for 150watts.

Going to run it on the skimmer again for a week this time.
My baby urchin is getting to be a really nice size now.

From around 1am.
What started out as getting a new skimmer built, MTC MVX 36", has spiraled into a whole new fish room, lab, and sump.

Here's the start

The new sump, a trigger systems crystal elite 36. On sale right now at marine depot and premium aquatics.


Skimmer section will house the new skimmer. I'm thinking of having the full siphon go into that section. But have my open chanel go to the refugium section. Which, why I really liked this model, on top of that refugium section will sit the Turbo Aquatics ATS. Filter socks came with it. I won't be using the filter socks.

Awaiting the skimmer build right now.

Everything will then move out of the current sump room which is good as its very cramped in there but is also where our hvac, water heater, and water softener reside. Now I wont have to worry as much about the humidity and salt.

So in the room next to it will be where all this will be at. Will build a nice bench for testing and my microscope and just playing around.
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Been thinking of other opportunities I can do now and I'm thinking of drilling some holes in the return section and having that drain down to a 55G brute can filled with rock to make much more of a true cryptic zone. About 1/2 way up I'll plumb in a return pump. This will actually cause my head pressure to increase compared to where it's out now and I'd like to increase my return pump flow close to double where it's at now and split the return to each side of the tank.

Which, for this application I'm looking at a blueline 70 HD. Plugging in the numbers I should get about 1300gph out of it with the head height and split that between the two sides. Right now I'm getting around 750gph on one side of the tank with the mag 1800.

Bottom half of the brute should be pretty low flow and the upper 1/4 (not going to let it fill all the way full for when the return shuts off) should get pretty high flow.
I think I have the future state that I want figured out now and I won't need the ultra high head rated external pump.

Visual (pretty close to scale except the ATS. )

My display will go straight to the 55g brute. It will drain out into the refugium section of the sump. It will go out of the brute pretty much where it will go in creating higher flow up top but a small amount at the bottom. I'll put the ugf plate on the bottom and reverse flow up creating some up flow. Rest of the brute will be filled with rock.

The height of the sump I'll make so there's enough room for the MTC MVX to fit which will make after fittings and such around 9-10' head height. I can then run like two mag 1800s which I have 3 of and get some redundancy.
Poop poop. Dehumidifier stopped working. I have two but this one is specifically for the sump room to keep humidity down around the utilities. The other one is on the otherside of the basement. Went and got another 70 pinter.
This is how you convince the significant other to build a fish room.

By explaining it will make the other side of the room bigger and the other smaller space isn't practical for much because of ductwork reducing height of the ceiling.

Old separation wall coming down

Along this side of the return ductwork is going the new wall and door into the new sump room. Support post by outside window there is where the 180g display tank is above it.

Door into the current utility closet and where my sump is.

The current disaster that is my sump and water station. I hope to be able to match the amazing cable management in place here.

I haven't even looked at the failed ATS pump yet. I might not put it back online until I get the new sump room built out and new sump online. I have actually noticed a bit of cyano growth in my display tank over the past couple weeks. To take up the slack I've bumped up my carbon dosing very slightly and added some GAC. I've also noticed my pH dropping a bit lower at night. From 8.0x to 7.9x.

When bringing the ATS back online I was thinking of putting it over the sump but now I'm thinking of putting it right on top of the lid of the 55g brute cryptic zone. Anything coming off the screen will become some food for what ever grows down there. The ATS pump will come from that sump area. So, if the return pump/s ever do fail there will be circulation going between the sump and the brute.