recent tank shots 3rd birthday

salt lick

Here are some recent photos. 230 gallon tank doing well on its 3rd anniversary. Please feel free to offer photo technique advice.


Crusty and Abdula spawn every couple of weeks, anenome divides every 4 months


Tank is viewed on 3 sides, this is the back left


14 inch wide hammer coral


Brain coral macro at night


self portrait
the hammer is a real show piece waving with the surge. The hammer and the brain sting the corals all the time. I can't bring myself to remove them, I have had both since the 6 month mark of the tank.
full tank shots at night

full tank shots at night

Still learning to capture the full tank. these photos are with just the fluorescents, no flash or MH.
Shot with 24-105 at 24mm, tripod, 1/30 and 1/50 sec, F4.0 ISO 800

Tank is 3/4 inch glass, oblique close-ups shot through the glass always come out blurry.

Advice welcome.



need a no glare flash for full tank shots, but not sure how.
The half tank pics are with my flash, hand held pressed up to the glass
For the distortion/blur on the close-ups, make sure your lens is squared up perpendicular to the glass, no angled shots.

Is that a colony of zoanthids on a Sea Swirl?! :)

Also... DIY carbon fiber... you HAVE to more show and tell! Carbon fiber? Seriously? I'd love to know more about that.
Do you have a shot of the whole room? Reading that you're using the SunTubes, I'd love to know more about their light bleed. I'm also in a high sun area (just north of you), but have always been told these tubes weren't an effective reef solution.
the combo of Sunpipes and my actinic lights at 10-12 AM looks great.
my quantum meter says not so effective. direct sun would of course be the gold standard