Recycle your batteries!!

I found this picture on a reef recovery site, I'm sure they took the liberty to clean up this mess if they had time to photograph it.
For money purposes, they are worth about 0.14 cents a pound!
For batteries at about 80lbs, this probably would not be worth salvage, it's a shame, the people who left them there would have known that nobody would want to claim them.:mad:
Just ask anyone running a mom and pop business when Wal-mart was PAID BY THE US GOVT to open up, and then paid AGAIN to undercut all the competition.

Ok there Aquaholic.... Please explain to me how a mom and pop store is more ecofriendly then Walmart??? This ought to be good...

Now look I'm not a fan of walmarts... especially how they instruct their employees on how to recieve food stamps instead of paying them enough money so they don't have to...

But I would really like to here your reasonings behind this....

And like Mike said... How many of you out there buy Tonga "Live" rock??? The worst part is... Its ****** rock that sits DRY for days and virtually has no life on it when you get it... Hence you need to cure it for four weeks... But yet the majority of people on this website feel its appropriate to destroy the native ecosystem of a far away land so they can be amused in their living room... Do you actually belive that the natives removing this rock from the ocean are careful not to remove the one with live coral on them... SUUUUURRRRRE... they will grab anything they can get their hands on... Lets be honest they are too ignorant to comprehend sustainabilty... but only trying to feed their families... and I cant blame them for that... But I can blame anyone on this web site who buys the stuff, becuase they know better...

But I'm sure there are people out there who will drive their SUV's, run their air conditioners all summer, but yet find some way to tell me that George W. Bush and the rest of the republican party is destroying this earth by drilling for oil in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge... While you all ***** at the current Gas prices... And when the reefs in FIJI are all gone... that will be Bush's fault too...

Bush is not perfect, and not the best environmentalist... but look at the ALTERNATIVES!!!???!!! Hmmmmm a lapse on the environment... or Homeland Security??? Yeah lets trust Kerry to to keeping us safe..

I for one have 110#'s of AQUACULTURED TAMPA BAY SALTWATER ROCK that arrived with LIVE coral, has never been dry for more then a few minutes, cycled in 10 days... and actually improved the tampa bay ecosystem by its production...

Save the Natural Reefs which are IRREPLACEABLE in the relative future and support

Please Aquaholic cry to me some more how Big Buisiness is the great evil... Look we live in a society based on Capitalism... if you don't like it... I hear Tibet is nice this time of year....

Jeff Bartkowski

Reef Central uses profanity filters for a reason. Please do not attempt to "fool" them by using symbols in place of letters, and keep in mind that this is a family friendly community. You can get your point across just fine without profane language.
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I notice this thread taking a decidedly political turn. If it continues on that course, it will be closed.
Responsible reefkeeping IS political. Youre either responsible or youre not. A reflection of your own personal views. IMO
Sorry Dgen... you're right you don't need to use profanity to get your point across, and will always sound more intelligent when you don't... won't happen again...

I just get enraged when it's so blatent that someones hatred for a person or political party actually makes decisions for them and stuctures their views rather then what is in my opinion common sense...

But as far as closing a thread because it takes a political view, I don't neccesarilly agree with that... after all if theres any place on reef central where people can discuss (argue) their views of environmental laws brought forth from one side of the political spectrum or the other... It should be in this forum...

But one of the main reasons I wrote back to this thread is because I was really curious of Mr. 420's (remeber this is a family atmosphere... oh wait I bet April 20th is his birthday... sorry...) statement of how Walmart is more detrimental to the ecosystem then mom and pop stores??? Afterall, I consider Walmart to be highly comparable to the Mass Transit system. Smaller #'s of larger stores, but I bet the square footage of all the Walmarts is less then all of the mom and pop stores nation wide... Walmarts are definitely more energy efficient with newer, improved technology HVAC and lighting... Not that they neccesarrily care about the environment, but after all companies are greedy and energy is expensive... And the consumer can go to ONE store for Food, Housewares, Hardware, Sporting Goods, and heck even Firearms... To me thats more benneficial to the ecosystem then driving my car to 5 different places... But hey thats just my opinion not rulled by hatred of a political party and hipocritical views of Big Buisiness... How many mom and pop "Mobile Phone Operations" companies are out there anyway??? With all those cell fones being made proudly here in the United States of course Creating Jobs for all the ones that George W lost??? Right??? AHHHH sorry cheap shot... I guess we should get back to Reef Keeping... I have a water change to due....

Unless someone wants to tell me of the conspiracy by the republicans and oil companies about a push for more mass transit and diesel powered busses because its more profitable to produce than gasoline??? I can almost hear it now =)

Ok sorry back to that water change...

Jeff Bartkowski
As a general rule, politics are pretty ambiguous when it comes to the environment.....both parties claim to have the "interests of the planet" at heart, but when they start proposing clear cutting of national forests, drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico (spelled too darned close this time......they've already screwed up the Everglades, probably beyond repair, a major nursery area for most of the Gulf's fish species, plus all the water diverted for the sugar industry is playing a major part in our red tide epidemics, something one has to see or smell to truly appreciate) I do tend to bet a bit testy.

Politics is politics and BOTH sides are out for the major benefactors and appropriate industries, no matter how much they claim to support the common man, and complaining doesn't mean I'm not fully cognizent of how much better it is hee than most other locale in the world.....anyone who has been to a 3rd world country and doesn't realize how good we really have it is beyond hope.

I think that recycling is always good. It helps keep our planet healthy, and saves the pescados! (that means fish in Spanish) Thanks batplus for your encouraging words!
My pleasure, battplus if you all have'nt figured it out stands for Batteries Plus, we are a small francise LLC that specializes in all kinds of batteries and the recycling programs for them. is the website for more recycling programs in your area. If we take care of batteries properly, we can save landfills and other choice disposal areas from toxins released. Every little clean up effort brings us closer to success, better corals for the wild, and leaves some for our hobby too!

Mike Hoekstra
Batteries Plus
Aside from being unsightly and the fact that it probably killled a lot of stuff already. What are the actual environmental impact of THIS particular case?

I'm guessing that battery acid is sulfuric acid? It probably didn't have that big an impact (I'm sure volcanoes belch it out at orders of magniture more volume).

Lead. What happens to the lead in the water? If the dumpers were smart (obviously they aren't!) they would have salvaged the lead and sold it. (Hey, people who hand load pistol cartridges as a hobby often scrounge for lead. If the dumpers had offered cheap lead, I think shooters would flock to do the work of removing it).

Plastic. A mess that will stay around forever but biologically inert.

I am, of course, in NO WAY saying that this kind of behaviour is acceptable by any stretch of the imagination. It's human garbage and we shouldn't just hide it away like it doesn't exist. All that stuff is recylable (I think). Could it be that when we bring our old batteries to the autostore or recycling centre...this is what happens to it?

Just wait until eco-friendly electric cars and hybrids become more popular. Will that mean even more battery dumping?

Wow I was having a good day tll I read this. What a downer man!! You know the real problem with the environement and the world, is exactly what is taking place here. People are too divided on what needs to be done, some are in disbelief that anything really needs to be done, and yet others are just ignorant and CHOOSE to remain that way.

I tell ya if ever there was a god, now would be a good time for him to step in! It just seems man cannot direct his own footsteps does it? It just gets worse.

Makes me wanna kill myself :(
If you kill yourself, please don't leave your body in the ocean!

A note on PHYSICAL sea junk...the ocean is full of ships and planes and other crap. The beauty of the ocean is that physical things, as we know will soon become habitats for good living things. (Chemical and biological refuse is a much different issue).

I'm not condoning ocean dumping, but I know that ships are often sunk to make reefs. I've done some wreck diving and I know that stuff takes a liking to physcal structures (I've seen the metal frame of the "bomber" from the filming of "Thunderball" and the cessna from "Jaws 3" and they are fully encrusted with coral and life all around it.

Maybe it's propaganda, but I remember seeing a display either in the Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans, or else Monterey Bay Aquarium where they showed how the presense of an oil rig actually encourages life to flourish in some really bleak areas (Heck we ALL know how life just finds a handhold on anything in our tanks! My pumps, returns, overflows, etc are coated with life)

Batteries is something very different and completely irresponsible (hey, ships sink, planes crash, oil rigs are built with environmental impact studies done first). I find it horrible that some company would do this. I think massive fines need to be imposed...but then again, that is hard to enforce.

I don't know if anyone remembers but years ago Canada imposed a moratorium (sp?) on cod fishing of the Maritime coast (ie; east coast). So Canadian fishermen lost their jobs. That didn't stop the Europeans from fishing there though. As a matter of fact the Canadian Coast Guard had to patrol the 200 miles "international waters border" to keep foreign fishermen out. But those fishermen would fish at exactly 200 miles and one foot...

Who knows who dumped those batteries. Maybe they were even dumped by a company that we all brought our used batteries to for recyling? How do we know the stuff we put in the blue boxes are even recycled?

Man, this IS a downer. The best thing that WE can do is to do what we can locally. Bring cloth shopping bags to the store, buy things in bulk to reduce packaging, recycle everything, etc.

Are we hypocrites though? I know my tank lights eat up quite a bit of electricity! I even use to pay more to use "Green Mountain Electric" because they claimed to dump renewable energy into the powergrid on my behalf...until the whole California energy crisis forced them out of the state.

We do it to ourselves. This thread is depressing because it just shows how powerless we are and how just a few bad eggs can really screw things up.


PS. don't kill yourself unless we can recycle your body. I have a can of fava beans and a nice chianti waiting ... ;)
Just as an can take your old batteries, of any kind, to a Verizon Wireless store and drop them into a recyling bucket there.

Cheers...Michael :beer:

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