Recycle your batteries!!

'Responsible Reefkeeping' threads should be randomly injected into every set of search results.

(I became so engrossed in this discussion that I'll have to hit my 'back' button to figure out what I was searching for...)
NanoCube-boy said:
WOW that's sucks how batteries kill the sea... Where can I recycyle AA, AAA batteries?

4 posts before you.......

jokermgp said:
Just as an can take your old batteries, of any kind, to a Verizon Wireless store and drop them into a recyling bucket there.

Cheers...Michael :beer:
wow i didnt know that! I am doing that from now on. They get pleanty of my money, they can recycle my batteries

jokermgp said:
Just as an can take your old batteries, of any kind, to a Verizon Wireless store and drop them into a recyling bucket there.

Cheers...Michael :beer:
Yes - its a free service that Verizon Wireless offers. Pretty sweet, huh? A socially responsible corporation. I'm really proud to be a VZW employee!

Cheers...Michael :beer:
hmm I was thinking of changing phone companies and now I'll feel a little better knowing that the one robbing me is actually doing something I really believe in.
we'll i went to the link and seen the batteries... which is awefull sad....
id hate to vent and slip off the subject but man uses millions of years theory, and if u start with a falible theory you'll end with falible science. hope they get whoever put those batteries there!!


Great response since my first post of this topic! I now am starting work in the local law enforcement, just moved from Michigan to Nevada in August and I have to say the response with my previous job at Batteries Plus was excellent. I am still active in saving the reefs a little at a time, and also now saving lives too! Thank you to everyone and especially reef central for keeping this post alive at the top!

I have wanted to say somthin about recycling batteries. I was cleaning this tank last night i got along with my 150 and along with a few legos in the gravel was a crusty AA Duracell. No wonder they got rid of the fishtanks. I bet there kids dumped all kinds of crap in there and killed everything. LOL of all things. Fits directly to the topic in our world. Watch your kids and what they throw in there when your not looking.
Its not just batteries. EVERY item that you buy has packaging that ends up being disposed of into the environment. I know that we need the packaging to protect the goods that we buy but we need to start being extra detemined to recycle these reusable goods. THE WELFARE OF THE ENVIONMENT AS WELL AS OUR HOBBY ARE AT STAKE.

I personally started by bringing my own bucket or cooler to the LFS when I buy an animal. No need to waste a bag that doesn't hold the water temperature well anyway. AND give your LFS a hard time about recycling the cardboard and styrofoam that they receive their shipments in.
Three years ago there was a picture. ;)

The internet changes...

The picture showed a massive undersea dumping area for batteries.

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