Recycle your batteries!!

you can also go to cell phone stores like Sprint, and just ask for a phone recycling bag, and drop them in and it's postage paid, so put it in the mailbox.
I could not agree more! When I see someone littering, I yell at them to clean it up, or just go clean it up myself! One person CAN make a change! Lead by example!!
I decrease my "footprint" every chance I get!! Re-usable bags for my groceries, bulk packaging for my foods, there are a million things you can do! And a million websites that will help you!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=3438009#post3438009 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Vincerama2
...Just wait until eco-friendly electric cars and hybrids become more popular. Will that mean even more battery dumping?


The batteries in Hybrid vehicles are recyclable. Gas guzzling car salesman like to use this argument to steer people away from trying to do their part to keep this planet alive. I am currently looking into a system wind/solar that not only will power my house and take me off the grid, but also sell energy back to the electric company for a profit:) Payback is only 5 years and then my aquarium will be truly ECO-FRIENDLY

P.S. Taking care of our planet is not a political issue. It is about providing our children, grandchilden, etc. with a beautiful place to live
Yea a little does goes well in a long run, but people doesn't understand it because they think a little can do no harm. They don't understand the consequence in the long run and if thousand peoples team up together and throw one batteries improperly, then the ocean will be filled with toxin acid. In reality, that's what happen, they doesn't know that they are team up harm the world.

It's like walking a street, throwing a wrapper on the floor, saying it's just a small candy wrapper, but there are other trash on the floor too. Doesn't really understand that our planet is there home, home to everyone. Damaging our fragile ocean, the start of food chain, can lead to extinction of life.
what people dont realize is that the coral reefs are not only a magnificent wonder of nature, but they also protect the shorelines from tsunamis, without a reef the tsunamis would not break and slow down; instead they would break right at the shore destroying much more than they already do today.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14190124#post14190124 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bubbles129129
what people dont realize is that the coral reefs are not only a magnificent wonder of nature, but they also protect the shorelines from tsunamis, without a reef the tsunamis would not break and slow down; instead they would break right at the shore destroying much more than they already do today.

Is that right? How do you know that?
ok so if we all pick up trash the next time we see any .. the world will be beter off .. so do your part ,,, talk is cheap ..i promise to do mine!
hahaha im turning 16 soon and I tried to get my mom to let me trade our station wagon that im going to get for a smartcar but she wont let me :(
Thanks for the tip on where to recycle old batteries. I've got literally dozens of locations within 20 miles of my house. I will do what I can. Thanks.
I think on page 2 there is a link to the site where the picture was. It's been a while so I am not sure if they still have it? It was a pic of dozens of batteries from a lighthouse that had been discarded into the water.
When I saw the title I was thikning the smaller batteries, not the ones used in cars. Invest in a battery charger and use Eneloop rechargeable batteries. They are the best out there. i use them in all my photography equipment. Everytime I see those sales bins with Energizer or Durcell non-rechargeable batteries, I cringe.
Nice, that's interesting, I have never heard of that brand of rechargeable. I used to manage several battery stores, and we recycled everything. I agree the Duracell and Energizer is not very good, your paying for the advertised name, not quality.

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