Recycle your batteries!!


New member
This is a sad sight, batteries dumped from a light house onto the reefs. The lead and acid would cause all sorts of pollution hazards. RECYCLE YOUR BATTERIES! You can contact RBRC on-line for the nearest center to you. Keep them out of landfills and the reefs!
Wow, I have heard of man made reefs, but they should stick to ships on that one. It does however remind me of a place in southeast Kansas that has a multitude of appliances dumped into a ditch right off the road.
Sort of like people that changed the oil in their car, then dumped the used oil out in the back of their seep into the ground...and groundwater....and then into the drinking water.
The truly sad part is, from the appearance of that photo, they were likely hauled out and dumped off barges by a liscensed waste company, still quite common in the waters around larger cities like NY and LA.

yeah, have you ever seen the ships full of garbage that are being taken out to sea. it is really common. they go out and dump the garbage in the water.
Try an aircraft carrier with 3000 people on it for a 5 month cruise going in circles around the Persian Gulf. Sooner or later I'd a thought we'd beach ourselves on our own crap. Truly a sad site. A million dollars a day to run one of these and they can't come up with something better. They process plastics everything else........well you get the picture.
The sad fact is that no matter how many well meaning groups and individuals point out what is going on, most people, if they care at all, feel a mild sense of irritation and then return to their everyday life and concerns.

In large urban areas, land is worth money, while waters outside (and sometimes inside) the 12 mile limit simply aren't their problem, and nothing will ever change unless the word "Sea" becomes the word "$ea".

Americans point fingers at the Africans and S. Americans and proclaim "save the rainforest", while our current administration just opened up logging of our National forests and our only pristine rainforest (Wash. State and Oregon) are still being utilized for lumber as the "people there know no other way of life".

Apparently they are too stupid to be retrainable or the government won't cough up the fees for any one of thousands of "learn at home" courses that flood the airwaves, in which case, maybe it's THEY who deserve to become extinct (probably half of their food comes from poaching wildlife anyways, an acceptable practice in MANY remote rural areas.)

Americans point fingers at the Africans and S. Americans and proclaim "save the rainforest", while our current administration just opened up logging of our National forests and our only pristine rainforest (Wash. State and Oregon) are still being utilized for lumber as the "people there know no other way of life".

And here you are pointing fingers that its our governments fault for logging in our national forests... You built your house out of wood that came from someone's local forest... and you use paper everyday??? How come you have a right to use timber products and others don't??? Pretty much the same as yelling at the Latin Americans cutting down a rainforest for subsitance farming... Its not our governments fault... Its the consumers fault... Stop buying wood and paper... and the logging industry will come to a hault... Its not our governments job to reducate loggers, into another buisiness that probably isn't as profitable... What will that solve??? Only that new loggers will take their place, as long as there is a demand for timber products...

Supply and demand is the only driving force in this industry as well as the world... Untill we builld houses out of 100% synthetic materials, and stop using paper products... Trees will always get cut down... Fortunately, with the exception of old growth, they grow back...

Lets accept the fact that we are going to use this planet and degrade it... The more people, the more this planet will suffer... We can only make informed decisions, and with the help of new technologies, slow the overall degredation of the global ecosystem...

Stop blaming the government for our own conscious decisions, the consumer is the one who ultimately destroys this environment, Not George Bush
Ouchie......someone touched a nerve, eh?

Sadly, I have to pretty well agree with almost everything you said, even though you appear to have missed my point about the forests, but perhaps that was just my poor way of attempting to make a point, that being that in actuality it's easier to forgive 3rd world countries for subsistence survival than the one with the highest standard of living in the world that HAS developed a renewable timber industry (among many others) and yet insists on condemning those who, literally, know no better.

Since you seem vehement on making your argument personal, my home is cinder in Florida, we have a primitive organism that has no respect for wood, no matter where it originated:D .

While "trees" can be regrown, the other biodiversity within pristine forests, like those in coral reefs often cannot, at least not in the span of human history, let alone a generation.

JSB5776 said:
Stop blaming the government for our own conscious decisions, the consumer is the one who ultimately destroys this environment, Not George Bush

The consumer is powerful, but haven't you ever heard of corporate welfare? The government DOES have a huge hand in the availability of "eco-friendly" products.
Just ask anyone running a mom and pop business when Wal-mart was PAID BY THE US GOVT to open up, and then paid AGAIN to undercut all the competition.
We're the ones losing- The freedom of the consumer is only as good as his options to consume.
I'd like to agree with you aquaholic420, but sadly most who have the option of eco-friendly versus eco-destructive often choose the latter.

What's the #1 LR choice for both reefers and FOWLR tanks both?

Is it Florida Aquacultured LR that places no strain on the planet in any way, shape or form, or is it Fiji or Tonga?

As to the Government, I don't place much blame on Mr. Bush, but rather instead on Mr. Cheney and Mr. Rumsfelt, the puppeteers who make his arms and mouth work. :D

In this last term, more has been done to undermine the ecological programs initiated by the US Govt. than any other in my memory, possibly in history, or at least since the inception of the US Army Corps. of Engineers.

Aside from the world geopolitics, where is this? Who owns the lighthouse and when were these dumped? What kind of batteries? They look old. I would think it would be possible for someone to start a fund and find a salvager to reclaim these. I'm sure he'd make no money, but the batteries may have some value, depending on the type (lead?), depth and location.

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