Anything is possible I suppose. There are likely parasites for a very large number of different species of coral. I know there are parasites for many Montipora species, though fortunately, I've never seen them first hand. I have seen certain species (this is going to sound really scientific now!) of tiny black elongated specks that move on certain corals that were in their death throws for one reason or another. These specks seem to eat the dying tissue, but I don't think they bother healthy Acros. I have never seen an otherwise initially healthy coral quickly covered with parasites, other than these parasites (the 'red mites') that we now are discussing.
I can only relate my experience. I had about 7-10 other species of SPS in the frag tank that was infected including closely related Anacropora, and including many M. caps (of course, now we are getting into questions of taxonomy, I think my M. caps are actually probably M. foliosa, or M. delicatula, but we could question that for days!). I never, ever saw any of the mites on anything other than Acropora, and only certain species. One of the species that was infected and did poorly was an Acropora that I've propagated for years, in some cases in very poor conditions, and is IMO/IME a VERY hardy Acro, yet, it would get very sick when placed in a tank with the mites.
Again, my experience was, remove all Acros for a short time. All mites gone for good.
- Greg Hiller