red bugs sell interceptor


New member
FIRST MIGHT I JUST SAY THIS. I work at a hospital with physicans and pharmacists that say that the FDA has regulated such a pill because the concertration in a tablet is so much. That is why there has to be prescription written. So but there other angles to this. If you were to take the pills that you sell and crush them in a powder then add water to it. It would make the chemistry lighter therefore the FDA will allow the sale. I am providing this info to all vendors >its just a matter of time before one vendor looks at the dollar signs. this world everyone is all about money. GOOD LUCK

thanks for listening.

BTW> there is also online chemists on here that might tell you the same thing. The have gone to the greatest schools and probally will tell you more then some vets. Since they are the ones that put labels on things.

Hobby Experience: 6 years
I had a conversation/ argument with Race of Foster and Smith over the exact same thing. I figured that F&S are perhaps the only vets in the US that would know enough about the intended use of interceptor to write a genuine scrip for the stuff. Most wont touch it because its a dog/cat drug and they know nothing about corals. Race's reaction to the idea was not positive... that the cost incured by getting is mfg'ed by Novartis wouldnt be made up for with sales. He claimed its a controlled substance no matter what, so who knows with that too... It sounds like alot of red tape.

FWIW, there are places that sell it w/o a scrip (clinics). Thats how I got mine. If you have a regular vet that knows you well enough, they might even write the scrip. The best way to get it... join your local reefing club. There are plenty of people who have some.
maine depot on the cover of their magazine had redbugs on their coral and they treated their own tank with interceptor. I was just suggesting it. I truely belive that joes juice is just kalkwasser concentrate. It you look at the box to it it doesnt tell you what the ingredent. I personally dont have a problem getting it. I just buy it off the black market. I am all set. I am just looking out for others. Besides Maine depot. the definition of Marine means of or pertaining to the sea; existing in or produced by the sea and DEPOT means a place in which supplies and materials are stored for distribution. So i guess these people dont have waht i need. Its like everyday stuff. If you want it bad enough you can get ANYTHING!!!!!....
well, marine depot should also sell boats then, right? every time i wear my t-shirt someone asks if i have a boat...
i would have to be hard convinced to buy corals from marine depot since i saw the infestation on their magazine. We pay an arm and a leg for shipping and for a piece of coral. And for what ,,to get redbugs that they can treat at their site with interceptor but not you at home. The hell with the customer..
What is the point of this thread? Is it that you want Marine Depot to sell you intercepter? And when you say "Maine" Depot twice, do you mean "Marine" Depot? I am finding it hard to figure out what the ranting is for.
Are you refering to the Marine Depot catalogue with the macro shot of the purple acro on the cover? The one with the very healthy and extreme polyp extention? I do see one little spot on it but that does not mean that it is a red bug.
I am lost, clue me in please.
If, as you say"FIRST MIGHT I JUST SAY THIS. I work at a hospital with physicans and pharmacists that say that the FDA has regulated such a pill because the concertration in a tablet is so much. That is why there has to be prescription written. So but there other angles to this. If you were to take the pills that you sell and crush them in a powder then add water to it. It would make the chemistry lighter therefore the FDA will allow the sale." You also know that testing and approval is needed for other then prescribed use or a liabilty issue would exsist. The cost of testing and FDA approval would be a Mil+, you think reefers would buy that much Interceptor to pay these costs? What retailer would subject themself to the liabilty risks in our litigeous society for, lets say, $10 a dose. There are plenty of Vet,s out tere that will write script for Inteceptor if you explain the use, life is too short to create all these complications, lol
"There are plenty of Vet,s out tere that will write script for Inteceptor if you explain the use, life is too short to create all these complications, lol"

Yeah? Besides Foster&Smith, name one. That www.aquavet site lead me to NONE that would be willing to write a scrip for interceptor. It seems that the ethics are that the vet has to be familiar with the treatment, also for liability reasons as well as part of their liscencing... so you have to find a vet that knows about corals really, as well as this treatment.

You know of any? Seriously, its alot harder than you might think.
I know of 3 in Tucson and Phoenix has some, If its your regular Vet and you explain what its for, it's not a big deal. But to sell it over the counter for a non approved use and it gets squirrly.