is kent poly ox or ultralife red slime remover okay to use for reef systems? It says they are but you never can be to careful... Ive been scrubbing my rocks twice a week but I feel this is a battle I cannot win without some chemical help.. Thanks!
Red slime is not an algae coralfragger101 but a bacteria called Cyano Bacteria.It is supposedly the first lifeform on earth .It's great at fixating nitrogen.It can be caused by low flow,high phosphates,silicates and leaving a filter pad or filter sock in your system for too long.If all problems are corrected and slime is still around I find Chemi Clean hard to beat and it's 100% reef safe.Beware though if your tank is infested with it I would siphon all you could out before doing the treatment as the slime is toxic.Also beware that besides it being unsightly it is toxic enough to kill snails and fish that ingest it which is why you dont want to ignore it.
scrub it all off with a toothbrush,syphon as much as u can out, increase yur flow,check yur phos,and switch to r/o if you havnt already...after doing this it was about a month or so before it was completly gone in my old 10g
Be sure to have at least 20% water on stand-by. If the tank is completely covered in the stuff, you stand a chance of losing fish and coral. I have used the stuff with good results. It will take about 2 or 3 days for the skimming to be normal again.
Put some more flow in there, it will keep it in check. I've used Red Slime remover also with no issues, just make sure you do the water change after the treatment.
I have a red slime problem also. I think it's because I use a seaclone for my 110 gal reef. I didn't know it kills snails-- no wonder 3 of my large mexican turbo snails are dead.
its definitely not covered, but i didnt have it under control as much as id like, in fact it was beginning to get out of control so instead of scrubbing my rocks two to three times a week i gave it a good scrub and mixed in some red slime remover. i always have a water change on hand, thanks for the heads up.
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