Red Slime

I'd go for Microbe Lift's Special Blend & flow (if possible - since its in your sump). Thats what did the trick for me. Huge areas of cyano gone within 3-4 days.
Special Blend has gotten a lot of good reviews. It's a good, live bacterial additive, and when used according to directions is said to work, but smell really bad.
Don't use the antibiotic additives (Red Slime Away) as that kills bacteria, good and bad.
First try to suction out as much as you can.. Dont blow it off the rocks as you'll spread it around.

Then try to figure out whats causing it:
Low flow thru the sump ie circulation
no clean up crew
hi bio load
poor skimming
very long photo period
excess detritus in the sump (no mechanical removal ie filter socks)
low pH
low oxygen levels (secondary to poor skimming)
First try to suction out as much as you can.. Dont blow it off the rocks as you'll spread it around.

Then try to figure out whats causing it:
Low flow thru the sump ie circulation
no clean up crew
hi bio load
poor skimming
very long photo period
excess detritus in the sump (no mechanical removal ie filter socks)
low pH
low oxygen levels (secondary to poor skimming)

i recently added a power head to the refugium to improve circulation
my bio load is relatively low (3 fish in 70 total gals of water)
I've reduced the photo period in the refugium to 6 hours from 13 hours
I have a pretty good skimmer AquaC EV-180
I've started adding Kalwasser to raise ph (8.05 to 8.25)
i use a filter sock for mechanical filtration

i'll give it a few days to clear up if not i'll try the Microbe Lift's Special Blend

thanks guys

Quick question to you Aldo... what type of lighting is in your refuge? T5's or PC's... how about regular 25-65Watters? Doc was on track there about finding the root cause. I rarely hear anyone saying they are changing out bulbs in the sump when its time.
Such a small thing to sometimes overlook.
Also how often are you changing out your filter socks? I usually change out every three days.