Reddish Maroon Algae Killing Zoanthids??


New member
I've got a reddish maroon algae that has been attacking some of my zoanthids and killing them. It is smooth and slimy and not easy to scrape. Any ideas on what it is and how to eliminate it??
Here are two pictures I just took. The zoanthids that it has completely taken over I have in my sump out of the light in hopes that will knock it back some. Any ideas or suggestions on how to eliminate this would be appreciated.


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Yeah, looks like red coraline algae to me also! Most complain about coraline taking to long to spread in their tanks.
This one has been in the dark for 3 days so a good amount of the red is gone. The entire zoanthid was completely covered with the dark red algae. My tank is about 6 months old and has quite a bit of purple coraline but i've been getting this reddish algae lately and everytime it gets near one of my zoanthid colonies it kills it. I have about 30 different colonies/frags and it's killed 2 and is working on this one as well as one other at the moment.


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Here is another frag that is covered and was fully open just a few days ago. Have had this frag for 4 months with no issues.


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Salinity 1.025
Ammonia 0
nitrite 0
Nitrate 10-20
Temp 78-79
PH 8.4
Calcium 420-440
Phosphates Trace or less
KH 8-9 drops