still too big file size wise (right click on the pic and view properties)
I recommend the following:
open image in PS
go image>image size
adjust size as required (ensure 'constrain proportions' box is ticked - 900pixels is max for the competition) - change dpi to 72 and ensure image dimensions are as required.
then go file>save for web
you should see 2 images size by side (unless you have 4-up view selected which isn't strictly necessary) - the one on the right is the one after compression at rate set by slidign scale on upper right of screen. Start with say 50 on the scale and observe change on file size figure shown under right hand image. Keep fiddling until it is under 150kb - check quality is not noticable different from original image on left. A setting of '52' may yield different file sizes - every image is different.
I recommend the following:
open image in PS
go image>image size
adjust size as required (ensure 'constrain proportions' box is ticked - 900pixels is max for the competition) - change dpi to 72 and ensure image dimensions are as required.
then go file>save for web
you should see 2 images size by side (unless you have 4-up view selected which isn't strictly necessary) - the one on the right is the one after compression at rate set by slidign scale on upper right of screen. Start with say 50 on the scale and observe change on file size figure shown under right hand image. Keep fiddling until it is under 150kb - check quality is not noticable different from original image on left. A setting of '52' may yield different file sizes - every image is different.