Reef Cleaner Critters?


New member
anyone looking to downsize some snails, crabs, hermies, shrimps, etc and wanna bag em up and give to the needy? :) like scarlets reeef hermits, dwarf blue leg hermits, astraea turbo snails, nassarius snails, ceritan snails, pepperment shrimps, emrald crabs, sea cucumbers, sea stars, mexican turbo snails, margarita snails, abalone, blah blah blah :)

also i havent really found any resources on infected clean up crew critters that u can introduce to ur tanks, do i need not worry as much as i would with liek fish and corals? other than acclimating these things to ur tank, is their really any reason to quarantine them for 2 weeks?

thus why i would feel more comfortable from obtaining or buying from folks that already have them thriving in their current tanks ya know

thanks in advance
If you have clams pyramid snails could come in on other snails. They can attach snails and clams.