I'm probably going to hold an annual meet. So you can meet the next one, or just come by sometime. I do realize that Labor Day isn't really the best day for a meet. But the wifey came up with that... got to work with the boss, next time it will be easier to work a better date.
Hey Mark, that would be great if you could make it. thanks for the compliment, that means a lot to me, I consider you to be one of the great aquarists in our region.
I'd really like to stop out and meet some local reefers. I know there will be a lot of things given out. Should I bring a couple frags to throw in that bunch as well to give out? I heard a dish to pass or just anything people should know if they are coming?
Kent thanks for the kind words....none of it true of course. There are many in this group that will forget more then I will ever learn. I just put salt in the water, lights on the tank, nature and god take care of the rest, while I watch and try to learn something. These tanks have a good way of putting you in your place and keeping us all very humble Remember, I'm the one who can't even say Acanthastrea correctly...no matter how hard I try
BTW would you like me to bring down the PAR meter so you can play with it. Then if you want to loop it through the FLR group you are more then welcome to.
Should be a great meeting, although honestly I was hoping more for October so I could see the fall foliage in your area.
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