Reef octopus 150 sss


New member
Not sure if this is the correct place to post.

I can't get my new skimmer to work, are their any vids showing how to set it right?

I've tried many different levels of water, max min settings and it just won't work.
What do you mean you can't get it to work? Not producing bubbles? Not producing skimmate/too much skimmate?

How long have you had/been running the skimmer? Some can take up to several weeks to break in and begin to function properly.

I have the same skimmer. No problems with it at all, but it went through not a very well established system replacing another brand. It sits in 8” of water. Lower than that and it cannot push bubbles up high enough, deeper and I can’t keep it from overflowing.
I have one also, good skimmer but not perfect. Mine does a good job of skimming. More info on what your skimmers is doing and pics would help.