reefa's 75 rr

They are the jagger glass heaters. Where u can adjust the temp and thermostat. Thanks. I was impatient and fixed the plumbing, had to glue the PVC straight to the bulkhead which I was trying to avoid but hey it's up and running. Going to make a reef cleaners order today for some chaeto n nass snails. can't wait to get some corals and frags in there.;)
Everything is good. Got my avast ato hooked up, some clowns and chromis in there. Amm.0, trite.0, trate.0, calc 480. Need to get me a alk test and a ph probe or something like tht. Brown algae going away. Those lights are good, have no frags or corals yet so can't speak on that. But so far I like them. To be honest should have got t-5 just because I can pick tge color better and the glimmer from the LEDs is kinds too much. I can dim and make the LEDs the color spectrum I want but should have got the dimmer on the red/green. All in all like them but until I get some corals I don't know:)
One of my complaint about leds is the shimmer. Never looks as natural as halides. Different units give off different shimmer but even my panoramas shimmer too much or too fast. Not sure what it is just not as nice, but the lack of heat is great.
Been away for a bit.. They are doing amazing. That sps came back with some nice polyp extension and is getting green. Think it is a birdnest? Everything else growing well one of the anthelia? Frags melted but one is still there.. Picked up about 20 rics various colors, red monti cap, green hydnaphora, 12 acans, 2 blastmussa, a Duncan, 2 st. Thomas mushrooms, and a green goni for a challenge lol.. That cup coral we thought was dead is getting some green but no polyp extension yet.. Once I figure out how to take pics tht show the color of these corals will post some.. Question I should know this but does a ssb need bristle worms etc etc more than just pods and Nass snails to stay healthy? Was under the impression it needs to be turned moved etc?
The SPS is a pavona. The more life the better. I usually stick to the vibex snails to keep the sand stirred and keep the algae and destrius stirred up. I've never heard you need to keep a Shallow sand bed stirred to keep it healthy but i guess it is possible. I've heard of people stirring their sand to help release organisms and feed their tanks.
Pretty good, had a mishap and all my fish except 2 chromis died=( But corals and everything doing really good. Trying to stock up on frags and some wrasses atm. How you been? Still moving?
Hell yea I'm still moving. That is when ever I find a job or the house sales, which ever is first. Schools is over for me so I can't wait to get the hell outta here. Good to hear the coral is doing well I never did get rid of all my stuff. I stuffed it in a 20long just for shits and giggles.
Sweet, lol anything I can get from you I will. I also think in the future I will get t-5 again. Led's are nice on bills, but my acans are kinda blah def not coloring up like I would like. Sps,blastos,and duncans love the light and stay nicely colored. Rics are kinda blah cept when the blues come on by themselves.



