Ok sorry for not updating this thread in forever, school was killing me last semester but at least I'm done with school. Now I have the other dilemma of starting a career, don't know which one I would prefer lol. Ok so I have started to add some live rock over from my 36 gallon, and coral.
As for the coral in the aquarium I have, 1 rose brain, 1 lobo brain, 1 what looks to be a metallic green brain coral, 1 frogspawn, some regular blue mushrooms, and some orange ricordias as well as some green ones. Also have two hammer corals use to be one but it broke, the bigger one has like 10+ heads on it. Just bought a favia frag of some kind the other day not sure which one so if any one can ID it would be great.
As for fish I still have the snowflake eel, powder blue tang, fox face, and the cardinal. I have moved over my two clown fish which are hosting my frogspawn. Bought a Niger triger which is about 3-4 inches. Also a red coris wrasse (juvenile), also have some type of goby (I'll post a picture of him when i can actually get a decent shot of him.