ReeferChris's In-Wall Thread

I have seen other build threads here on RC where pool tables were kept nearby and the common solution seemed to be a thick padded canvas that would be suspended from the ceiling a foot or so in front of the tank (small hooks in the celling and eyelets on the blanket) when you are playing, otherwise its just stored nearby.

Great build by the way, looks nice and clean.
Yea if we start to play a lot again then yea that might be something to consider, i think the table has been used maybe two times in the last 4 months, basically we got it a long time ago and it lost its appeal. Lately has been serving as a place for me to set up the lights when i was doing that last week. Maybe not hanging since the ceiling's are tall, and i don't want to bring out a tall ladder every time, nor do i want eye hooks in the ceiling. But maybe some type of screen shading thing. But yea like i said usually one of us is there playing and can tell people not to aim hard in that general direction, and i think
Any updates on the tank? I am super jealous of you. A reefsavvy tank, then its in the wall and on top of it all its in the wall of the pool table room.

I think I have the same exact pool table. lol
Thanks. Yea i haven't really done a lot to it since then. Been real busy with school it being my last semester. Also have had to work less so less due to school so less cash=less spending lol. I did have to order a chiller due to the lights getting the water too hot, went with a TradeWind Super 1/2 HP Inline. However, now i need to get the electrician back out here so he can get me more power back to the fish room, im only able to run 1 of the lights, if i try running both i trip the breaker. Im at school now but when i get back home I'll take some picture of what the whole system looks like know. Still have the snowflake eel, blue tang, added a Fox face, and also a Cardinal, I lost the Naso shortly after adding it. I only have a ricordia mushroom in there now, using it as the guinea pig.
Ok I said i would update with some pics a few weeks ago but school has been killing me. Bought a frag of some type of Acro yesterday, not sure on what type. This is my first SPS ever so lets see how this goes. here are some pics. Also moved a frag of my hammer coral i had in my 36 gallon over.


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Ok sorry for not updating this thread in forever, school was killing me last semester but at least I'm done with school. Now I have the other dilemma of starting a career, don't know which one I would prefer lol. Ok so I have started to add some live rock over from my 36 gallon, and coral.

As for the coral in the aquarium I have, 1 rose brain, 1 lobo brain, 1 what looks to be a metallic green brain coral, 1 frogspawn, some regular blue mushrooms, and some orange ricordias as well as some green ones. Also have two hammer corals use to be one but it broke, the bigger one has like 10+ heads on it. Just bought a favia frag of some kind the other day not sure which one so if any one can ID it would be great.

As for fish I still have the snowflake eel, powder blue tang, fox face, and the cardinal. I have moved over my two clown fish which are hosting my frogspawn. Bought a Niger triger which is about 3-4 inches. Also a red coris wrasse (juvenile), also have some type of goby (I'll post a picture of him when i can actually get a decent shot of him.


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more pictures. Including the blue milli frag that I got from Daffydanny.


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Not wanting to bring a thread back from the dead but I finally got some time to update with some pictures of what the aquarium looks like almost 2 years after the last post

It's been a real long time and I just never got around to updating this thread with school, graduating, and then working all the time. Much has changed at least equipment wise since the initial setup and I've made a lot of mistakes but have also learned a lot along the way. Recently I just added an Neptune Apex system and it has been a bit hard in learning the system. Also added a pair a 40w Lifeguard UV reactors, a Kalk reactor, and an ecotech Mp40W. To me I can't really see a whole lot of change the in the aquarium in the way of coral growth and fish growth but then again I see it everyday.

Here are some picture, let me know what you all think. sorry for the crappy phone pictures.

I like it! I can't wait to someday get out of my 55 and into something bigger. I just started graduate school so I'm locked up for the next few years. Your tank looks great. I really appreciate the patience you've had with this project. Kudos to you! You should be proud!