Ok its been a while since I've updated the build thread, but not a lot has happened. Cycled the tank for about a month/month and half. Added some fish but taking it real slow. So far I added 4 blue/green chromis, and then a small snowflake eel (I know some people may not agree with adding a eel in a reef tank, but I've always wanted an eel and never have bought one do to not having the correct size to keep them in. So far it been real nice and not attacked any of the chromis, they actually sleep in the same rock. And I've also been making sure the eel is feed well so as for it not to need to feed on the chromis or any other fish i add later on.) Still haven't added the lights, so no coral yet. For now I'm just using the lights that are in the fish room to light up the aquarium, but as soon as I get the money I will be adding the lights and start to transfer some of the coral i have in my current set up, and also start looking around for some cool frags to add. Here are a couple of pictures of the fish room. Added a shelving unit to hold the refugium and the quarantine tank. It's actually stronger than what i though it would be and actually got up there with some buckets of water to make sure that it could hold the weight i need it to hold which is actually less than what the unit says it can hold. Sorry for the crappy pics, i have no idea were I left my camera after coming back from Key West, so i used my camera phone.