Reeferhead's 60gal Softie/Jawfish Build

You don't have to use ARM media. If you can find any crushed coral about the same size that will work as well. I was having a tough time finding a source though. I don't think there has been much of a demand for large grade crushed coral as a substrate since the early saltwater days.

I ordered mine from Premium Aquatics, next day delivery and they're a big supporter of SLASH
I was looking at caribsea aragonite puka shells. I have tried doing research into finding out the right size that jawfish like but nothing that has showed a definite answer. Along with that I am trying to find out about a watchman goby and when the substrate gets too big for them.

I don't care if the goby cleans the larger substrate but I don't want it getting anything stuck in its mouth because its too big.
I don't care if the goby cleans the larger substrate but I don't want it getting anything stuck in its mouth because its too big.

I wouldn't worry about this too much. Natural selection would have weeded this species out a long time ago if it could be conquered by a pebble. :lol:
Natural selection would have weeded this species out a long time ago if it could be conquered by a pebble. :lol:

HA!! Well played.

Well picked up a Pearly-Head from SeaScape the other night and it looks like he has finally made himself a suitable home. Frantic couple of days waiting for him to get settled but hopefully now he is. Unfortunately he has found a spot in the corner of a nice open patch I had reserved for a Favia or something similar. If I were to place this coral too close to his den would he be ****ed?
HA!! Well played.

Well picked up a Pearly-Head from SeaScape the other night and it looks like he has finally made himself a suitable home. Frantic couple of days waiting for him to get settled but hopefully now he is. Unfortunately he has found a spot in the corner of a nice open patch I had reserved for a Favia or something similar. If I were to place this coral too close to his den would he be ****ed?

Cool Dude,

Its hard to say for sure. In the wild pearlys utilize completely open areas of sand so that they have 360 degree views to see potential approaching predators and to maximize their access to food floating by. In most tanks they have to settle on more confined spaces. 12 gallons is already pushing it IMO. If it appears happy now, I'd leave things the way they are, FWIW.
So last week I added the crushed coral. Spread out a few here and there around the tank but made a nice pile on the right side of the tank where the jawfish had his den setup. I made sure to keep it away and not interrupt his den. He hasn't touched it and now has gone to the other side of the tank and dug up both corners.

Kind of fun to watch him. He starts digging out one hole and dumps the sand in the other. Then switches! he isn't making much progress.

Should I just put a thicker sheet of the crushed coral out all over the tank? I bought a 15lb bag.
I wouldn't add more unless it starts using what you gave it already. What size is the crushed coral? Pic?
I wouldn't add more unless it starts using what you gave it already. What size is the crushed coral? Pic?

Not sure on the size. I will look at the bag when I get home. I believe it just says crushed coral tho.

Here is a picture of who I call "Yella"

Nice fish but I mean't a pic of the crushed coral. There are a bunch of different grades but most of the stuff packaged for sale as substrate is too fine to be of any real use to a jawfish in building its burrow.
Nice fish but I mean't a pic of the crushed coral. There are a bunch of different grades but most of the stuff packaged for sale as substrate is too fine to be of any real use to a jawfish in building its burrow.

Yeah I know you meant the crushed coral. I meant to say ill take a pic when I get home but said Ill look when I get home. Just thought id show a picture of him/her lol
That will certainly help. I would mix a bit more of that stuff into your whole sand bed and get some larger pieces of rubble as well. Like I said before I really like the course size ARM media
Is this jawfish tank still up and running?

For the ARM Coarse Media, you mean the stuff that is used in a calcium reactor? Did you have any trouble with ALK and ph from having that much media in there?

Did you do any dsb maintenance or just let it be?

Disregard the previous questions, other than is it still running? If so please update some pics. I hope it worked out for you.
I know you moved the thread, and I read it over at SLASH. Didn't want to join for just a couple of quick questions.

How did the remaining ill jaw fish make out? I've had Yellows in the pass and love these guys. Just sad to see them not doing well. Any thoughts on what is going on?

And in this tread I saw you mentioned a crash of your 150. Was this from cross contamination from the 60?

Thanks, and good luck with the jaw fish...
