Been a while, sorry. I've been super busy with work, basically enough time to throw a couple of pinches of food in the tank, make sure nothing is dead, and then go to shower and to bed. My alk is really really low (5.5) as of today, but my calcium is holding up at 390. I think the actual 2-part jugs are empty, so I just threw in an order from BRS to refill those.
Things are actually doing really well otherwise. I think that the colors in the tank are improving dramatically since I stopped the skimmer about 2 weeks ago. The only time I've run it was for one night, and it filled the cup with dark skimmate, so I cleaned it, and turned it back off again.
Setting up for a reefcrystals waterchange tonight. hopefully I have time to do it. Salinity is too high too, so I'll have to be cautious with that (1.028, though maybe my refractometer is out of calibration since everything looks really happy?)
That red alveopora has never looked happier. Fully extended nicely, bobbing in the breeze. All of the other corals are finally darkening in color as well. I've also been adding Acropower amino acids twice a week now this week, and will keep doing it going forward as well.
No more carbon dosing. I think I've been running zero nutrient for too long, so I'll let it rise slowly.
If you're starting your tank, and don't have much coral/clam bioload, then you should aggressively nutrient export through skimming and macroalgae. If you have fully grown in corals and colonies, it might help to let nutrients rise and see if you get better color out of your corals. I honestly think mine are outcompeting algae for nutrients at this point (to a small degree, they can still only take up so much nutrients).
Things are actually doing really well otherwise. I think that the colors in the tank are improving dramatically since I stopped the skimmer about 2 weeks ago. The only time I've run it was for one night, and it filled the cup with dark skimmate, so I cleaned it, and turned it back off again.
Setting up for a reefcrystals waterchange tonight. hopefully I have time to do it. Salinity is too high too, so I'll have to be cautious with that (1.028, though maybe my refractometer is out of calibration since everything looks really happy?)
That red alveopora has never looked happier. Fully extended nicely, bobbing in the breeze. All of the other corals are finally darkening in color as well. I've also been adding Acropower amino acids twice a week now this week, and will keep doing it going forward as well.
No more carbon dosing. I think I've been running zero nutrient for too long, so I'll let it rise slowly.
If you're starting your tank, and don't have much coral/clam bioload, then you should aggressively nutrient export through skimming and macroalgae. If you have fully grown in corals and colonies, it might help to let nutrients rise and see if you get better color out of your corals. I honestly think mine are outcompeting algae for nutrients at this point (to a small degree, they can still only take up so much nutrients).