Refugium Algae


New member
Hi...was just making an order on line and I see the site has algae (which I need to get for my fuge)....They sell....Halimeda, Feather Caulerpa, Caulerpa Racemosa, and Red Grape Caulerpa. Anybody have experience with any of these and will they work in my fuge? I'm ordering enough other stuff to get the free shipping and thought I would throw this in for the (*&% of it.....Thanks
Hi Hammy71,

Halimeda and red grape 'caulerpa' (not really a caulerpa by the way) would probably not be good choices for a typical refugium. Feather caulerpa and grape caulerpa (caulerpa racemosa) should be good choices. I grow both of those in my refugium. As with any caulerpa, be sure to trim the algae occationally to keep each individual less than a foot long or so which seems to prevent it from reproducing sexually.
