Refugium Macro Algae help


New member
I recently started up a new refugium 30g. I purchased some shaving brush and calurpa. The shaving brush top turned white and disposed of it. I recently noticed my calurpa has begun to turn white. Does anyone know what might be causing this?
Hey Bozad,

Shaving brush often reacts poorly to disturbance. Did you throw it away? If you leave a "dead" plant there it may produce underground runners and new shoots will come up near it. Caulerpa can reproduce sexually. When it does this it becomes white and breakds down releasing a "smokey" fluid comtaining gametes. What kind of caulerpa is it? What kind of lighting do you have? Do you test your water? If so what is it like? Note that caulerpa contains endotoxins and whent it goes sexual it releases them. You may want to run some carbon temporarily to be on the safe side. Try running a search for caulerpa and sexual.

doesn't caulerpa polute your tank when it goes sexual, dieing and then releasing all the stuff it was holding back into the water causing a nitrate spike?
Kevin thanks for the reply. I believe the type of caulerpa I have (sertlarioides) it has a herringbone blades that arise from the main stalk. Most of it doing fine, in fact some of it has reached the surface of the water. I became concerned after loosing the shaving brush. I discarded the shaving brush not knowing that it may reproduce. I only had 4 days when the head turned white. I have 2 65w CF with twin lamps. I run a carbon pad in my sump already. My water tests ok other than Nitrates which are know under 20ppm.

I have had sertlarioides go sexual in my tank as well. I don't think it is a very good species to use as nutrient export in our reef tanks. If you can get some C. prolifera you should be very safe.
