Regal Angel Primer

You'll increase the odds in your favor if the next angel is at least 1" bigger than your current fish and of course rearranging the rock-work prior to adding the new one. Floating it in an plastic acclimation box for a day to observe the reaction it gets from the other fish may help. Always risky-and have plan "B" ready. Good luck.
I have a question. I have bought a small one from LA, a little less than 2". He is in a 80g breeder with rocks and a few other small fish. If I buy another small one what's the chance of them co-exist consider the size of the tank?

It did not work for me
Got my Maldives juvi from LA today. Currently hiding out in QT, though he did take a few bites of frozen mysis and I did catch him out of hiding until he darted back when I walked into the room.

Off to a good start, and fingers crossed for successful QT/conditioning.
The white spots clears up on my regal after 1 day. I didn't treat anything or change anything. I'm wondering if it was something else other than ich or if the fish could have fought off the ich?
2 week update on #1 regal, she is doing fine. Hangs out more in the rocks, but comes out to eat very well. Regal #2 is doing fine in the 100 gallon rubbermaid tub QT with a medium/large Blueface. Regal #2 comes out and eats well also. I am still crossing my fingers waiting for the 30 day mark, 2 weeks to go!
Mine did not make it. My mistake was to have too many spots where he is comfortable and thus I cannot feed him well. I know what to do much better next time. There will be a next time but I will hold off for a few weeks.
I'm at the 4 week mark now and my Regal is the most aggressive eater in the tank there's a yellow tang in there). He'll nip at my fingers when I m doing maintenance and eats everything, pellets, mysis, Reef Frenzy. I'm super happy.

Hope I'm not jinxing him.
2 week update on #1 regal, she is doing fine. Hangs out more in the rocks, but comes out to eat very well. Regal #2 is doing fine in the 100 gallon rubbermaid tub QT with a medium/large Blueface. Regal #2 comes out and eats well also. I am still crossing my fingers waiting for the 30 day mark, 2 weeks to go!

Are you treating with anything?

Currently have mine in QT and contemplating if I want to do any prophylactic treatments or just observe.