Regal Angel Primer

Yea they seem to try to tear the food from the water column. Slows their feeding way down. Mine has almost stopped doing that after 9 months and seems to get more food per feeding.

what do you feed and how often ? my idol eats 4 times a day but i only do clams once in awhile. i do 2 feedings a day of lrs fish frenzy and one serving of seaweed and angel formula with sponge.
Yea they seem to try to tear the food from the water column. Slows their feeding way down. Mine has almost stopped doing that after 9 months and seems to get more food per feeding.

That's more with the large ones who got already used to feeding on sponges and other things that grow on rocks. Smaller ones just slurp the food in. At least that's what my guys do with Mysis and pellets.
I feed mine 5x a day now its eating pellets and flakes too as well as mysis

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what do you feed and how often ? my idol eats 4 times a day but i only do clams once in awhile. i do 2 feedings a day of lrs fish frenzy and one serving of seaweed and angel formula with sponge.

I feed small pellets 2xday on auto, flakes, mysid or large pellets x1 day. Mine has started eating large pellets about 3-4 months in. At first he would pick at them but not eat them. He eats the small-large pellets off the bottom.
I have question regarding the sub-population of the Regal angels.

From what I read, the Red Sea Regal angel should have the most orange, especially the the lines of the anal fin, then the Pacific Regal. The Indian Ocean is more yellow, less orange, especially of the anal fin.

Is this true or am I mistaken?

The question is my Yellow Chest Regal was suppose to be a Red Sea Regal. However, he seem more yellow over all rather than orange. The Glue chest Regal that I have is smaller than the Yellow chest by about 1/2 inch. My Blue Chest Regal is certainly more orange over all than my Yellow Chest, that is bigger. Below are two pictures of the two Angles. In real live, the coloration is a little more different, but I cannot capture it really well in photos.

Same camera, same lighting, no adjustment other than cropped and resized.

What do you guys think? Is my Yellow chest a Indian Ocean or Red Sea?


Not sure if this is accurate but I've heard the only difference between a Maldives regal and a Red Sea regal is collection sight.
Just pulled the trigger on a juvi Maldives from LA myself.

I've noticed a few people mention NOT using copper on these guys, but have also seen from a few respected sources that Regals handle copper quite well, especially in comparison to other Angels.

I generally treat all new arrivals with PP and CP as a standard. Has anyone actually tried CP with a regal?
CP generally stands around here for Chloroquine Phosphate, but I feel you mean Cupramin.
Copper is generally a bad idea because of its limited effectiveness (ich, and maybe velvet If you are lucky) and because it is an immunosuppressant toxin.

In general I only treat a fish when it is actually sick. All I do is to give new fish a formalin bath. Otherwise I just observe for 8 weeks. Ich I only treat when the fish can't fight it off themselves.
CP generally stands around here for Chloroquine Phosphate, but I feel you mean Cupramin.
Copper is generally a bad idea because of its limited effectiveness (ich, and maybe velvet If you are lucky) and because it is an immunosuppressant toxin.

In general I only treat a fish when it is actually sick. All I do is to give new fish a formalin bath. Otherwise I just observe for 8 weeks. Ich I only treat when the fish can't fight it off themselves.
not sure either. i am new to regals and mine is a maldives. very happy with the color.

My LFS has sold a lot of the new batch of Regals. He says that they are all coming in very clean. Hopefully that is the case with everyone out there. Mine had a touch of bacteria on the tip of it's one pectoral fin that I hoped would clear up on it's own, but 4 weeks still there. Hasn't expanded but I'll treat before removing from QT .
On the color topic: A friend has a true 6"Red Sea he got about 5 years ago and it is much brighter orange than my Indian Ocean. Is it because of age and size?
Since you are experiences on several color forms of Regal, I would really love your observations on the color differences of these forms.

My observation from having one blue chest and one yellow chest Regal that is about the same size (yellow is .5 inch larger at 3.5)

Pacific Regal: Narrower yellow bands. Yellow color is more orange shaded. This is particularly prominent on the anal fin. Confirm what other (ThRoewer) have stated that the blue chest seem to be shyer and more reclusive. There is more blue in the white band of this fish. Over all, looks darker than my yellow chest.

Red Sea (at least yellow chest. Alton, who I got this fish from, stated that the seller informed him that this fish was from the Red Sea) is a much less shy. This was a fish that was abused by a smaller Regal in Alton's tank. While not the boss of the tank, he is certainly not taken any flaps from any of my much larger tangs.

Several variables that may or may not affect the observation:
Yellow breast is bigger by a little.
Blue chest have been under my care for 2+ years while the yellow chest just 3 months.
my blue chest have been in captivity since tiny, less than 2 inches. I am not sure about my yellow chest.
Minh colors are sometimes determined by our lamp and LED colors. Back in the day a friend had a 180 with VHO and MH and his purple tangs tail was orange.
My large Regal came from QM through my LFS labeled as Redsea
My Juvenile came from NYAquatic labeled as Redsea
The fish I sold you came from Petco labeled as Redsea
The fish I sold you spent a few months with me, and then a good friends tank full of tangs where it was chased over the over flow, not once but twice. It is funny that it has grown to not be bullied anymore by tangs.
When we order fish we are at the mercy of hoping the wholesaler doesn't lie where they were collected or that they were not collected with the Big "C". My Yellow Belly from QM listed as South Asia that only lived 15 days in QT looked very good.
An update on my little ones from LA, the one in my office continues to eat like a pig and the other one at home in my QT is starting to eat very well.
On another note I attached pictures of containers from LA, my first one not on sale came in the larger, while the on sale fish came in the smaller.


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I love this Regal. Getting a healthy, eating Regal is a that have been in captivity for 6+ months at a very reasonable price is great. I am only batting 50% an that is counting Your Regal as a success (I should say my Regal that you let me have, he is not your's any more :)). I could not care less if this is a Red Sea or Pacific. I think both of mine are very attractive fish.
My posts are just for learning for all of us. These fish are beautiful. As you can see from my pictures, he is a beautiful fish and I am very fortunate, and grateful to you, to have him in my tank. I love this fish very much. If i have a favorite fish in my tank, he is it. (I think the gill spike is quite long in compare to my other Regal)
Please do not take these posts as criticism of you. This though never enter my mind, please don't think of it as such.
Want to write more to let you know that I am not at all unhappy with you, but I am out of time, got to get ready to go to work. Rained all day and all night yesterday and everything is flooded here in Corpus. Wish me luck.
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Minh you are a good friend and I would not take it that way. I think colors of fish come from different things from if they are collected from a rich area, what we feed, to if they are in a sterile tank or a reef tank. Looking at the poor quality picture I had of your fish from 4-12-15 with all three there was no difference in color of the three, and I know it did not have long gill spines at the time, so he has definitely matured into a male. When I had it in my 300 even the smaller one picked on it. Looking at my Regals today versus 3+ years ago I think they look just as good if not better because of all the great food out on the market, plus being in a reef tank. Minh's would be center bottom (FYI always clean your glass before pictures)


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Regal Angel Primer

CP generally stands around here for Chloroquine Phosphate, but I feel you mean Cupramin.
Copper is generally a bad idea because of its limited effectiveness (ich, and maybe velvet If you are lucky) and because it is an immunosuppressant toxin.

In general I only treat a fish when it is actually sick. All I do is to give new fish a formalin bath. Otherwise I just observe for 8 weeks. Ich I only treat when the fish can't fight it off themselves.

Thanks for the response, and inferring correctly what I meant by "CP."

I've been felt pretty successful with prophylactic treatment, but perhaps I should reconsider... Especially with the Regal.
I have a question. I have bought a small one from LA, a little less than 2". He is in a 80g breeder with rocks and a few other small fish. If I buy another small one what's the chance of them co-exist consider the size of the tank?