Regal Angel Primer has small mysis in flats that is very similar in size to the Hikari flats, its also cheaper and you get more. Hikari mysis and brine are hard to come by near me for whatever reason, thankfully I found Jehmco
I just went to their website. I am glad to know about Jehmco. My next order is going to be from them. I just ordered 200.00 worth of frozen food, so I will all set for a while (4 months or so)
Thanks Dmorty217
I have to buy a tray cubed small mysid that is small for my baby Regal can eat it.

I go through a pound plate of Mysis in roughly a week - the cubed food would just be too costly and inconvenient.

I got to have a closer look at - it may be worth ordering from them.
I MO the pound frozen food too. Several hundred dollars at a time. However, the Mysid that I got was too big so I have to buy a cube tray to feed my baby Regal, but he did not make it :(
Do any of you guys make your own food blend? I just go to the local seafood market and get the freshest stuff I can get, and make my own food. $200 bucks for four months of frozen food seems pricey to me, but then again, I don't know how much your feeding. I don't even care about the money factor, I just want the best food for my peeps! Chopped fresh mussels, clams, fresh grouper and various other tid bits along with some nori and selcon makes for a pretty tasty dinner....I think!
I used to but I find that the food blend will wasted a lot and too much of the blend will get liquidized or close enough where it will be just a nutrient load on the tank.
You are likely feeding the wrong mysis shrimp if he can't eat them whole.
I always get the large plates from Hikkari as they have the smallest mysis I could find.
PE mysis is too large for most of my fish to swallow whole easily (except the Marine Bettas who clearly prefer them).
My little 55mm Maldives regal is able to take the small Hikkari mysis whole.

Thanks, I never knew Hikkari marketed a smaller mysis. My LFS only carries PE Mysis. I'll see if they can get some in. If not I'll try Jehmco. My kids left the freezer door open all day and I lost most of my frozen fish food anyway. Sad thing is the fish food was worth more than the human food.:lolspin: Thanks again for all the tips.
I used to but I find that the food blend will wasted a lot and too much of the blend will get liquidized or close enough where it will be just a nutrient load on the tank.

I agree that could be an issue. I try not to chop mine up to fine, but it does broadcast out decently when introduced into the tank. I figured that the smaller pieces would be eaten by the crabs, corals and other fauna in the tank. Maybe that explains why I have hair algae in my tank:rollface:
Do any of you guys make your own food blend? I just go to the local seafood market and get the freshest stuff I can get, and make my own food. $200 bucks for four months of frozen food seems pricey to me, but then again, I don't know how much your feeding. I don't even care about the money factor, I just want the best food for my peeps! Chopped fresh mussels, clams, fresh grouper and various other tid bits along with some nori and selcon makes for a pretty tasty dinner....I think!
funny, sounds like you're describing LRS food. larry makes some of the best widely available food on the market in all different sizes, nano, and chunky. might be worth looking into instead of the time in prep of your own blend.
Do any of you guys make your own food blend? I just go to the local seafood market and get the freshest stuff I can get, and make my own food. $200 bucks for four months of frozen food seems pricey to me, but then again, I don't know how much your feeding. I don't even care about the money factor, I just want the best food for my peeps! Chopped fresh mussels, clams, fresh grouper and various other tid bits along with some nori and selcon makes for a pretty tasty dinner....I think!

I make my own food. The biggest issue is consistency, that's hard duplicate especially when you only do it 3-4 times per year. I suggest Chefzilla over LRF but that's just me
wow they even offer cyclop-eeze in cans! I've been looking for none frozen cyclop-eeze forever!

did you guys order the Mysid? not the Mysis right?

Frozen Mysid species - small
1 Kg (2.2 LBS)
contains 2 x 500 gm flat packs

Frozen Mysis*
(Mysis relicta) Canadian Mysis
2.5 LBS (1.13 Kgs)
Do any of you guys make your own food blend? I just go to the local seafood market and get the freshest stuff I can get, and make my own food. $200 bucks for four months of frozen food seems pricey to me, but then again, I don't know how much your feeding. I don't even care about the money factor, I just want the best food for my peeps! Chopped fresh mussels, clams, fresh grouper and various other tid bits along with some nori and selcon makes for a pretty tasty dinner....I think!

I don't like to feed blended foods. IMO the food should look like what the fish would find in the wild. I tried to feed LRS food a few times but my fish didn't care too much for it.
For many finicky eaters it also helps if they can recognize the food as an organism they usually feed on.

I also don't want to turn my fish into cannibals by feeding them other fish. Also, feeding wild or farmed fish may be a way to introduce certain diseases.

The whole point of feeding clams is the excitement they generate when fed on the shell. You loose that when just throwing them into the mix and chopping them finely.

What I have done in the past was getting a whole squid at the grocery store and chop it up into pieces the fish could swallow easily. Back then my fish could never get enough of that, but when I bought some prepared and blistered squid at the LFS, my fish didn't like it. It seemed to tough, as if it had been partially cooked. I may get some fresh squid from the Asian market here and try it with that again.
I have question regarding the sub-population of the Regal angels.

From what I read, the Red Sea Regal angel should have the most orange, especially the the lines of the anal fin, then the Pacific Regal. The Indian Ocean is more yellow, less orange, especially of the anal fin.

Is this true or am I mistaken?

The question is my Yellow Chest Regal was suppose to be a Red Sea Regal. However, he seem more yellow over all rather than orange. The Glue chest Regal that I have is smaller than the Yellow chest by about 1/2 inch. My Blue Chest Regal is certainly more orange over all than my Yellow Chest, that is bigger. Below are two pictures of the two Angles. In real live, the coloration is a little more different, but I cannot capture it really well in photos.

Same camera, same lighting, no adjustment other than cropped and resized.

What do you guys think? Is my Yellow chest a Indian Ocean or Red Sea?



Since you are experiences on several color forms of Regal, I would really love your observations on the color differences of these forms.

My observation from having one blue chest and one yellow chest Regal that is about the same size (yellow is .5 inch larger at 3.5)

Pacific Regal: Narrower yellow bands. Yellow color is more orange shaded. This is particularly prominent on the anal fin. Confirm what other (ThRoewer) have stated that the blue chest seem to be shyer and more reclusive. There is more blue in the white band of this fish. Over all, looks darker than my yellow chest.

Red Sea (at least yellow chest. Alton, who I got this fish from, stated that the seller informed him that this fish was from the Red Sea) is a much less shy. This was a fish that was abused by a smaller Regal in Alton's tank. While not the boss of the tank, he is certainly not taken any flaps from any of my much larger tangs.

Several variables that may or may not affect the observation:
Yellow breast is bigger by a little.
Blue chest have been under my care for 2+ years while the yellow chest just 3 months.
my blue chest have been in captivity since tiny, less than 2 inches. I am not sure about my yellow chest.

Can you comment on the thickness of the yellow bands on the body? I find that the Red Sea Yellow bands are wider than the Blue chest yellow bands.

The yellow-orange is the base/background body color. The bands are the white stripes with the black-blue borders. Regal angel have usually 11 of these bands on either body side: one small before the eye, one behind the eye, one over the edge of the operculum that branches off to cross the belly area and end at the start of the anal fin, 6 wider ones on the body, and finally two on the tail. The last may just be a thin line along the tailfin root.
The body and tail bands loop in the anal fin. Especially on Pacific regals they seem to form clear and even loops, while Red Sea and Indian Ocean specimen often have a more chaotic pattern.

Pacific blue gray chest regals are more variable in coloration than Red Sea and Indian Ocean yellow chest regals. Pacific specimen can have a background coloration that ranges from bright yellow over orange yellow to an ochre tone. In general their bands are wider which gives them a more overall blue appearance. Their color scheme seems to be much more camouflage that that of the YBR.

Very variable is also the tailfin color of Pacific specimen. It can range from a yellowish green over pale green to almost a pale white or even clear.
The tailfin color of Indian Ocean specimen is always a shade of orange yellow or yellow, sometimes with a hint of green on the edge, while Red Sea specimen always have a fairly solid orange-yellow tailfin. Generally, with Red Sea and Indian Ocean specimen, the orange-yellow of the tailfin is a tad lighter and more towards yellow than the body background.
Usually the tailfin coloration of YBR becomes more solid with age.

Your Pacific regal seems more orange-yellow, though more often they are quite pale yellow. Nutrition may play a role as well as the colors of the tank and region of origin. Yours seems to be also still quite small.

I had this one in a tank with lots of hairy green and red algae, but she had that coloration already when I got her:

This fish was about 4.5 inch long.

The lightning and camera of course also have an influence on the appearance in pictures.

Age also plays a role as especially the Red Sea and Indian Ocean specimen stretch with age which makes the background color more prominent and the whole fish appear more orange-yellow.

I would say that your YBR is from the Red Sea. The white bands are narrow and the background color is very evenly orange-yellow which gives the fish a more overall orange-yellow appearance.
In my experience Maldives regals are a little lighter in their yellow in the chest area and their bands are slightly wider.
Also, if this fish was bought on the east coast it likely came from the red sea, or East Africa as Red Sea imports usually come into the US over the Atlantic route (shorter).
Maldives come either way - the flight time to LA going east is just an hour longer than to New York via the westward Atlantic route.

Red Sea fish seem to have the more intense and cleaner coloration than Indian Ocean or Pacific regals. The reason may partially lie in the mineral richness of the Red Sea due to being surrounded by deserts. It is also a particularly nutrient poor sea as it has no significant freshwater influx from rivers, which are the primary source of organic nutrients.
Another factor is for sure genetics.

Interestingly all Pygoplites juveniles are yellow regardless if from the Pacific or Indian Ocean. Given what we know so far about the evolutionary history of Pygoplites and their closest relative of the Genus Holacanthus, I would say that the color change from an all yellow background to a grey blue chest fits more the common color change pattern of large angel fish and especially Holacanthus.
The YBR seem to have dropped this color change during their isolation in the Red Sea and keep their juvenile coloration throughout their life. The only remaining coloration change is the replacing of the eyespot on the soft rayed dorsal fin.
Her is a video of my Regal who is doing really well. Added him 3-4 weeks ago. He no longer gets pushed around by the bully Chevron and eats like a pig. Loves frozen foods, clams and especially likes chopped shrimp. My Mother in Law lives with us and asked "is it really necessary to chop up shrimp for your fish and don't most people just put some flakes in their tanks to feed them?"
Her is a video of my Regal who is doing really well. Added him 3-4 weeks ago. He no longer gets pushed around by the bully Chevron and eats like a pig. Loves frozen foods, clams and especially likes chopped shrimp. My Mother in Law lives with us and asked "is it really necessary to chop up shrimp for your fish and don't most people just put some flakes in their tanks to feed them?"

You can still tell he is a little bit weary of your tang...