Paul, I have a question for you.
I've had the hoeven's wrasse (melanarus) for three days now. He is still not accustomed to my lighting schedule, as he is out early in the morning, and then to bed he goes. Very pretty fish, and much larger than I anticipated he would be (about 3.5" already).
Here is my question. My LFS has aquired a Christmas wrasse (ornatimuss?). Would these two be compatible in my 75? Would I need to feed them more?
Current fish list:
2 Ocellaris
Royal Gramma
Diamond Goby
Pygmy (Cherub) Angel
Kole Tang
Hoeven's Wrasse
Would I be able to support them both? I really like how striking they both are, and would love to place them both in my tank. I have read that the halichoeres genus can co-exist, but I was wondering if you had any experience with that.