Regarding the new article about Halichoeres melanurus


You could get a ticket!!
Is there a collection area that is more ideal due to more humane collection methods?

For example; Live aquaria lists Indonesia, Cebu and Fiji as it's collection points.

Thanks for your insight into this :) I do not wish to support bad collection practices.
In all honesty, I do not know the practices of the individual collectors so I can not give you a factual answer. What i do know is that the older methods of cyanide dosing are not common anymore and fish are generally caught by the tried and tested method of netting.

Sorry I can not be more specific.

Why no photos of a female? Surely you had females in your aquarium when you added 4 juveniles... ?
There is no mystery. In the article I state that I gave 2 away, leaving 2. One of the two remaining died along the way. leaving one. A male.
Huh? Who even mentioned a mystery?

Ok let me try this again...

Why no photos of a female melanarus?
Next time you may wish to track an image down from the RC membership ;)

In this case feel free to use mine -


Ordered a Hoeven's Wrasse today - will be here wednesday. I will post pics of it once I get a chance.
They are extremely well colored, and there are quite a few look alikes such as the ornate, christmas and pink face wrasse.

They are all suitable and do much the same job.

Paul, I have a question for you.

I've had the hoeven's wrasse (melanarus) for three days now. He is still not accustomed to my lighting schedule, as he is out early in the morning, and then to bed he goes. Very pretty fish, and much larger than I anticipated he would be (about 3.5" already).

Here is my question. My LFS has aquired a Christmas wrasse (ornatimuss?). Would these two be compatible in my 75? Would I need to feed them more?

Current fish list:
2 Ocellaris
Royal Gramma
Diamond Goby
Pygmy (Cherub) Angel
Kole Tang
Hoeven's Wrasse

Would I be able to support them both? I really like how striking they both are, and would love to place them both in my tank. I have read that the halichoeres genus can co-exist, but I was wondering if you had any experience with that.

Here is a photo of the Christmas Wrasse from the LFS. Can you also confirm (if you are familiar enough) that this is a halichoeres ornatimuss. The pictures online aren't similar.


Not sure why the image isn't showing up properly
That isnt a halichoeres species, note the lack of facial striping.

It looks more like a Macropharyngodon, actually looks like Macropharyngodon geoffroy. have a look at this page:

as you will see, there are some similarities between Macropharyngodon and Halichoeres. However, my experience with Macropharyngodon is that they can be hard to acclimate and dont readily accept flake and other prepared or frozen foods.

I love the Macropharyngodons though- they are very striking.

I have had several halichoeres look a likes (ornate, hoevens) at the same time. They fought but soon settled. I do however have a 600g tank so add more with caution.


LOL..seems like Henry and I agree on the identity....certainly a leopard. As for which leopard....really need a better image.

I also agree, that in 75g, 2 christmas or 2 hoevens wont work out well. i would though suggest the golden halichoeres (sometimes called yellow coris, or banana wrasse). these stay smaller and are very placid and easy to keep.

Glad I asked! I was going to purchase him Sunday. Looks like I will not now.

Appreciate the quick replies guys!