Regarding the new article about Halichoeres melanurus

img codes are working for me - EDIT: but not in this thread....Hmmm


maybe someone doesn't like you Korrine? :) EDIT: Or both of us for that matter!
no they are turned off flamron. Says so in the bottom left corner. That's why only the link shows and not the actual photo.
I don't know, but I know it can be changed :)

Would be awesome if we could actually see the photos!
I have experienced that a certin larger starfish will eat these small starfish also. I had one the was oragne and resembled a chocolate chip star. I watch it move over the small stars on the glass and extend it's stomic and consume it. It was very interesting to watch. However after all the small stars were gone it started to munch on the coral so I had to remove it.

I guess the best part is the Orange star is large enough that it can be easily taken out once all the small stars are gone and passed on to a fellow hobbiest. Verses trying to catch a shrimp that would starve to death eventually.
Paul Whitby, Ph.D. article
Reefkeeping 101 - Pests, Parasites And Things That Go Munch In The Night, Part 2

Asterina sp. Starfish posted in a thread about a different article I had written, regarding melanurus wrasses- hence the confusion.

To answer your point, large stars are predatory and will eat corals while they are also eating asterinas, and I would not recommend them as a way to control asterinas.


how's your wrasse, flamron? Mine's still doing good. Still sitting in QT. I'm afraid to drop into the DT.
Both of mine are doing very well. Glad to hear yours is still doing good, too.
So here is my beautiful wrasse. This gal is gorgeous. She has a blue shimmer!!! Very hard to photograph that. She was picking at the rocks w/in 5 minutes of placing her in the DT. I was happy about that. She should be happy at the amount of sand in my DT at lights out. Will have TONS of sand to sleep in.
Here are the pictures:



Video of wrasse.
Both of mine are doing very well. Glad to hear yours is still doing good, too.

Hey flamron, quick question... do you ever notice a problem with your Diamond Goby sifting sand and disturbing your Wrasse? I'm about to get a Diamond Goby but have held off because I am worried it will disturb my Hoeven's Wrasse while she is sleeping in the sand, causing her stress.

For the short period that he was alive after I got the wrasses, he didn't disturb them. I "think" the wrasses may have killed him though. I found my Diamond Goby on a powerhead a couple weeks ago. Not really sure what happened, but he caused some serious havoc in my tank. I believe I had an ammonia spike, which has really done a number on quite a few corals. I was really busy at work that week, and he was dead in the tank for probably four or five days before I noticed.