replacement propeller covers for 6055?


New member
hi roger,
do you have spare shrouds or covers for the 6055? a while ago when cleaning ,y covers i used a strong metal wire brush, and ever since then my pumps pick up algae like nobodies business and i have to clean them more frequently than id like...i think roughing up the plastic is what increased the algal growth, i wanted to try replacing them with new ones, if they weren't too expensive.
They are part 6045.130 on, search or look under parts. $14.14, so not too bad. Roger may have used ones as well off dead pumps?[fulltext]=6045.130&x=13&y=11

Are you sure you are killing /cleaning all the algae off them, like with strong vinegar solution....if you leave a little bit it might seed the growth. If it is really roughed up from the wire brush, you might also try very fine sandpaper...though it might mar the finish or make it worse. FWIW, mine collect algae pretty quickly, I think its in part to algae like plastic plus the tremendous amount of flow going by providing nutrients.
thanks jim. i never did the vinegar soak, i just clean them, rinse them and get them back in soak, how long does it take? overnight?
Thank you James!

Yes, they are in stock, you can also use 6095.130 if you want a wider/shorter flow pattern. I don't have any used ones in stock.
6045.130 is what you have, 6095.130 would change the flow pattern to wider and shorter, useful if you have a cube tank for example.
thanks jim. i never did the vinegar soak, i just clean them, rinse them and get them back in soak, how long does it take? overnight?

Not even, I soak mine for about 20-30 along with the pumps. You could try doing it longer, but I doubt any algae would do to well in vinegar. I use a 50/50 of white vinegar and water. Whatever kind I have on ther is almost impossible to fully come off, and I find the pumps clog up a bit after 2 months or so...