Replacing old 6055 & 6105 with new parts


Hi Roger,

I have an old version 6055 and a 6105. I noticed that the shaft on the newer version of these pumps does not extend to the front casing.

I need to replace the propeller, so can you confirm if the new drive unit will fit my old motorblocks?

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The 6055 shaft has always been the same, fixed on only the back end, it does not reach the front cover and should never be removed.

For the 6105, until Nov 2011, the shaft was removable and attached to the motor and front cover. In November 2011 we changed to a shaft like the 6055, fixed on one end. This dropped nearly 10 db of noise and was the reason for the change.

The drive units 6105.700 and 6105.701 are the same except 6105.701 includes no shaft, disk or bushings. They can be interchanged but if you have the older pump you must have a set of shaft, bushings and disk. The new pump also has the disk but if needed for a 6105.701 you would purchase it separately as 3005.740.

i have bought 3 tunze 6105 but these are older versions (the old owner bought them at the beginning of 2011).
I would like to know if i can remove the 6105.700 drive unit and replace it by the 6105.701 drive unit with the 3005.740 bushing and attenuation disk. I asked to Tunze directly through their website but they told me it was not possible. And I have read on this forum that you said it was ! So i am a bit lost.

Is it possible or not and if so, how do i have to do it ?

Thanks a lot for your help.
I don't know where I said it was possible, it is not. The new pumps have a rigid shaft that is fixed in the motor and that cannot be retrofitted in an older pump. You can update the drive unit, from this time period though you should have the most recent 6105.700, it should have a 3005.740 disk (introduced in late 2010) and the titanium grade 2 shaft, introduced in mid 2010. The only way this would be possible is if the motor block 6105.100 was replaced.
Sorry for my misunderstanding.
But i still do not really understand. With my old pump, what can i update without changing the 6105.700 motor, what are the Tunze référence i have to order on their website ?
You should have the most recent version of 6105.700 if it was from after August 2010. Their is no update possible. If the 6105.700 looks like in the link, it is the last update. If the shaft is stainless steel or the disk is without the blue silicon, you could update 3005.740 and 6065.709.[prodid]=6105.700

The new drive unit 6105.701 is without shaft, in versions made since Nov 2011 the shaft is now part of the motor and this upgrade requires a new motor 6105.100.
Are you sure the link is correct because it is a video ?
I checked and it is the new motor block with the shaft. Maybe the previous owner was wrong with the date of his purchase.

Something else a bit strange with the motor block. It is written 10-18V but i thought it was possible to drive them until 24V ! Do you know why ?
Cut and paste the link, reefcentral sometimes cuts the link when it is too long.

From 2009-2011 they said 10-18V, 24V is fine and can also be used.