FoxFace Fish
New member
^^^ lmao
it works since you believed everything. lol.
And so we open another can of worms :lmao::lmao::lmao:
^^^ lmao
it works since you believed everything. lol.
I think the videos/experiments that BRS does are useful; just take them with a grain of salt because they fail scientific rigor on most fronts. No better no worse than an experiment you or I might run.
^^^ lmao
it works since you believed everything. lol.
^^ yep..
Forget skimmers.. forget algae reactors...
Just add more corals..
Let them suck it up..
BRS is becoming a true leader in our hobby and I think it upsets some who wish it to not be a big retail store doing so.
Excessive dissolved organics are a potential problem in and of themselves in some systems. These systems are usually newer ones lacking a dense population of mature corals, sponges, and other organisms that consume dissolved organics. For example, IME, cyanobacteria and possibly dino's are often associated with elevated dissolved organic levels. These organisms can use the N & P bound in the organics and get out of hand quickly when the conditions are right... even when N&P testing shows low or even nonexistent levels.
I believe both a skimmer to limit the dissolved organic levels and some inorganic N & P binding using (turf or macro) algae are desirable. If forced to use only one I'd choose a quality skimmer unless the system was very mature.
Oh no, you can't just walk away from these crazy claims. Those BRS videos are extraordinarily useful and to claim they are a "sales" pitch in disguise is disingenuous at best.
They did just do the black box LED review because the community as a whole was asking for it. They don't sell them and doesn't like they plan to.Of course it's a sales pitch - or at least a way to establish BRS as an 'expert', further the brand and sell more stuff (thus, sales pitch). Come on, surely people aren't that naive. And by the way, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Credibility sells! I just think it's important for folks to understand that these are not scientific studies supported by rigorous testing protocol.
Just answer one question: does BRS to comparison videos on stuff they don't sell? If they don't, then the argument for objectivity takes a hit.
They did just do the black box LED review because the community as a whole was asking for it. They don't sell them and doesn't like they plan to.
They did just do the black box LED review because the community as a whole was asking for it. They don't sell them and doesn't like they plan to.
That's where I'll leave that topic and any other BRS related talk.
They go over this exact scenario in multiple videos and they even ran into the same problem at the very beginning. They tore that tank down and started over. The second time around they made sure to remove the hair algae and eventually the chaeto out competed the hair algae.Well, I'll tell you guys my experience with cheato, the BRS video, etc.
I've been having problems with cyano. My wife had some health problems and the tank took a back seat. I wasn't changing water like I needed to. Once I had time to spend on the tank, I did a lot of water changes. The cyano persisted. My nitrates were above 2.0. I am trying to get an ATS, but it's been slow.
I watched the BRS video and decided to try the Kessil H380 Halo II. Well, it certainly grows much more than the $20 bulb from Lowes. No question about it. However, my issue is that it's growing hair algae like crazy. The cheato isn't doing much. Well, hair algae is growing on the cheato. This weekend, I'll pull out the cheato and try to get an idea if it has grown much. I did take some pictures before I started with the Kessil.
My fuge is not large. It's part of my 40g breeder sump. As a result, the light from the Kessil hits the middle section where the return pump is located - which now has a fair amount of hair algae growing on it. There is also hair algae growing on the sides of the sump. I need to get in there and do some clean up.
Well, I'll tell you guys my experience with cheato, the BRS video, etc.
I've been having problems with cyano. My wife had some health problems and the tank took a back seat. I wasn't changing water like I needed to. Once I had time to spend on the tank, I did a lot of water changes. The cyano persisted. My nitrates were above 2.0. I am trying to get an ATS, but it's been slow.
I watched the BRS video and decided to try the Kessil H380 Halo II. Well, it certainly grows much more than the $20 bulb from Lowes. No question about it. However, my issue is that it's growing hair algae like crazy. The cheato isn't doing much. Well, hair algae is growing on the cheato. This weekend, I'll pull out the cheato and try to get an idea if it has grown much. I did take some pictures before I started with the Kessil.
My fuge is not large. It's part of my 40g breeder sump. As a result, the light from the Kessil hits the middle section where the return pump is located - which now has a fair amount of hair algae growing on it. There is also hair algae growing on the sides of the sump. I need to get in there and do some clean up.
I've kept chaeto for a decade. For a while I had a Rubbermaid sump full of it; easily 40 gallons worth. I don't know what your routine is, but maintaining chaeto is the easiest thing I do. It's a lot easier than cleaning my skimmer.It is true that most function poorly because they are not maintained well, but if you think that BRS kept those tanks pristine as a hobby and not as a job, or that you can do the same for years and years, then you might be really surprised. Again, none of this is impossible, but I cannot stress enough that it is real work. Most think that it is awesome for a few months while their small ball ramps up and everything is clean, tells everybody on the internet how easy it is and then never follow up when real life sets in a few months later and it all stops or they got a part-time job as an aquatic gardener.
I think that you can totally do this, just be realistic about the time commitment and step up your water changes because organic export is still important for reasons other than N and P.
No, they don't sell the black boxes, but the entire jist of the video is "yes, you can grow coral with a black box, but if you think it's as good as a $800 name brand light in terms of features or quality, you're sorely mistaken." That's almost word for word from the video, which - yes - I have watched.
Whaddya know, they happen to sell several models of these superior "$800 name brand lights."
Again, there's certainly nothing incorrect or flat our wrong about their video, but it is pretty clearly part of a sales program for a profitable business.
A sales pitch is not establishing yourself as an expert to hopefully sell more stuff. A sales pitch is specifically pitching a product to attempt to increase its sales. Demonstrating that a $100 light does rather well against an $800 Radion and that a $20 plant bulb produces nearly identical results to a $300 Kessil Fuge light is not a "sales pitch".Of course it's a sales pitch - or at least a way to establish BRS as an 'expert', further the brand and sell more stuff (thus, sales pitch). Come on, surely people aren't that naive. And by the way, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Credibility sells! I just think it's important for folks to understand that these are not scientific studies supported by rigorous testing protocol.
Just answer one question: does BRS to comparison videos on stuff they don't sell? If they don't, then the argument for objectivity takes a hit.