Replacing skimmer with chaeto?

I don't know what your point in all of this is. A prior post you tried to claim that you weren't being negative, but in this post it's clear you are. You keep trying to walk back from your implication that these videos are misleading or dishonest... And don't say you weren't, because there's no point in saying any of the things you've said except to imply such.

But none of it makes sense because of course the business that's entire existence was based upon hobbyists selling products that they like sell the best lights available... Lol.

Even so, there was nothing about that video that pushed anyone in either direction. They showed the tradeoffs between 2 lights with a $700 price difference.

Uh, you guys are tiring.

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I don't have anything to add here except that it seems clear you're glossing over and not understanding anything I post. I started to write another reply but I realized it read just like what I wrote earlier. Look back above - you seem to be stuck on painting this in black and white. I never said or implied anything was misleading or dishonest. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish by repeatedly fabricating that.

And - you think we are tiring? Bud, you're the one who dug the thread back up to quote something I wrote 10 days ago!
How so?

They both do the same thing in the end: remove nutrients. I'd bet chaeto outperforms a skimmer in this regard even.

Problem with most systems is they don't run enough or large enough refugium sections.

Bulk Reef Supply has some awesome videos on chaeto. I recommend watching them

I run an algae reactor which is arguably tiny compared to an actual refugium. guess what, it's sucking the life out of my 45g. I actually had to remove all of the algae to get N03 and PO4 to go up. It seems like the stronger the light the more the algae removes. BRS did a segment on refugiums and they found that even the smallest chambers filled with chaeto remove a significant amount. Therefore I'm not convinced that a big refugium is needed for normal sized tanks. Maybe for 300+ gallons.
Question (and maybe it was answered, I didn't read but about half of the replies) if one has chaeto and a clam in a 40 gallon system, should (I know, such a vague term "should") I be running a skimmer as well? I have seen marked improvement in the clam since taking the skimmer offline and I have zero algae in my tank (in fact, my palys look like they miss nitrates) but I don't want other things (the non-organics) to build up if the clam and the chaeto are not enough.
If I DO bring the skimmer back online, should I just run it one day a week or something? Thoughts?