Rescue of Blue Hippo and Yellow Tang


New member
About a month ago I found a 90g for sale on CL and I bought it and it's contents because when I seen it I felt sorry for the fish. Anyway, there was 1 hippo tang about 5" and 1 Yellow tang about 5-6" and a Domino Dansel about 5".
The 90 was not in great shape and needed to be resealed if I was going to consider using it and the rock and everything in the tank was covered in aiptasia and there was no way I was going to try and set it up and deal with that. So scrubbed and rinsed a few of the rocks, bought some new sand and put that and the 2 tangs in a 40B. For filtration, I used a HOB bio-wheel cartridge filter, HOB PS and added in a Hydor 750/850 powerhead.

As for the damsel, I immediately gave it away because it was very aggressive and it is currently living in a sump by itself. Not the nicest way to live out ones life but it is fed and still alive and that is better than the alternative.

Anyway, the 2 tangs were a bit neglected and the hippo had gray blotches around his eyes and it looked as if the gray was starting to spread to the rest of the body. My research had revealed that it may be related to malnutrition and considering that the prior owner was feeding them freshwater tropical fish flakes and koi pellets. I believe my research and assumption of malnutrition may be right. Anyway, I picked up some herbivore reef frenzy and brown seaweed and within the month both fish are less skiddish. The hippo is even greeting me when I walk up to the tank and his/her gray spots appear to be getting better. The yellow still hides when I get near but is getting braver every day. I think it is starting to understand that I am the food source.

The question I have is: How long can I keep them in the 40B without causing detrimental lasting effects? I ask because I am currently in the planning stages of a 250 cube build but that is 18 months (Jan 2016) away from coming a reality and operational.
As for the 40B. Water tests are not bad, Nitrates are 10-15ppm but are getting better, ammonia/Nitrite/phosphates are at O ppm and PH is about 8.1. I am doing 5g/bi-weekly WC's. I did them weekly when I first set it up just to be sure but everything is very consistent and I feel that there is little chance of a cycle or spike if I am consistent with my maintenance.

Thanks for reading,
Tom G
You rescued two tangs from a 90 to put in your 40. What happened to the 90 gallon?

You typed this whole story to ask if you can keep a yellow and hippo tang in a 90 gallon until January 2016? How did you determine this date?
You rescued two tangs from a 90 to put in your 40. What happened to the 90 gallon?

You typed this whole story to ask if you can keep a yellow and hippo tang in a 90 gallon until January 2016? How did you determine this date?

Please re-read my post.
I would try to rehome them. At least you brought them back to health. Bottom line though those fish will not last in a 40b for long.
I would try to rehome them. At least you brought them back to health. Bottom line though those fish will not last in a 40b for long.
Not what I was hoping to hear but I know you are right. Going to give them a week or two to make sure that they are disease free and then find them a new home.
Thanks for the advice,

Tom G
You rescued two tangs from a 90 to put in your 40. What happened to the 90 gallon?

You typed this whole story to ask if you can keep a yellow and hippo tang in a 90 gallon until January 2016? How did you determine this date?

Please re-read my post.

My bad just reread your post. You want to know if you can keep the 2 tangs in a 40 until January 2016, not a 90.
Depending on the size of the fish right now they should be fine.. Don't let the tang police discourage you. You can tell by looking at them if they are doing okay nor unhappy. All that matters is if they have room to swim and hide comfortably without bumping into stuff. If you had the funds to set that 90 up after cleaning it I would do that, let it cycle then put them in there. A 90 for them should be plenty of room until you get your other tank
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I don't think it's a smart idea to be keeping them in that size a tank for that long... I had a 65 gallon with a blue, who got to big for it in a year, got a 250 because i knew it would be more than adequate.
i'm not the most educated on this subject but i don't think they will survive for long in the 40B, but honestly I'm glad to hear about what you did. it kind of makes me mad that someone would treat fish like that but i am happy to see that you took an initiative in bringing the fish back to good health. good luck with everything and hope the 160 goes well!
I'd suggest you rehome them once they're healthy... Do you know a good LFS who can find responsible owners? Or perhaps you could ask on here if anybody wants them. Those are decent-sized tangs, bigger than most I've seen for sale, so I bet someone would take them.
he'd get hosed on store credit from most LFS. They'd give him $50 for both and turn around and put a $125 price tag each on em. And then they wouldn't have a guarantee of going to a good home and a big tank. Better off finding someone to take them or see if a local Aquarium can house them for him.
he'd get hosed on store credit from most LFS. They'd give him $50 for both and turn around and put a $125 price tag each on em. And then they wouldn't have a guarantee of going to a good home and a big tank. Better off finding someone to take them or see if a local Aquarium can house them for him.

You cant make some broad statement like that. I always gave 80% store credit or 50%cash for fish people sold me. And that is what the other LFS does to this day. It depends on where you are.
Every LFS I've been too has done that, at least 5 of the ones near me in the Tampa,fl. area
I guess you are one of the few that does that then, at least in my experience
It likely is a regional thing-perhaps in smaller markets there is a closer relationship between retailer and customer.. The two sides of the coin to me are- from a retailers perspective it is better to get a tank acclimated fish- so it has more value. From the consumer standpoint- one has to understand that the price put on a fish reflects the fact that the store has overhead and risks that they are assuming by taking your fish. In this case though, if it is a rescue situation money is secondary.
I had a few moments and thought I would post an update and also thank everyone for all the advice and guidance.

Well both fish are doing great. They appear to be happy in their temporary home and eating everything that is put in front of them. Their main food is Herbivore frenzy (from reef frenzy) and I occasionally feed them Mysis or brine shrimp but they go nuts for dried brown seaweed sheets on a chip-clip and absolutely go bonkers when I give them fresh algae from my algae turf scrubber.

Anyway, the color of the yellow is very bright now and the blue is getting better each week. The blue's colors are 10x brighter than a month ago but I have my doubts that the gray patches around the it's eyes is ever going to go away.

As for their disposition, when I first re-homed them they hid when they seen any movement outside the tank even from 30 feet away and the yellow went nuts if you put your hand in the water to fix or move anything. With a lot of patience and a month of standing in front of the tank at feeding time. They have finally put their love of food in front of their fears and now they come out to grab a bite to eat when you are standing there. They even come out when you walk past the tank to see what you are doing. They still hide when I chip-clip the seaweed in the tank but come out as soon as my hands are out of the water.

My current plan is to keep them a few more weeks before giving them away. I have put some feelers out there and I have found a few leads for people with large tanks that will rehome them for me and give them a great place to live. So that is encouraging.

Well that's about it, except that I would like to thank everyone again for all the help, encouragement and advice. It was very much appreciated. :D

Tom G
Did you not have plans for the 90? I'd figure they would rather be in that than the 40x40x40 or the 40B. If you don't plan to use the 90 maybe you could sell them together as you bought them.