Return to the Large Tank forum with a 210G Elos

Thanks everyone, Kai is definitely all boy! I predict he'll be taller than me by age 14. :lol:

Tank is doing fine, I'm just waiting for several things to come in. With the baby, my wife is now busting my balls to get it done. We had a storm last night and had a power outtage and my sump overflowed, arggh - its a mess. I think about 3 or 4 gallons spilled. When I got home, the tank was full of bubbles because when the power came back on the sump water level was too low and the return pump was pulling air. It looked cloudy and for about a few seconds my heart just fell to the floor - I thought it was that "SPS Death Milky Look" - but it was just bubbles. This morning all looks fine, no sign of stress at all. I had my Top Off turned off, which was probably a good thing or it would have pumped 4 gallons of FW into the tank.

The ironic part is that I made it thru the AZ Monsoon Season, dust storms, and the rolling blackouts without a power outtage (holding my breath, knowing my sump is too small) - and Monsoon Season ended a week ago, it was pretty cool last night - and we have a blackout with the minor storm.

But all is well that ends well. Can't say the Mrs is all that happy though. :lol:
I was up late last night, I had a long reply to your (our) situation.

This is the first time im glad that the browser said (off line for back-up) as I hit the post button. I would have been booted from RC.

(this is my more civil reply)

I feel your pain David. I lost a rug worth as much as a lot of folks car due to this issue. To be honest im growing numb to the problem and I am fighting for the last bit of will to make my own sump, before I pump a 12GA slug in the POS.

(clean and watered down PG version)

Ok, there ya go.. Back to doing wet floor moonwalks.
Hey Bill - got your email, sorry to hear about the coral losses. I'll try to help you restock.

Thanks Chris, I've been waiting for a replacement sump for the sump 1000 for a little while. The 160XL was a new product and they didn't have the sump ready for it. Elos sent replacement sumps to the US, but they didn't work. So myself and CalvinC4S (and I presume other 160XL System owners) have been waiting. Jesse has been great, doing everything he can - it just seems like Elos has been a bit slow to get the new sumps made (its been over 5 months now). I probably should have just switched out the sump or modified my sump awhile ago - I've been really lucky - we get rolling blackouts regularly and I haven't had any this year (during the hottest summer here EVER). Then a medium sized storm takes out our electricity. I heard Scottsdale got hit also, which is where Bill lives.

I'm waiting for so many things - sump, skimmer, chiller, new light, Vortech controllers and a few other things, its getting a little frustrating. Some are recent orders, some are just delayed. Throw a new baby, power outtage and growingly impatient wife (I promised her the tank would be done after dropping this much coin), and the lighting problems I had - and at times I reeeally wish I would have stuck with the 120XL. I have equipment still in boxes because I need to wait for all the new stuff.

Just a little frustrated right now, this experience has been sooo different than the last one.
Thanks David,

Congrats on the new member of your family, I didn't read the page before this and it slipped by, That is so awesome!

I never knew you had one on the way!

Good looking! Just like his mama :D
Well I hope that at the end of the day all the troubles your having will be worth it. I'd hate to see all your hard work go down the drain, bad pun, but hey :lol:

I forgot to say congrats to - sorry


Congratulations on the new addition to your family :)


Well needless to say, the baby has kept me BUSY! But today was like Christmas in Arizona. Well, except for the 95 degrees. :) I had three deliveries from FE and UPS, all with big boxes. I haven't had a lot of time for the tank - but all my corals are doing great so I'm happy. Because of some temporary equipment and the instability that resulted - I decided to remove my sandbed. It was a battle with cyano - I got rid of my Tunzes and replaced them with four Vortechs. I've had some issues with them and haven't been able to run them full blast. Anyway, removing the sandbed was something I wish I would have done a couple months ago. It will DEFINITELY go back when its all online.

So here are some of the deliveries. First, from Aquarium Specialty -

Vortech wireless controllers! Should fix the problems I've been having ...

I also got this really cool picture box. It attaches to an SLR and you can just dunk it under water, the lens is actually submerged a few inches. I've seen some GREAT shots with it, and its only $35 or so. Also heard this gel was supposed to be the best, so I tried a couple larger tubes.


Next, from Finsreef. I decided to use the largest version of the Ocean Geotronic chiller, the 900 model. I like that it has a heater built in so the chiller & heater never compete. Plus it keeps a steady temp - not with the 2 degree swing. I know its not crucial for corals but with a lot of lighting - I notice my tank goes from 77 to 79 to 77 to 79 probably 7 or 8 times during the lighting cycle. So I wanted something a little more stable. I had been using a JBJ Arctica 1/4HP which surprisingly chilled the 210 very well. Took it from 79 to 77 very quickly and its very silent. The Geotronic is smaller, probably uses less electricity, no freon to charge or fail - the only moving, breakable part are the fans themselves.

It also comes with a stainless bracket.


Then I went old school, for me at least. I've had a LOT of different skimmers over the last several years. BK, Deltec, H&S, ER. The first European model I ever had was the A200 2x1260. Then I replaced it with a bigger H&S, switched tanks and went to a BK300 External, also used a Deltec AP702 and an Elos Skimmer. I had an H&S custom made for my last Elos tank and I'm currently using it. Its doing a great job but I wanted a little more power so I can load up with fishies. These were all incredible skimmers and I've come to realize that most skimmers skim very well - if you understand how to operate skimmers.

But the first high end skimmer that replaced my ER 12-2RC dual Sedra pump (POS) was an H&S 2x1260 with the 8" body. Unlike most other European skimmers, it can't really utilize the extra umph Americans get from operating on 60 hertz. It operates best at what it was designed for - around 1,300LPH-1,500LPH. But its tall, slender design and high water input really creates an incredibly efficient skimmer that strips nutrients VERY quickly. Because most Americans don't like the thought of NOT using all 1,800LPH it can put out - H&S designed the A250, the same skimmer but with a 10" body for the US market. So I had to special order this unit. I can't wait to take it out of the box!

But since its still in the box, here is the exact same skimmer from back in 2004.



More to come .......
Well the D-Backs start in a few minutes so I'm going to half to postpone the rest for later. I might have to drown my sorrows if they lose again to the Rockies (went to the game last night and thats exactly what I did there :( ). At least the Suns are right around the corner ....

But there is some really cool stuff coming - some stuff from Grotech, Profilux and Elos ....
Glad to see you're going back to H&S...I bought mine after talking to you about them...I was kinda bummed to see you switch to other skimmers after you'd talked me into mine. S'all good though.

Question for you regarding the Vortech you need a controller for every Vortech? I thought one controller would handle up to 10 Vortech's?

I must be dreaming, Dave updated his thread :lol: Four vortechs, woww that's alot of flow man. I'm a fan of the bsi gel as well, because one tube lasts forever.
Hi David,

Been awhile so I decided to jump in here and say the tank is going to be absolutely sweet. All the equiptment is second to none for sure.
Have you replaced the Sfigiloi yet?

Congratulations on the newborn :) . Make sure to take it all in, they grow so fast. Before you know it big brother will be teaching him how to drive John Deere "Gator" :)

Take Care and please extend a congrats to mom as well. Job well done mom :)

very nice equipment and congrats on the newborn.I thought you just bought the elos skimmer did you not like it?Its funny every time I look at your thread you are always buying something new to replace something that was pretty new to begin with.
I hate sports! :lol:

Thanks Chad, I really appreciate it! I did get a different light - I'll try to get a better update tonight. Since I received the new dual fuse ballast from AO, I haven't had any problems - fires up every time and I have 7 fuses to spare. :) One nice thing about the dual ballast is now there are two power cords for the 2x400W, they used to be on one and that was a monster load kicking on, probably 900W.

Nick - I've been using the H&S for probably a year now. I tried some other brands on previous tanks but had this H&S custom built for the 120XL. Its been great and is probably enough for the 160XL, but I decided to get a bigger skimmer anyway. Yes, you need a different controller for each VT. I think they're about $75 each so it can add up, but most people will only need two or three so its not too bad.

Steve - thanks! I didn't get the Elos skimmer with this unit. I worked out a deal with Elos, since the skimmer this comes with (NS4000) wouldn't fit in the sump - and I had a great skimmer already - I paid the difference and got the Elos Ca Rx instead. The NS4000 is more than enough but because I needed a skimmer right away, and had one - Elos helped me out with that. I'm pretty happy because this Ca Rx is really nice. I did replace the Sfiligoi, even though AO got it working - because I wanted a little more T5. Other than that, I didn't really replace anything - just been waiting for deliveries. Throw in customs, delays, and its been a lot of frustration.

I'll get the other pix up later tonight!
How do you like the elos reactor.They have some nice looking stuff.I like the chiller you got but I know its way out of my price range.I always thought it was a cool way to chill the water without having to use a massive amount of electricity.I have read that those units produce a lot of humidity or if there is a lot of humidity they don't cool as well.I can't remember exactly.I know they work with fans only.What if the room or cabinet is hot?How effective are they then.My system is a good 400 gal so I would need the largest unit and I know this things cost a small fortune so I think its way out of my already depleted budget
Hey man, the Ca Rx is working great. I had it running on a tank of just SW to get used to it, but its back offline now. I'm waiting for the new sump before I hook this up - it will be the last thing I put online.

On the Geotronic - I could be wrong but I don't believe they make one that big. I will LYK my thoughts when I get it up & running soon. They don't produce humidity - that is the Deltec Eco Cooler - but they don't work in hotter/humid areas. Not recommended for running inside your wet cabinet unless its dry and well ventilated. I'm guessing though you'd be better off with a standard chiller. IMO, JBJ and Teco are great options. Aquarium Specialty had a deal on the biggest Teco - not sure anymore.

Gotta run!
Nice stuff. So H&S is your fav....and it only took you about 20skimmers to figure that out :D :lol: Glad you are back to what you like. So the 8" body makes a huge improvement over the 10"...weird most people are always about bigger is better. Interesting enough

Can't wait to see more
Great Stuff David! Now, thats a lot of flow with 4 vortechs! make me think that i dont have enough flow in mine ;) Great thing about the wireless controller, thats something i will also change on mine! Have you try it yet? how is it?
How much space to you require in the back of the tank for the vortech.I was thinking of getting one just for extra flow.I save d the link for that chiller I will probably get that model.thanks