Ricky's Reef (120 Gallon)


Acropora Nut
Well it has been 6 months since my last post and a lot has changed with my tank. I am starting a new build because this time I think I have everything set in place for success.

The specifications of my equipment and live stock are as follows.


120 Gallon Perfecto Glass Aquarium (48”x24”x24”) with internal corner overflow

30 Gallon Sump with Refugium (36”x12”x16”)


Nikon D5100 Digital Camera (16.2 megapixel) with Nikon AF-S DX 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 Lens

Nikon AF-S DX VR 55-200mm f/4-5.6 Lens

Tamron AF 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro Lens

Water Movement Equipment

One Jebao DCT-6000 (1,056 - 1,585 GPH, 42 watts)

Loc-Line return hose (0.75”)

One Jebao RW-15 Pump (317-3,962 GPH, 12-35 watts)

Lighting Equipment

Two Lumenarc III mini Stealth Pendants (14.5”x14.5”x7”)

Two 250 watt 20K Hamilton DE Metal Halide Bulbs

Two 250 watt LuXcore Dimmable Electronic Ballast

One Aquatic Life retrofit T-5 48” lighting 2x54watt (2 bulbs total)

Two ATI True Actinic 03 54 watt T-5 Bulb

Water Quality Equipment

6 Stage Bulk Reef Supply Reverse Osmosis with Two DI Filters (75 GPD) with booster pump

ATI Powercone I-Series 250 Protein Skimmer with Jebao DCT-4000 pump (30 watts)

AutoAqua Smart ATO Micro Auto Top Off System

Jebao Stand Alone Dosing System (4 Pump)

Two Eheim Jager 150 watt Heater (13”)

One Eheim Jager 100 watt Heater (12”)

100 lbs. of Live Rock (Fiji, Tonga Fusion, Kaelini & Pukani)

60 lbs. Tropic Eden Reefflakes

Chaetomorpha algae


Instant Ocean Salt Mix

BRS Calcium Chloride Part 2

BRS Soda Ash (Alkalinity Buffer) Part 1

Mag Pellet (Magnesium Chloride) Part 3

CVS Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) Part 3

Seachem Strontium Chloride

Brightwell Lugol’s Iodine

Bulk Reef Supply ROX 0.8 Activated Carbon

Bulk Reef Supply GFO


Test Kits

Portable Refractometer

Aqua Craft Salinity Calibration Fluid

API Test Kit (Ammonia & Nitrite)

Hanna Instruments 96107 pH Tester

Hanna Instruments 713 Checker Phosphate Photometer

Salifert Test Kit (Alkalinity, Calcium, Magnesium, Strontium, Potassium & Nitrate)

17 Fish

4 Green Chromis (Chromis viridis)

1 Geometric Pygmy Hawk (Plectranthias inermis)

1 Pintail Fairy Wrasse (Male) (Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus)

1 McCosker’s Flasher Wrasse (Male) (Paracheilinus mccoskeri)

1 Melanurus Wrasse (Halichoeres melanurus)

1 Chevron Tang (Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis)

1 Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flaviscens)

1 Tail Spot Blenny (Ecsenius stigmatura)

1 Striped Blenny (Meiacanthus grammistes)

2 Talbot’s Damsel (Chrysiptera talboti)

2 Azure Damsel (Chrysiptera hemicyanea)

1 Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto)

Invert List

1 Scarlett Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinesis)

3 Pincushion Urchins

30 SPS

Tyree Red Dragon

Skittles Granulosa

BC Banana Caroliniana

Tyree Pink Lemonade

ATL Shades of Fall

Vivid’s Rainbow Delight

Oregon Tort

Purple Bonsai

ORA Cali Blue Tort

ORA Purple Plasma

ORA Hawkins Echinata

ORA Pearlberry

Ricky’s Poison Ivy

Pro Corals Superman

BC Rainbow in Spain

Tyree Purple Dragon Eyes

BC Pink Matrix

BC Beehive 2.0

ARC Fireworks

TCK Smurf Tenuis

TCK Field of Dreams

TCK Dragonfire

JF Fox Flame

RR Rainbow Loom

JF Blueberry Gum

WWC Yellow Tip

PC Rainbow

Tubb’s Pink Jade

Upscales Microcladus

Tyree Blue Matrix


Various acan's and blasto's that I do not know the names to

Neon Green Trumpet

Ricky's Poison Ivy


JF Fox Flame


RR Rainbow Loom


BC Banana Caroliniana
40 Gallon Update

40 Gallon Update

Everything is going great in my 40 gallon breeder. I just added a Jebao dosing pump to keep up with the alkalinity and calcium demands of the corals. Still no protein skimmer, just a 30 gallon sump full of live rock and chaeto lit by two PAR 38 flood lights!




Really, I was told it keeps the gold at lower par. Mine stays solid bright red/pink with a green base.

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I started dosing sodium nitrate but when my nitrates were 0 to 3 mg/L it was more red & gold with a blue growth base, no green coloration at all.
I am starting to see green hair algae grow on the live rock so I started dosing AZ NO3 again as that killed off the algae growth with my previous algae issue. I also added more Chaetoporpha algae into the sump. Nitrates test at 0.2 mg/L (Salifert) and phosphates are 0.02 ppm (Hanna Checker).






A few SPS from today.


TCK Dragonfire


Oregon Tort


Tyree Red Dragon


ORA Purple Plasma

Majority of the corals have paled out due to the nitrates reading at 0.2 mg/L (Salifert) and phosphates at 0.02 ppm (Hanna Checker) so I started dosing KZ Amino Acid's and Sodium Nitrate to help dirty the tank up. I also stopped dosing vodka because the tank water was getting too clean. I would normally clean the glass of the green slime algae every other day and with vodka I would clean the glass once a week.
Nice pieces, hoping they start to grow for you. I recently set up a tank as well and I am also waiting for the tank to not look so empty.