Rics not doing so well


Coral Junkie
A couple months ago I bought a frag with two pink FL ricordias on it. One had two mouthes and the other just one. Lately they havent been looking too hot, then the one with two mouthes just started slowly going downhill and eventually just died off. I still have the smaller one but it's nowhere near as nice as it was when I first got it. My parameters all look good. Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites all 0. And pH is around 8.4

Lighting is 96w Coralife Quad fixture. Flow is an Aquaclear 300 filter, and a maxi-jet 400.
Got any before and after pix?

Did you do something recently? Any kind of change? How's the temperature fluctuation? Any other ricordea's in the tank? How are your other corals doing?

Basically need more info.
No I don't have any before pics anymore because my laptop crashed. No changes, the only thing that I could think of is temperature. No other ricordeas in the tank. All of my other corals are doing good.
how are old are the bulbs? I have never been a fan of FL rics under PC-but that is just me.
What are you Alk swings like? Good luck
You gotta keep paramaters in line to keep stuff thriving and in some cases living. You really need to get test kits and try to keep a balance.

FWIW, i run that fixture on my sump and i cant stand it, not many corals care for it either IME, Nothing i put under it does too great for any ammount of time.
I know that dont make much sense but when you take a coral from the display and put it in the sump of the same system with a powerfull light like that they should do alright, seems anthilia is the only thing that really likes that light.
I had a very similar problem starting with my ricordea just falling off the rocks and floating away. Then they started getting smaller and smaller. A little later other corals started going downhill. Are any of your other corals looking sick? Turns out my Kh was way to low. Now that I've got it back to normal, at tleast they are hanging on. I hope they will come back.
I was going to say your pH seems just a tad high. You should be able to test for alkalinity as they are very intertwined and see if it is between 8-12dKH .. if not get that puppy under control and see what happens

Are you dosing anything or doing anything else ... and when you mention temperature did you have any swings or what is going on? 6 months should still be good for lights.

anythign else in the tank not get along with the ric ?
if all you lvls are good an you see signs in your other corals check your bulbs.. i had the same problem..an i started my rics off with PCs running PH at 8.4an they did just fine.. just keep an eye on your bulbs..

Get a test for alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium. Alk s/b 8.3, cal 400, mg. 1200. Ph 7.9-8.3.