Yeah i love mine i got from you... ill bring one up your way, i got an extra on the frag rack. I go on business 309 around 12:00 every Friday if you want i can swing by and drop it off.
*** ricunger you got any frags for me ?
hahaha i have frags that im not even sure what they are.
i would need therapy if i had a acro like that and it died
......Wait what am I? *scratches head*Dude,I got relatives that im not even sure what they are TOP THAT
thanks dan for all your helpful advice its nice to learn from people with outstanding tanks
Glade to hear you really like chalices I to like them alot I have two so far, but have my eye on like 5 other ones. The one chaliace I have is a little more rare but not hard to get a hold of. I have the Milky way galaxy chalice. I don't see alot of people with that one. Rock on man go out and get some (chalices)!!!