Ro/DI Waste water ratio?


New member
Can you do this test without filters and membrane or they need to be in system? Reason I am asking I just sanitized my RO/DI and going to put in new restrictor and membrane in.
Really the membrane and flow restrictor is all you need to test the waste water, but you take a chance of ruining the membrane doing it this way. Just put the whole system together and run it that way. The only thing you're adding is the pre filters. They are there to protect the membrane.
Ok I did it and getting 125ML water came out.. According to manual It says cut restrictor 14 inches but the restrictor is only 7.5 inches, I am confused here. I got the Red flow restrictor 90GPD from SpectraPure membrane.
No Bulk Reef Supply but I changed a lot of it its basically now a SpectraPure. I tested it by taking a measuring cup to output water and after 1 minute I get only 125ML that's not good.
Now you have to measure the amount of waste water produced in 1 minute.
If it is around 500 ML you are good.

If they have a 50GPD membrane then yes "Good"
125mL a minute comes to just under 50 Gallons a day..

But it seems they have a larger one than that..

Here were my questions from their other post about this..
I'll just paste them here..
Seems to be around 50GPD..

What membrane do you have?
What is your incoming water pressure?
How much waste are you getting in that amount of time?
What is the incoming water temperature?
Are these all new filters?

What brand RO/DI unit are you using?
What were you getting before?