roger ,help w skimmer 9016

As I said-

"the other tube is the silencer. This attaches from the underside of the blue screw attachment and runs down to the pump, it acts like muffler and silences the air noise. It can fill with water if cracked or punctured or the end cap has been pulled off. The best way to check this is to remove the pump, remove the blue screw, pinch you fingers over the blue screw and the hole opposite of it that is under the cup (just on the other side of the plastic from the blue screw) and then blow through the tube that attached to the pump nozzle. If it holds pressure, i.e. you look like Dizzy Gillespie trying to blow into it, the silencer has no leaks. In that case the issue again is the water drain or depth of submersion and water is backing up to that hole behind the blue screw so water is sucked in instead of air"

You need to test this to determine if it leaks, or if the issue is the water is backing up into it. I would lean toward the water backing up into it because it isn't draining well or is too deeply submerged as they usually only leak if they were pulled on or messed with, it isn't something that happens spontaneously.

You are welcome to send it in, but I am on vacation next week so I would not be able to get to it until the 22nd and I think it must be a fairly simple issue, any pics of it installed and disassembled would go a long way.
im pretty sure its it, i pulled that peice of,it seemed to be glued on top the skimmer,and like i said it was filled w water
ok roger, you have been great w all your help,but im stumped here, water level is same , nothing is different ,mind you this is 0ver 5 years old,pump does not have a steel shaft,there is no shaft ,i did the test it seemed air tight , im at a loss,and i really need this skimmer to work, i turned it on , tons of micro bubbles,i put the blue screw in and tightened it and the water receded in the tube,but its not skimming and throwing out tons of bubbles,it also now makes a very loud noise when starting up,it never did that before,i hope this can be fixed , let me know , thank you
hey,there is alot of salt creep on the square box of the skimmer ? could it be plugged up some how ? salt creep is very hard and brittle
does the black skimmer box drain from several places ? cause its got alot oif salt creep at the top and on the seems,would make sense ,cause this started out of nowhere
You seem to be missing what I am saying. It can fill with water for two reasons, a leak, I described how to check it for leaks, or because the skimmer is submerged too deep or not draining properly so water is backing up into the air opening. Their is no logical reason that out of the blue one day it would start leaking, so I suspect water is backing up into it. Please try the leak test I described.
It is a 9015 then, really the same except the pump. This goes back to the water level being too high, water generally only exits the pipe and the hole in the back. Something is going on with the assembly and installation, if water is high enough to seep out the top lid, their is a problem with water draining or the depth it is submerged.

Pics would be a big help, you can email them to me if it is easier- Tunze at sbcglobal dot net.
i did hear you,i said that i did the blow test and it seemed to hold air ? so its not that, the water level in my sump is low if anything ,it is no different ? and the rear of the skimmer is putting out the water like always
ok roger, you have been great w all your help,but im stumped here, water level is same , nothing is different ,mind you this is 0ver 5 years old,pump does not have a steel shaft,there is no shaft ,i did the test it seemed air tight , im at a loss,and i really need this skimmer to work, i turned it on , tons of micro bubbles,i put the blue screw in and tightened it and the water receded in the tube,but its not skimming and throwing out tons of bubbles,it also now makes a very loud noise when starting up,it never did that before,i hope this can be fixed , let me know , thank you

i said i did the test and its air tight , i blew into the hose while holding the openings where the blue screw go in, it was air tight, water level in sump is low not high at all maybe6 inches ,way under max, and it is draining in the rear out of the hole in the back , what can i do
My apologies, I did not realize you had posted so many times and I missed the 2nd page altogether.

Please, a picture of it installed. I promise the issue is with the stand pipe or the back drain hole or the depth of submersion, it is the only possibility. The only other things that come to mind are the cup not being installed properly (off center) which is hard to do, but possible. Or the skimmer is at an angle instead of straight up and down.
roger i have pics of skimmer,difficult to post, can u give me ur email address so i can send them


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I pic of it in the sump as you have it installed would be the most useful-

Tunze at sbcglobal dot net
That is the only back hole, everything looks good in the pictures. I have seen some calcium supplements like calcium gluconate cause a skimmer to react this way and a lot of particulates from some of the less soluble calcium supplements can also cause such a reaction while a precipitate is present or if a lot of free CO2 is produced.
as usual roger was correct,the skimmer settled down and stopped the micro bubbles and started producing good skim, thanks roger and tunze equipment