Rogger, is your homemade Fish Food ready yet?

Sounds like you may be needing a website soon, Rogger...
Let me know, me and the wife will work you out a deal in exchange for fishfood. ;)

Put me down for a bag or two if you have any left.
7 oz? Is that like a sandwich baggy size?

I will take 2 bags of Roger's Seafood Medley

Open today or tomorrow?
Rogger on behalf of all of us I just want to thank you for investing your free time to help us and share some of the success that you have accomplished as a reefkeeper.

The tank looks amazing!
Thanks Lulio, Food is ready for whoever wants it. you can come tonight.
Special thanks to Carlos "invertigator" who help me process 25 lbs of shrimp and press the garlic, Also Jess who help me packed all the food in the bags. Thanks Guys